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词汇 Wulu
释义 Wulu
n.武卢在苏旦;东经 29º39' 北纬 6º27'
Recognizing this problem, the Bunun people ofWuluhave started the work of preserving their cultural heritage and passing it on to the younger generation.雾鹿的布农族人已经意识到布农文化面临日渐消失的问题,展开了保护与传承文化的工作。
Here by the middle of Jiuhua Buddhist teaWuluthe mountain overnight to absorb moisture, the independence of the Shun Qihuayicao Lingqi, Tangse green, to Weigan cool.这里所产的九华佛茶朝夕吸纳高山雾露之滋润,独吮奇花异草之灵气,汤色碧绿,回味甘爽。
Fearing that indigenous cultures will eventually be lost, director Chun-hsiung Wang came toWulu, trying to find answers to his many questions by interviewing local people.漫长的拍摄期,导演的镜头细腻地追随高山与族人的依存关系,内在的心却反覆辩证著,谁来见证消逝的文化与传统?
On October 23 before dawn about 4.11 points, located at the Jiangsu Province Jintan new suitable road and JinWulunorth the intersection point, have two vehicle crash.10月23日凌晨4点11分左右,位于江苏省金坛市新宜路与金武路交界处北边,发生两车相撞事故。
Precious Tree Species in Imminent Danger inWuluMt. And Its Protection and Use五鹿山珍稀濒危植物及保护利用




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