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bio·chemical 英,baɪəʊ'kemɪkəl美'baɪo'kɛmɪkl ★☆☆☆☆高TCOCA²²⁰⁷⁹BNC¹¹⁶²⁹iWeb¹⁴¹⁵¹Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺⁸ 基本英英词源搭配记法近义反义例句例句 adj.生物化学的¹⁰⁰
Adjective: of or relating to biochemistry; involving chemical processes in living organisms词根词缀: -bio-生物 + -chem-化学 + -ical形容词后缀biochemistry生物化学biochemical ecology生化生态学biochemical conversion生化转化biochemical indicator生化指示剂biochemical medium生物化学培养基…biochemical reduction生物化学还原…biochemical laboratory生物实验室biochemical action生化作用biochemical degradation生物化学降解酌…biochemical index生化指数biochemical parameter生化参数biochemical polymorphism生化多态性biochemical response生化反应biochemical evolution生化进化,生物化学进…biochemical lesion生物化学损害…biochemical inhibition生化抑制biochemical engineering生化工程biochemical oxidation生化氧化biochemical process生化过程biochemical mutant生化突变体,生化突变… 钱博士bi生物+o连接字母+chem化学+ical形容词后缀⇒生物化学的 词根bi-活,生存;引申为生物,生命来自希腊语,它和拉丁词根vi-活,生存最终都源自原始印欧语词根*gwei-活,生存,辅音字母b-v相通。词根chem-化学,炼金来自拉丁语,源自阿拉伯语,本意是“炼金”,引申为“化学”,因为现代化学就源自古代炼金术。bi生物+o连接字母+chem化学+ical形容词后缀⇒生物化学的。近义词 living活着的organic器官的natural自然的chemical化学的biological生物的
形容词90%,名词10% 用作形容词Temperature governs the rate of allbiochemicalprocesses.温度决定着一切生物化学过程的速度。 Perhaps the most promising method, from a biochemical point of view, would be to use glucose, a sugar common in food. 从生物化学的角度来讲,最有希望的制造方法可能是使用果糖,因为这是一种在食物中常见的糖。 ecocn The conductors of this biochemical ballet are the proteins, nano- size building blocks and machines that control the speed and timing of every reaction. 这场生化芭蕾的总指挥是蛋白质、纳米大小的结构模块和动力设备,它们控制着每一步反应的速度和时机。 yeeyan The discovery, to be published by researchers in America, backs claims that human sexuality is determined by genetic and biochemical factors at work during early pregnancy. 此项研究结果证实了人们的性取向是在母亲怀孕早期,由遗传因素和生物化学因素共同决定的这一说法。 cri A host of biochemical changes sticks the population of cells together, forming a gluey biofilm that even a potent cocktail of antibiotics struggles to shift. 大量生物化学变化把他们的细胞粘贴在一起,形成一层胶状的生物膜,这层膜即使是烈性的混合抗生素也难以攻克。 yeeyan Birds, which also eat fruits, don’t have the same biochemical pain pathway, so they don’t suffer at all from capsaicin. 同样会吞食果实的鸟类就缺少感受这种疼痛的生化通路,因此辣椒素对它们一点作用也没有。 yeeyan But, whereas therapies and diagnostics for cancer have been evolving steadily in response to new biochemical knowledge, surgical techniques have remained surprisingly primitive. 但是,相对响应了高新生化技术的癌症诊疗手段的稳步推行而言,手术手段治疗显得相当原始。 ecocn But unlike the laser treatments, which exploit biochemical pathways to create pores in the fat cell, they generate mechanical forces that rupture these cells. 不过,与激光疗法利用生化途径在脂肪细胞中形成小孔不同,它们能产生机械力量分解这些细胞。 yeeyan During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function. 在这个复杂的生化过程中,饮食中的卡路里与氧结合,释放出身体正常活动所需的能量。 yeeyan Emotion is the complex psychophysiological experience of an individual’s state of mind as interacting with biochemical internal and environmental external influences. 情感是个人心境复杂的精神心理体验,它与生物内部和环境外部力量互相作用。 yeeyan Figuring out how they fold correctly is thus crucial to understanding biochemical processes, and to creating new drugs. 了解他们是如何正确形成最终形态对理解生化过程和研制新药十分关键。 blog.sina.com.cn For example, breathing through the mouth affects hundreds of biochemical and physiological processes in the human body. 比如,用嘴呼吸影响数百的身体上生理的和生化的过程。 putclub For example, scientists can search for a biochemical marker that is tied to certain species of algae that live only in ice. 例如,科学家可以藉此寻找一个与仅在冰中生存的某些藻类物种相关的生化标记物。 yeeyan Hoping to understand what’s happening in those clouds, epigenetics researchers have focused on biochemical switches that turn genes on and off. 为了了解那些基因云发生的情况,遗传学研究者们必须找到开启和关闭基因的生物学开关。 yeeyan In the biochemical reactions that are taking place in your body, there is equilibrium between a whole myriad of reactants and products, and thank heavens that gets maintained. 在我们身体内进行的,生物化学反应中,大量的反应物和产物,也是处于平衡状态,谢天谢地实际情况就是这样。163 No one understands on a biochemical level why physical activity might help the brain. 在生物化学层面上,没有人能理解为什么身体锻炼有益于大脑。 yeeyan On a biochemical level, a Carbohydrate is a simple fusion of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules. 从生化角度讲,碳水化合物是一个含有碳,氢,氧元素的简单化合物。 yeeyan On the more molecular side, newer genetic and biochemical tests for age are not proving as robust as scientists had hoped. 从分子的层面来看,新的遗传和生物化学年龄测验并没有像科学家期待的那样有成效。 yeeyan One problem is that complex disorders— like migraines— can be caused by multiple genes as well as by other biochemical and environmental factors. 其中的一个难题是,复杂的疾病——比如偏头痛——可能由众多基因引起,也可能由其它生物化学和环境因素引起。 yeeyan Other issues include scaling- down problems that occur with biochemical reactions, such as diffusion rates and heating. 其它还包括降低生化反应中出现的问题如速度和加热的弥散。 sdcate Rats and humans have similar biochemical pathways. 老鼠和人类有类似的生化途径。 yeeyan The research is reported in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 这项研究被刊登在《生化与生理研究通讯》上。 ecocn.org These processes often involve a sequence of biochemical reactions inside the cell. 这些过程通常涉及细胞内的一系列生化反应。 yeeyan This type of parallel computing in a sense can have some serious application in the creation and use of biochemical computing devices. 这种类型的平行计算在某种意义上可以在生物化学计算设备的设计和应用产生一些重要的应用。 yeeyan Water also plays an important role in biochemical cell reactions and makes them more efficient. 水也发挥了重要作用,在细胞的生化反应,使它们更有效率。 yeeyan |