

单词 wpf
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There are a number of good WPF books that have recently been published that can also help you come up to speed with WPF.
最近刚出版了几本很好的 WPF的书,可以帮助你对 WPF上手。 joycode

Among the new samples is a way to add WPF support to a . NET language.
在附带的例子中有一个是关于为. NET语言增加 WPF支持的。 infoq

Both of these are expected, but now, after reporting WPF, you should follow the control path more carefully.
这两个都在预料之中,但是现在,当报告 WPF之后,您应该更加小心地遵循这个控制路径。 ibm

Even when the actual objects are being released in a timely manner, WPF’s arrays of weak references hang around and under stress become the memory leak.
哪怕及时释放掉了实际的对象,但 WPF的弱引用数组还是会继续持有引用,这就导致了内存泄漏。 infoq

Given the context of most recent discussions on the subject, one would have to think that a non- differentiated UX would have to mean any kind of UI that came before WPF or Silverlight.
在最近的关于这个主题的讨论之中,人们会认为非差异化的用户体验就是指 WPF或者 Silverlight来到之前的任何类型的用户界面。 infoq

In a rough analogy, this is a slightly similar model to ASP. NET or WPF, where you define your user interface in HTML or XAML, and have a code- behind page that handles events.
做一个粗略的比喻的话,这就是和 ASP. NET或 WPF有点类似的模型,在这些模型中,你通过 HTML或 XAML来定义用户界面,在后置代码中处理事件。 infoq

In addition to showing two different GUI views, he also mentions that Acropolis can be used for non- WPF applications including those targeting the console.
除了展示两个不同的 GUI视图之外,他还提到 Acropolis也能够用于非 WPF应用中,包括控制台程序等。 infoq

It also offers a set of lightweight tools for reusing code between WPF and Silverlight.
也为 WPF和 Silverlight之间的代码重用提供了轻量级工具集。 infoq

It also comes with Silverlight and WPF samples such as a Contact Manager and a Game Library.
其中还带有 Silverlight和 WPF示例,像联系人管理器和游戏库。 infoq

It will help you design and build flexible composite WPF client applications— composite applications use loosely coupled, independently evolvable pieces that work together in the overall application.
它将帮助你设计和构建灵活的组合 WPF客户端应用程序——组合应用程序使用松散耦合的方式,把独立起作用的功能块放在一起,以形成一个整体的应用程序。 infoq

Large ISV applications can easily take advantage of the user experience inherent to WPF and the improvements to it in WFP4.
大型 ISV应用也可以很方便地利用 WPF中提供的用户体验,以及 WPF4中的改进功能。 joycode

Later this year we are also planning to release a number of new controls for WPF.
今年晚些时候,我们同样计划发布一些 WPF的新控件。 infoq

PRISM offers recommendations on designing, developing and deploying enterprise-class modular client applications built using WPF and Silverlight.
PRISM针对使用 WPF和 Silverlight进行设计、开发和部署企业级模块化的客户端应用程序提出了建议。 infoq

Supports TDD by providing a powerful data binding validation framework for WPF.
通过为 WPF提供强大的数据绑定验证框架支持 TDD。 infoq

The data binding in WPF is simply amazing. Since Visual Basic3, Microsoft has been trying to find that magic combination of flexibility, robustness, and ease of use.
WPF中的数据绑定让人眼前一亮,自从 Visual Basic3以来,微软一直致力于将灵活性、健壮性与易用性有机地整合起来。 infoq

This guidance is intended for software architects and software developers who are building enterprise WPF client applications from loosely coupled components developed across multiple teams.
该向导专门给软件架构师和软件开发人员所用,被用来构建由多个团队开发的松散耦合组件组成的企业 WPF客户端应用程序。 infoq

This release offers guidance for building Silverlight client applications as well as guidance for reusing code between WPF applications and Silverlight ones.
该版本为建立 Silverlight客户端应用程序的提供了指导,并提供了在 WPF应用程序和 Silverlight应用程序之间重用代码的指引。 infoq

When doing normal programming with WPF or Silverlight, creating custom controls is more or less just something to do if you happen to need one.
在使用 WPF或 Silverlight进行普通编程时,创建自定义控件或多或少是你需要完成的事情。 infoq

Windows Forms and WPF client applications will be able to use this setup framework to cleanly“bootstrap” getting the . NET Framework installed onto machines.
Windows Form和 WPF客户端应用程序能够使用这个安装框架,独立地将. NET框架安装到机器上。 infoq

XAML files are XML text files that can be used to declaratively specify the UI of a Silverlight or WPF application.
XAML文件是 XML文本文件,可以用来用声明的方式指定 Silverlight或 WPF应用的用户界面。 blog.sina.com.cn

WPF does significant resource management on the behalf of the developer, but this is difficult to do with an immediate mode API that gives control to the developer.
对于开发人员来说, WPF的好处在于它做了很重要的资源管理工作,但却使得直接控制硬件变得困难起来。 cnblogs

WPF provides a platform of choice for demanding applications with improved development experience.
WPF是一种非常好的应用程序开发平台,提供出色的开发体验。 ibm

WPF also provides built-in Flow Document support as part of the UI layout and control model experience.
作为 UI布局和控件模型体验的一部分, WPF也提供了对 Flow Document的内置支持。 joycode

WPF includes a tremendous amount of rich typographical support that dramatically improves how text is rendered to the screen, and significantly improves the digital text reading experience.
WPF包括了大量的丰富排版的支持,将显著改进文字在屏幕上的显示,极大地改进数字文字阅读的体验。 joycode

WPF is great because it practically requires you to separate an application’s data from the UI.
WPF是伟大的,因为它基本上要求你分离应用程序的数据和 UI。 cnblogs

WPF is part of Microsoft. NET3.0 specifications.
WPF是微软. NET3.0技术规范的一部分。 yeeyan

WPF provides a uniform platform for combining forms, controls, audio, video, on- screen and fixed-format documents,2D and3D Graphics.
WPF为窗口、控件、音频、视频、演示文档以及2D、3D图形处理等提供了统一基础平台。 infoq




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