

单词 wrap it up
释义 wrap it up短语¹¹¹⁸⁹
Would you wrap it up, please.
请你给我包起来。 jukuu

“ Wrap it up, ” insisted his customer nervously. “ That's what I want.”
“把它包起来,”巴顿紧张兮兮地坚持,“那正是我要的。” yeeyan

All right, thank you, Zain, I always love to wrap it up with something warm, and yes, fun.
好,谢谢你, Zain,我总是喜欢在新闻里添加一些温暖的元素,对,很有趣。 koolearn

All right. Wrap it up and have the form filled.
行了,包起来填好这张表。 xiaoshuo

Could you wrap it up in beautiful paper?
请您用漂亮的纸把它包起来好吗? ywu

I also tend to try to limit the number of questions to3. If they keep having questions, I let them know that I have to wrap it up and will answer all their questions during our appointment.
所以,不用担心这些。我也尝试过引导他们将提的问题限制在3个以内。 yeeyan

She stopped and posed for a moment and then politely asked that they wrap it up for the night, so she could walk on the street in peace.
她停下来摆了一会姿势,之后礼貌的请求他们收工好让她能够平静的在街上走走。 anistonchina

When the saleswoman asked if she'd like her to wrap it up, Terry nodded.
当那位女店员问是否需要她将它包起来时,特丽点了点头。 jbenglish




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