

单词 wrathful
释义 wrath·ful 英ˈræθfəl, ˈrɑːθ-美ˈræθfəl, ˈrɑθ-AHDrăthʹfəl, räthʹ- 高COCA⁶⁹⁵⁸⁰BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb⁴⁰⁴⁹³
vehemently incensed and condemnatory;

they trembled before the wrathful queen

but wroth as he was, a short struggle ended in reconciliation

wrathful-尾⇒adj.大怒的⁵⁰;怒气冲冲的⁵⁰近义词 fuming冒烟angry生气的irate发怒的ablaze着火的burning燃烧的furious狂怒的stormy暴风雨的wrothful愤怒的indignant愤慨的steaming汽蒸蒸烘wroth大海等汹涌的…

用作形容词My mother waswrathfulwith my lying.我的母亲因我撒谎而愤怒。
They trembled before thewrathfulqueen.他们在愤怒的女王面前瑟瑟发抖。
The headteacher waswrathfulwith the children's unruly behavior.校长被那些不守规矩的小学生惹得发怒。adj.very angry
同义词 angered,angry,enraged,furious,incensed,infuriated,livid,madbeside oneself,displeased,heated,indignant,irate,ireful,raging,riled,storming
反义词 happy,pleased
acrimoniousadjective nasty in behavior, speech
angrieradjective being mad, often extremely mad
angryadjective being mad, often extremely mad
affronted,annoyed,antagonized,bitter,chafed,choleric,convulsed,cross,displeased,enraged,exacerbated,exasperated,ferocious,fierce,fiery,fuming,furious,galled,hateful,heated,hot,huffy,ill-tempered,impassioned,incensed,indignant,inflamed,infuriated,irascible,irate,ireful,irritable,irritated,maddened,nettled,offended,outraged,piqued,pissed,pissed off,provoked,put out,raging,resentful,riled,sore,splenetic,storming,sulky,sullen,uptight,vexed,wrathful
eviladjective sinful, immoral
angry,atrocious,bad,baneful,base,beastly,calamitous,corrupt,damnable,depraved,destructive,disastrous,execrable,flagitious,foul,harmful,hateful,heinous,hideous,iniquitous,injurious,loathsome,low,maleficent,malevolent,malicious,malignant,nefarious,no good,obscene,offensive,pernicious,poison,rancorous,reprobate,repugnant,repulsive,revolting,spiteful,stinking,ugly,unpleasant,unpropitious,vicious,vile,villainous,wicked,wrathful,wrong
furiousadjective extremely angry, very mad
bent,bent out of shape,beside oneself,boiling,browned off,bummed out,corybantic,crazed,demented,desperate,enraged,fierce,fit to be tied,frantic,frenetic,frenzied,fuming,hacked,hopping mad,incensed,infuriated,insane,irrational,livid,maddened,maniac,rabid,raging,smoking,steamed,unreasonable,up in arms,vehement,vicious,violent,wrathful
heatedadjective angry
acrimonious,ardent,avid,bitter,excited,fervent,fervid,feverish,fierce,fiery,frenzied,furious,hectic,impassioned,indignant,intense,irate,ireful,mad,passionate,raging,stormy,tempestuous,vehement,violent,wrathful At the same instant they heard a shot and Dolohov's wrathful cry.

Oh, and in using the wrathful Buddha image, I am not suggesting that we go out and scream at someone. It's just something that got me thinking.
对了,关于使用愤怒的佛像,我不建议外出并向其他人说起,这只是我思考得出的一些东西。 yeeyan

Springing to her feet, her face wrathful, the woman stared at that fellow.
那个妇女跳了起来,怒容满面,直瞪着那个家伙。 yuloo

The young man rushed into that room, angry and wrathful.
那个年轻人极度愤怒地冲进了那屋子。 files.teacher.com.cn

The wrathful crowd surged forward. The rascal backed away in fear.
愤怒的人群涌向前去,那个无赖吓得后退了。 iciba

At last one old footman came out with a wrathful air, and announced to the Rostovs that the prince was not receiving, but the princess begged them to walk up.
后来有一个怒形于色的老仆役走来禀告罗斯托夫家里人,说公爵不能接见,公爵小姐请他们到她面前去。 tingroom

Buddha called these harmful minds the real enemy of living beings, and the wrathful aspect of Dorje Shugden symbolizes the power of spiritual wisdom to destroy them.
佛陀心目中的所谓的这些有害生物的真正的敌人,而愤怒的方面多杰雄登的精神象徵智慧的力量来消灭它们。 gogo

He was neither wrathful, cruel, nor tyrannical, but just and gentle as a king should be.
他既不是愤怒,残忍,也不暴虐,但公正和温柔,就像一个国王应。 en400

He shows a wrathful aspect only to remind us that harmful states such as anger, pride and jealousy within our minds should not be tolerated.
他显示了愤怒的方面只提醒我们,有害的州,如愤怒,骄傲和嫉妒在我们的头脑应该是不能容忍的。 gogo

I clenched my hand with a wrathful spark in my eyes.
我握紧双手,眼里冒著愤怒的火花。 jiahewh

Like a wrathful prodigy, Heather, beloved of someone, managed, in her great sadness- fuelled rage, to disassemble the chair while continuing to drive her head into the wall.
被什么人爱着的茜丝,就像一个愤怒的神童,在巨大的悲伤所导致的狂怒之中,一边拆卸着座椅,一边继续往墙上撞自己的头。 yeeyan

Mike clench his hand with a wrathful spark in his eyes.
麦克握紧双手,眼里冒著愤怒的火花。 putclub

My mother was wrathful with my lying.
我的母亲因我撒谎而愤怒。 chinabaike

Our guardian angel Heidi will soon become the wrathful Nemesis with a sword in her hand and fire in her breath, we're all doomed!
我们的守护天使海蒂,她即将化身成复仇女神,手持利剑,口吐火球,末日来临了! yyets

Rumors swirled about who this “ monkey man” was— a new Pakistani plot, perhaps, or the avatar of a wrathful Hindu deity?
关于谁是这只猴子的谣言此起彼伏——也许是一个巴基斯坦的间谍,亦或是一个愤怒的印度神化身而来? yeeyan

She was exceedingly wrathful and struck at Hurstwood, who dodged.
她愤怒至极,对着赫斯渥就是一棍子,赫斯渥躲开了。 xddhy

This recession has been a terrible and wrathful one. In the fourth quarter of2008, GDP fell a staggering6.8%.
此次衰退让人又怕又气。2008年四季度,美国国内生产总值 GDP下降了令人震惊的6.8%。 voa365




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