

单词 writer
释义 writ·er 英ˈraɪtə美ˈraɪtɚAHDrīʹtər ★★★★☆小高四六I牛4COCA¹¹⁰⁹BNC²²⁸⁵iWeb¹⁴⁶⁶Economist²⁷⁶⁹

C 作者,作家

a person who writes, especially as a way of earning money

writes books or stories or articles or the like professionally for paya person who is able to write and has written somethingauthor,writer




space writer以稿件篇幅计酬的新闻…letter writer写信者ghost writer为人代写的作者…continuity writer电 广播书写者…manifold writer复写机display writer显示记录书写器…output writer输出改写程序…ink writer印字机screen writer电影剧本作者…script writer编剧leader writer社论作者productive writer多产作家laser writer激光显示器editorial writer社论作者,主笔…option writer期权卖方 ,期权写契…course writer轨迹记录器dialogue writer对白作者report writer报表记录器wine writer论酒专著作者…ad-writer 广告文案作者…
非常记忆write写〖熟词〗+r草〖编码〗⇒作家写了个关于草的故事蒋争熟词记忆writev.写r=-er者⇒作者;作家writev.写r=-er者⇒作者;作家词根记忆write写近义词 author
用作名词n.He was the writer of the letter.他就是写这封信的人。
Dickens was a famous Englishwriter.狄更斯是英国的著名作家。Pinkwritern.印字机Pscriptwritern.编剧Ptypewritern.打字机Pink-writer墨水印码器Ptelewriter电传打字机Paniwriter仿真写字装置Pflexowriter电传打字机Psignwritern.写招牌的人Pcopywritern.广告文编写人Pelectrowriter电写器电写板Psongwritern.流行歌曲的作者Psportswritern.体育专栏作家Preader-writer读写器读写程序Pstorywritern.小说作者小说家Pteletypewritern.电传打字电报机Pmicrowriter微型打印机微写入程序Plaw-writer法学家法院的复本制作者Pscreenwritern.电影剧本作家编剧家Pflexo-writer多功能打字机打字穿孔机Pradioteletypewritern.无线电电传打字电报机无线电电传打字电报设备

用作名词Thewritercontrived a happy ending.作者安排了一个大团圆的结局。
The critic nibbled at the youngwriter's new novel.那位批评家对这位青年作家的新小说作了吹毛求疵的抨击。
He is a very famouswriterin this country.他是这个国家里很有名的作家。noun.person who composes with language
同义词 author,biographer,columnist,correspondent,critic,dramatist,editor,essayist,journalist,novelist,poet,reporter,screenwritercontributor,freelancer,ghostwriter,scribbler,scribe,stenographer,stringer,wordsmithnewspaper person,person of letters,scripter
反义词 reader
authornoun composer of written work
biographer,columnist,composer,creator,essayist,ghost,ghostwriter,ink slinger,journalist,originator,playwright,poet,producer,prose writer,reporter,scribbler,scribe,scripter,word slinger,wordsmith,work-for-hire
bohemiannoun nonconformist
artist,beatnik,dilettante,flower child,free spirit,gypsy,hippie,iconoclast,nonconformist,writer
columnistnoun journalist
commentatornoun reporter
composernoun songwriter
correspondentnoun person communicating in writing
contributor,epistler,epistolarian,freelancer,gazetteer,journalist,letter writer,pen pal,reporter,stringer,writer And my job as a writer is to stand in for you as a subsequent reader.

Bernard was an aspiring writer, with “ a good but rather boring job” at an investment company.
伯纳德是一个有抱负的作家,在一个“很好但很单调”的投资公司工作。 yeeyan

Each student devoted himself to one writer for the semester.
这个学期每个学生专注于一个作者。 yeeyan

He devilled an article for the writer.

He is no writer.
他决不是作家。 ebigear

He is the greatest writer of his time.
他是他那个年代最伟大的作家。 ebigear

I am not a writer so there would be no other works.
我不是作家,所以此生不会有其它的作品了。 yeeyan

I have not, as Kant enjoined, regarded each man as an end in himself, but as material that might be useful to me as a writer.
正如康德劝告的那样,我从来没有把认识某人作为目的,而是将其当作对一个作家有用的创作素材。 tingvoa

I hope he can write better articles and I want to be a writer like him when I grow up.
我希望他可以写些更好的文章,而且,当我长大的时候,我想成为一个像他一样的作家。 hjenglish

I know nothing about him except that he is a writer.
除了知道他是个作家,别的我一无所知。 kekenet

Much as I admire him as a writer, I do not like him as a man.
尽管他作为一个作家很值得我钦佩,但我却不喜欢他的为人。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn

No man could stand alone with him as a writer.

Now, you might not be a writer. In fact, for all I know, you hate writing.
你现在或许不是一个作家。事实上,据我所知,你应该是厌恶写作的。 yeeyan

She was possibly the greatest writer of her generation.
她也许是她那时代最伟大的作家。 hjenglish

The writer was down and out, but he still went on with his writing.
那个作家虽然已经穷困潦倒了,但他还是继续写作。 ebigear

They acclaimed him as the best writer of the year.

They have raised a monument in memory of the great writer.

This book is about becoming a writer from the inside out.
这本书是有关怎样由里到外地成为一个作家。 yeeyan

You might be a great writer but terrible at design.
你也许是个很棒的作家,但却对设计一窍不通。 yeeyan




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