

单词 writing
释义 writ·ing 英ˈraɪtɪŋ美ˈraɪtɪŋAHDrīʹtĭng ★★★★☆高四六研I牛4八COCA¹⁷⁷⁹BNC²⁰⁸⁵iWeb¹³⁷⁴Economist²²⁶⁸

U 书写,写作

activity or occupation of writing

P 著作,作品

written work or form

the act of creating written works;

writing was a form of therapy for him

it was a matter of disputed authorship

the work of a writer; anything expressed in letters of the alphabet especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect;

the writing in her novels is excellent

that editorial was a fine piece of writing

usually plural the collected work of an author;

the idea occurs with increasing frequency in Hemingway's writings

letters or symbols that are written or imprinted on a surface to represent the sounds or words of a language;

he turned the paper over so the writing wouldn't show

the doctor's writing was illegible

the activity of putting something in written form;

she did the thinking while he did the writing

in writing书面writing desk写字台书桌…writing paper写字纸mirror writing倒写picture writing用图画记载的方法,家…the writing on the wall不祥之兆凶兆…writing density写入密度writing telegraph打字电报机传真电报…writing beam描绘射束,写入电子束…writing scan记入扫描,录贮扫描…writing task写任务writing on the wall灾祸将临的预兆,不祥…preliminary writing计 预先写人…commit to writing记录下来writing materials文具manila writing马尼拉书写纸…writing amplifier记录放大器writing speed写速率,记录速度,书…writing pointer自动记录器writing brush毛笔
钱博士writ(e写+ing现在分词形式,在此构成名词表行为及其结果⇒书写,作品write写+ing现在分词形式,在此构成名词表行为及其结果⇒书写,作品。非常记忆write写〖熟词〗+ing鹰〖谐音〗⇒他边写作边逗鹰玩蒋争熟词记忆writev.写-ing进行中⇒书写;写作;书法;笔迹近义词 book书poem诗line线piece件text正文work工作volume卷letter信note笔记letters信print印刷scratch抓novel小说story故事short短的script剧本copy复制品poetry诗歌review复习prose散文的article文章fiction小说epistle书信missive公文tome大部头书printing印刷document文件lettering刻字editorial社论literature文学manuscript手稿penmanship书法authorship著述composition成分inscription题字publication出版handwriting笔迹chirography书体calligraphy书法penning文学创作journalism新闻工作scribble潦草地书写cacography拼写错误correspondence通信short story短篇小说memorandum商备忘录…longhand普通写法与shorth…nonfiction非小说的散文文学…
用作名词(n.Writing is his life.写作是他的生计。
Hiswritings include poetry and prose.他的作品包括诗和散文。
She is endowed with greatwritingability.她具有杰出的写作天赋。
She doesn't earn much from herwriting.她写作得到的收入不多。
The ones that described the victor of this war and loser had a lot ofwriting.描写这场战争的胜利者和失败者的著述也很多。
Throughout his lifetime Lai Zhide strove to become a sage and was devoted towritingin seclusion with the wish of attaining spiritual immortality.在人生态度上,来氏有圣贤之志,毕生隐居著述,而有不朽的愿望。
I can't read the doctor'swriting.我看不明白那位医生的笔迹。
It's really difficult to read yourwriting.你的笔迹真是难以辨认。
Have you read his writings?你读过他的作品吗?
Hiswritingcontains some real goodies.他的作品中含有真正引人入胜的东西。
The word play in hiswritingis very witty.他作品中的双关语诙谐风趣。noun.printing on paper
同义词 calligraphy,handwriting,print,scriptautograph,chirography,cuneiform,hand,hieroglyphics,longhand,scrawl,scribble,shorthandmanuscriptionnoun.printed composition
同义词 article,book,document,essay,letter,literature,manuscript,novel,paper,piece,poem,prose,publication,review,theme,workbelles-lettres,discourse,dissertation,editorial,ode,opus,pamphlet,play,record,signature,thesis,tract,treatise
authorshipnoun origin
autographnoun handwritten signature
John Hancock,endorsement,handwriting,inscription,seal,token,undersignature,writing
booknoun published document
Bible,album,atlas,bestseller,booklet,brochure,codex,compendium,copy,dictionary,dissertation,edition,encyclopedia,essay,fiction,folio,handbook,hardcover,leaflet,lexicon,magazine,manual,monograph,nonfiction,novel,octavo,offprint,omnibus,opus,opuscule,pamphlet,paperback,periodical,portfolio,preprint,primer,publication,quarto,reader,reprint,roll,scroll,softcover,speller,text,textbook,thesaurus,tome,tract,treatise,vade mecum,volume,work,writing
chirographynoun penmanship
communicationnoun giving, exchanging information, ideas
advice,advisement,announcing,articulation,assertion,communion,connection,contact,conversation,converse,correspondence,corresponding,declaration,delivery,disclosing,dissemination,elucidation,expression,intelligence,interchange,intercommunication,intercourse,link,making known,mention,notifying,publication,reading,reception,revelation,talk,talking,telling,transfer,translating,transmission,utterance,writing
compositionnoun written or musical creation
arrangement,article,cantata,chart,concerto,dissertation,drama,essay,exercise,exposition,fiction,getup,literary work,manuscript,melody,music,novel,number,opus,paper,piece,play,poetry,rhapsody,romance,score,setup,short story,song,stanza,study,symphony,theme,thesis,tune,verse,work,writing All this is another way of writing history.
所有这一切都是另一种书写历史的方式。 ecocn

But it was a great experience to gain the knowledge from people I was interviewing while writing.
但是这是一次从我在写作时所采访的人那里获得知识的伟大经历。 yeeyan

But was he writing?
但他还在写作吗? yeeyan

By writing what I’m about to write.
通过写一些东西,就像我将要写的; yeeyan

He apologized for not writing to you.
他为没给你写信而表示道歉。 kekenet

I employ all my energies in writing.

I enjoy writing.
我喜欢写作。 ebigear

I have not heard from him since writing last.

I have two goals in writing this article.
这篇文章的写作我有两个目的。 ibm

I need it for my blogging, my other writing, for keeping in touch with family and friends.
因为我需要它来写博客,还有我其他的写作,并且保持和我的家人朋友之间的联系。 hexun

I saw it on the faces of these kids. I saw it in their writing, in their reporting.
我绝对知道这些,我从这些孩子们的脸上可以看到,从他们的写作和报道中也可以看到。 yeeyan

I suggest writing it down word for word.
我建议将想说的一句一句都写下来。 yeeyan

In writing it means: say what you mean and say it briefly.
在写作领域,它意味着简洁地说出你想说的. cnblogs

Now, you might not be a writer. In fact, for all I know, you hate writing.
你现在或许不是一个作家。事实上,据我所知,你应该是厌恶写作的。 yeeyan

One of the problems with writing about autism is that readers tend to want an ending.
写有关孤独症的文章有一个问题,那就是读者总是想知道一个结局。 yeeyan

Or yourself by writing for others?
还是为人写作而愉悦自身? kekenet

So this is another one of the reasons that people like me say, this is not Paul writing.

Sure, someone could hate my writing, but what do I really want to do?
当然,别人可以讨厌我的作品,但是我自己想要的是什么呢? yeeyan

Thank you for writing this book.
非常感谢你写了这本书。 yeeyan

The theme carried through all his writing.

The writer was down and out, but he still went on with his writing.
那个作家虽然已经穷困潦倒了,但他还是继续写作。 ebigear

Usually we write in journals, but I allow them to their writing in this book.




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