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词汇 WUE
释义 WUEBNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
Besides, the relation between WUE and irrigation water amount, effective precipitation and effective irrigation area was analyzed in detail.
分析 WUE与灌溉水量、有效降水量和有效灌溉面积的关系;

For spring peanut and spring peanut, the WUE under CK treatment was the highest.
春花生和春大豆均以 CK处理水分利用效率为最高; cnki

In all the different fertilizer treatments for one crop, the WUE of medium treatment was highest.
对同种作物而言,不同肥料处理的作物水分生产效率比较均以中肥处理水分生产效率为最高。 cnki

In South- Xingjiang, mulched- cotton by drip irrigation the leaf WUE and transpiration rate were related by environmental factors and temperature was the key one.
南疆膜下滴灌棉花水分利用效率、蒸腾速率的大小与棉田冠层环境因子密切相关,其中,温度是最主要的影响因子。 cnki

In order to reveal the cause of water use efficiency WUE difference, water and photosynthetic characteristics of Tall Fescue genetic materials with different WUE were studied in pot experiment.
选用高羊茅不同水分利用效率的遗传材料,利用盆栽试验对其水分和光合特性进行了研究,旨在揭示其水分利用效率差异的原因。 cnki

It is proposed that root pruning increased WUE by decreasing Gs significantly and shoot pruning increased WUE by increasing CE.
分析认为,断根通过降低气孔导度极显著地提高了叶片 WUE,剪枝则通过提高 CE而使 WUE升高。 cnki

Numerical value of WUE varies with the different growth period and the different mulching treating.
在不同的生长期、不同的灌溉处理下,不同的覆盖的 WUE值不同。 fabiao

The varieties8901 and6365 were not sensitive to low temperature of straw mulching in spring, and their yield and WUE were increased under straw mulching.
在华北平原秸秆覆盖农田小气候条件下,8901和6365对春季低温效应不敏感。 cnki

The effects of irrigation frequency and soil matric potential on potato growth and water use efficiency WUE under drip irrigation in North China were studied.
研究了滴灌灌溉频率和土壤水势对马铃薯生长和水分利用效率的影响。 cnki

The mechanism of stoma and the differences of the correspondence of photosynthesis and transpiration to environmental changes were the physiological basis of WUE at leaf level.
气孔运动机制及光合作用和蒸腾作用对环境变化响应的差异是叶片水平 WUE的生理基础; cnki

To improve WUE of millet is a comprehensive cultivation technique including selection of super- variety with high WUE, proper seeding, rational fertilization and application of plant growth regulators.
提高谷子水分利用效率应以选用水分利用效率高的良种,适期播种,科学施肥和选用生长调节剂为中心集成的综合栽培技术体系。 cnki

To raise water use efficiency WUE of crop is a key problem in semi arid area agriculture.
提高作物水分利用效率 WUE是当前半干旱地区农业研究的热点问题。 magsci

Water consumption, yields and WUEwater use efficiency of summer squashCueurbita. pepo under different water conditions were studied in solar greenhouse.
在日光温室中研究了不同土壤水分条件对西葫芦耗水量、产量及水分利用效率的影响。 cnki

A pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of root cutting on water use efficiency WUE of millet.
通过盆栽试验,研究了伤根对谷子水分利用效率的影响。 dictall

Appropriate increase of wheat planting density could lead to increase of WUE in dryland as well.
适当增加小麦种植密度有利于提高旱地水分生产效率。 cnki

Especially, the plastic utilization of dryland, the WUE and the water value efficiency of output of tobacco.
特别是地膜覆盖栽培,对于提高干旱地区烟草的水分利用效率和水分产值效率具有显著的作用。 cnki

Pure planting Picea koraiensis had highest net photosynthetic rate at medium W and medium-low P, highest transpiration rate at medium- low P, and highest WUE at low W and medium-low P.
混栽云杉则在中 W、中高 P肥水平下净光合速率最高,在高 W、中高 P肥水平下蒸腾速率最高,在低 W、中高 P肥水平下 WUE最高。 fabiao

Salix alba has the highest water use efficiency WUE.
白柳的水分利用效率最高。 cnki

Studies on WUE difference among crop species and cultivars are very important for efficiently using of agricultural water resources.
研究作物种间和品种间水分利用效率 WUE差异对于发展节水农业有着重要的理论和现实意义。

The leaf WUE of millet was increased when root cutting in seedling stage, and only the treatment of I2D of maize increased the leaf WUE;
苗期伤根处理能够提高谷子叶片 WUE,而玉米伤根后仅 I2D处理的单叶 WUE高于对照; cnki

The results indicated that the compensation effect of water stress on physiological characteristics yield and water use efficiency WUE were likely to appear after stress period.
结果表明:水分胁迫复水在生理及产量和水分利用效率均出现补偿效应。 fabiao

WUE of Aohan alfalfa was the highest in all alfalfa varieties.
瞬时水分利用效率以敖汉苜蓿最高。 fabiao




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