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词汇 binyamin
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And where the Arab suburbs are cordoned off to prevent their spread, Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, encourages building for Jews to proceed with abandon.
阿拉伯人居住区的市郊布置了警戒线封锁,防止其向外延伸,以色列总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡鼓励犹太人在此建造房屋,继续放任居住点建设。 ecocn

And Sweden stands accused by prominent Israelis, including the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, of blood libel and anti-Semitism.
另外,瑞典的做法还被以色列精英的批评为血淋淋的诽谤和反犹主义,其中包括以色列总理本亚明•内塔尼亚胡. ecocn

Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, tried to provoke a reaction from Mr Assad, when visiting President Nicolas Sarkozy in France, by calling for negotiations without preconditions.
以色列总理内塔尼亚胡在法国访问萨科奇期间,试图通过寻求没有条件的谈判来探探巴沙尔的虚实。 ecocn

So says Israel's once and perhaps future prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu.
内氏曾任以色列总理,将来也许再度出任该职。 ecocn

The intransigent Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, is not popular with many EU governments or with the current American administration.
不妥协的以色列总理内塔尼亚胡,并不受很多欧盟国家和当今美国政府欢迎。 renren

The Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, today pressed Russia to back “ sanctions with teeth” by targeting Iran's energy sector.
以色列总理内塔尼亚胡今天向俄罗斯施压,要求俄罗斯通过针对伊朗与核工业有关的能源部门制裁伊朗。 yeeyan

What may be new, though, is Binyamin Netanyahu.
不过,老故事也有新剧情。 那就是以色列总理内塔尼亚胡。 ecocn

A pivotal component of Binyamin Netanyahu’s ruling coalition, Shas seeks its own internal balance between political moderation and extremism.
作为本雅明•内塔尼亚胡联合政府的重要组成部分,沙斯党正在寻求其内部的政治缓和与政治极端主义的平衡。 ecocn

Abbas is scheduled to meet this week with Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, for their first direct negotiations in more than 18 months.
按照事先安排,阿巴斯本周将会见以色列总理内塔尼亚胡,进行18个月以来的首次直接会谈。 yeeyan

After Obama met with Abbas and Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, in New York last month he said he wanted negotiations to restart soon.
上月,奥巴马在纽约与阿巴斯和以色列总理本杰明•内塔尼亚胡会面后,说他希望和谈能很快重启。 yeeyan

By refusing to do so, the main blame for the impasse rests with Binyamin Netanyahu.
以色列拒绝这么做,那么应该由内塔尼亚胡对谈判停滞负主要责任。 ecocn

In 2011, I look to Binyamin Netanyahu to show the courage and vision to do what is right for Israel’s long-term interests.

IN THE opinion of Americans who have dealt with him before, Israel's new prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has lost none of his argumentative instincts.
在与其会谈过的美国领导人印象中,以色列新总理本贾明•内塔尼亚胡的好辩本色一直没有改变。 topsage

Israel’s Binyamin Netanyahu has spent much of the past month cocking a snook at the White House.
以色列总理塔尼亚胡在过去一个月里一直不把白宫放在眼里。 ecocn

Israel's position is unclear. Its prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, arrives in New York on Wednesday and has appealed for immediate talks with Abbas but without preconditions.
以色列的立场目前尚不明了。以色列总理卞亚民·内塔尼亚胡周三抵达纽约,他要求在没有先决条件的前提下和阿巴斯举行会谈。 yeeyan

It was formally cancelled by Binyamin Netanyahu when he was elected four years later.
它在四年后本雅明.内塔尼亚胡当选时被正式取消。 ecocn

Lawsuits have begun. And Sweden stands accused by prominent Israelis, including the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, of blood libel and anti- Semitism.
此外,以色列的大人物们——包括总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡——还指控瑞典方面恶意诽谤和反犹。 ecocn

Mr Lieberman has yet to convince the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu. Nor has he put his plan to the cabinet.
利伯曼还没有说服总理本杰明内塔尼亚胡,他也没有将计划提交给内阁。 ecocn

Once nomadic lords, Binyamin Netanyahu's government plans to pen tens of thousands of them into cities.
内塔尼亚胡率领下的政府政府成员曾为游牧领主计划把数万名贝都因人圈禁在各个城市当中。 topsage

This week Binyamin Netanyahu, whose right-wing Likud came second with27 seats, was formally installed as prime minister.

While Obama had made similar statements to the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, the tone of his remarks before an Arab audience took on a special resonance.
奥巴马之前已经对以色列总理内塔尼亚胡说过同样的话,而他在阿拉伯人民听众前所说话的语气却收到了特殊的共鸣。 yeeyan

BINYAMIN NETANYAHU has done more than anyone to make Israelis work.
内塔尼亚胡对推动以色列的发展比任何人都做得更多。 ecocn

Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, has approved plans to erect a wall along part of Israel's border with Egypt.
以色列总理本亚明·内塔尼亚胡日前批准了一项以色列与埃及部分边界修建隔离墙的计划。 yeeyan

Binyamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, says he recognises that Arab Israelis need to succeed if the economy is to thrive.
以色列总理本杰明•纳坦雅胡说阿拉伯以色列人可以实现这一目标如果国家经济繁荣的话。 ecocn

Binyamin Netanyahu was installed as Israel’s prime minister at the head of a coalition government.
本雅明•内塔尼亚胡在联合政府前正式就职以色列总理。 ecocn

BINYAMIN NETANYAHU, Israel’s prime minister, expressed nothing less than horror at the agreement signed by Palestinian factions in Cairo on May4th.
本雅明内塔尼亚胡,以色列总理表示巴勒斯坦方面在五月四日签署的决议完全是一个灾难。 ecocn

Binyamin Netanyahu became prime minister of Israel—for the second time—at the head of a coalition government following an election.




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