

单词 biochemically
释义 bi·o·chem·is·try 英ˌbaɪəʊ'kemɪstri美ˌbaɪoʊ'kemɪstri 高COCA⁸²⁷¹⁴BNC⁶⁰¹⁴⁶iWeb⁴⁶⁰⁴⁸

the scientific study of the chemistry of living things

the organic chemistry of compounds and processes occurring in organisms; the effort to understand biology within the context of chemistrygeneral biochemistry普通生物化学…comparative biochemistry比较生物化学,比较生…quantum biochemistry量子生物化学…aerospace biochemistry航空航天生物化学…cellular biochemistry细胞生物化学…plant biochemistry植物生化学,植物生物…clinical biochemistry临床生物化学…functional biochemistry机能生化,功能生化…radiation biochemistry辐射生物化学…marine biochemistry海洋生物化学…soil biochemistry土壤生物化学…electronic biochemistry电子生物化学…molecular biochemistry分子生物化学…sports biochemistry运动生物化学…descriptive biochemistry叙述生物化学…
用作名词n.He studies biochemistry in the university.他在大学学习生物化学。
用作名词Her research is breaking new ground in biochemistry.她的研究正在开辟生物化学的新开地。
I am going to start my doctorate in biochemistry next year.我准备明年开始攻读生物化学博士学位。 For pregnancies at increased risk for nephropathic cystinosis, prenatal testing is also available biochemically, based upon elevated cystine concentration in both chorionic villi and amniocytes.
对于肾病性胱氨酸病高危的妊娠,也可提供基于绒膜绒毛和羊水细胞中增高的胱氨酸浓度生化的产前诊断。 biolinkome

If love is similarly biochemically based, you should in theory be able to suppress it in a similar way.
如果爱情是类似地基于生化反应,那么在理论上你应该可以用同样的方式来抑制。 yeeyan

In the search for biomaterials we have identified ovine forestomach matrix OFM, a thick, large format ECM which is biochemically diverse and biologically functional.
在探索生物材料过程中,我们鉴定出具有多种生物化学和生物学功能的羊贲门窦基质 OFM,一种大而厚的细胞外基质。 te-rm

Most available information relates to serotype O157: H7, since it is easily differentiated biochemically from other E. coli strains.
大多数现有信息均关系到 O157: H7血清型,因为从生物化学方面它容易与其它大肠杆菌菌株相区别。 who

Ozone oxidation and ultrasonic- activated carbon processes have been used respectively for the advanced treatment of the biochemically treated printing and dyeing wastewater.
作者分别采用臭氧氧化法和超声波-活性炭法对已生化处理的印染废水深度处理。 iwt

The one biopsy-positive patient had his prostate subsequently treated with full gland cryoablation and currently remains biochemically disease-free.
唯一一个活检阳性的病人在接收焦点消融术后还接收全腺体消融术的治疗,目前仍保持生物化学上的治愈状态。 dxy

The rats had created, through running, a brain that seemed biochemically, molecularly, calm.
通过运动生成的老鼠脑细胞,不论从生物化学还是分子学上来说,都“很安静”。 yeeyan

This report consists of recommendations for indications, diagnosis, and clinical use of GH in patients with biochemically proven GHD in transition years and in adulthood.
本报告共分适应症,诊断,临床使用患者生长激素与生化证明在成年后的过渡年,生长激素缺乏症的建议。 cpgn

Trials are also needed among subgroups of ICU patients to define biochemically and clinically optimal doses of specific vitamins and minerals.
还需要在不同亚组的 ICU患者中进行临床试验以确定特殊维生素和矿物质的生化和临床最佳剂量。 www.times.ac.cn

Wastewater after blow-off can be treated biochemically.
吹脱后的废水可进行生化处理。 cnki




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