

单词 worship
释义 wor·ship 英ˈwɜːʃɪp美ˈwɝʃɪpAHDwûrʹshĭp ★★☆☆☆高四六研GI宝牛4八TCOCA⁷⁸¹⁴BNC⁵⁶⁷⁰iWeb⁴⁷⁷⁰Economist⁹⁰⁶²

vt. 崇拜; 尊崇

give worship to; pay great honour and respect to; love and admire

vi. 做礼拜

attend church service

the activity of worshippinga feeling of profound love and admiration
love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol;

Many teenagers idolized the Beatles

show devotion to a deity;

Many Hindus worship Shiva

attend religious services;

They worship in the traditional manner

缩写自古英语 worthscip,高贵,荣耀,名声,来自 worth,价值,力量,-scip,词源同-ship,抽象 名词后缀。后引申词义对神灵或超自然现象的尊敬,崇拜。
用作动词 v.
~+名词worship deity崇拜神明worship god崇拜上帝worship the ground拜倒在…的脚下worship money崇拜金钱worship a movie star崇拜影星worship power崇拜权力~+副词worship blindly盲目地崇拜worship continually连续地崇拜worship devoutly〔reverently〕虔诚地做礼拜worship inconsistently反复无常地崇拜worship mystically具有象征意义地崇拜worship passionately热情地崇拜worship religiously宗教意义上地崇拜worship silently静静地做礼拜worship solemnly严肃地做礼拜~+介词worship as把…崇拜为…worship sb as a god把某人尊为神worship at拜谒…worship at the shrine参拜圣地worship by hymns唱赞美歌做礼拜
wor有价值的,高贵的+ship名词后缀→价值,高贵→崇拜,敬仰认为某个事物很高贵⇒转作动词崇拜,爱慕,做礼拜。非常记忆wo我〖拼音〗+r叉〖象形〗+ship船〖熟词〗⇒我叉着船去找崇拜的人词形记忆水手的妻子对水手说: “你崇拜我w还是or船ship?GRE红宝书源自worth有价值 + ship关系近义词 adore反义词 contempt轻视
S+~+AWhere do you worship?你在哪个教堂做礼拜?
Don't talk while they areworshipping.他们做礼拜时别讲话。
This is the church where they used to worship.这是他们过去常做礼拜的教堂。
S+~+ n./pron.People go to the church to worship God.人们去教堂敬奉上帝。
The Greeks used to worship several gods.过去,希腊人崇奉好几种神。
Sheworshipped her father.她敬重她的父亲。
A miserworships money.守财奴崇拜金钱。
Sheworships the ground he treads.她拜倒在他的脚下。Psun-worshipn.太阳崇拜Pself-worshipn.自我崇拜Pbelly-worshipn.大吃大喝Pfire-worshipn.拜火拜火教Pworshipern.参加礼拜者崇拜者Phero-worshippern.英雄崇拜者Phero-worshipvt.把…当英雄崇拜Pworshipfula.崇拜的尊敬的尊贵的Pworshippern.礼拜者崇拜者爱慕者


worship的基本意思是“崇拜”,可指崇拜神灵,也可指崇拜有名望的人。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常表示“做礼拜”。

用作名词He deserves all the praise andworship.他值得我们一切的赞美和崇拜。
She scorn the girls whoworshipfootball stars.她看不起那些崇拜足球明星的女孩子。
She was blind to the silentworshipin his eyes.她没有发觉他眼里流露出的无声的敬慕之情。
This is the church where we used toworship.这就是那座我们过去常做礼拜的教堂。
We attendedworshipthis morning.今晨我们去做礼拜了。用作不及物动词This is the church where we used toworship.这就是那座我们过去常做礼拜的教堂。用作及物动词The boyworshippedhis father.这小孩崇拜他的父亲。noun.honoring, glorification
同义词 adoration,church service,devotion,prayer,rite,ritualadulation,awe,beatification,benediction,chapel,deification,exaltation,genuflection,glory,homage,honor,idolatry,idolization,invocation,love,offering,praise,prostration,regard,respect,reverence,service,supplication,veneration,vesperslaudation
反义词 censure,condemnation,criticism,debasement,denunciation,disdain,dishonor,dislike,disregard,disrespect,hate,humiliation,scornverb.honor, glorify
同义词 admire,adore,canonize,celebrate,chant,idolize,revere,sing,venerateadulate,deify,esteem,exalt,extol,hero-worship,laud,love,magnify,praise,respect,reverence,sanctifybow down to,dote on,offer prayers to,pay homage to,pray to,put on a pedestal,sing praises to
反义词 abhor,condemn,despise,detest,hate,blame,castigate,criticize,denounce,dishonor,dislike,disrespect,scorn
admirationnoun great respect
admireverb hold in high regard
adore,applaud,appreciate,approve,be crazy about,be crazy for,be crazy over,be mad about,be nuts about,be stuck on,be sweet on,be wild about,cherish,commend,credit,delight in,esteem,eulogize,extol,fall for,get high on,glorify,go for,groove on,hail,hold in respect,honor,idolize,laud,look up to,marvel at,moon over,pay homage to,praise,prize,rate highly,respect,revere,take pleasure in,think highly of,treasure,value,venerate,wonder at,worship
admiresverb hold in high regard
adores,applauds,appreciates,approves,be sticks on,cherishes,commends,credits,delight in,esteems,eulogizes,extols,falls for,gets high on,glorifies,goes for,grooves on,hails,holds in respect,honors,idolizes,is crazy about,is crazy for,is crazy over,is mad about,is nuts about,is sweet on,is wild about,lauds,looks up to,marvels at,moon over,pays homage to,praises,prizes,rate highly,respects,reveres,takes pleasure in,thinks highly of,treasures,values,venerates,wonders at,worships
adorationnoun intense love
admiration,amore,ardor,attachment,crush,devotion,esteem,estimation,exaltation,glorification,hankering,honor,idolatry,idolization,infatuation,pash,passion,puppy love,reverence,shine,veneration,weakness,worship,worshipping,yen
adoreverb love intensely
admire,be crazy about,be gone on,be mad for,be nuts about,be serious about,be smitten with,be stuck on,be sweet on,be wild about,cherish,delight in,dig,dote on,esteem,exalt,fall for,flip over,glorify,go for,honor,idolize,prize,revere,reverence,treasure,venerate,worship
adoresverb love intensely
admires,be goes on,be smites with,be sticks on,cherishes,delight in,digs,dote on,esteems,exalts,falls for,flips over,glorifies,goes for,honors,idolizes,is crazy about,is mad for,is nuts about,is serious about,is sweet on,is wild about,prizes,reverences,reveres,treasures,venerates,worships The slave is doomed to worship time and fate and death, because they are greater than anything he finds in himself, and because all his thoughts are of things which they devour.
一个奴隶命中注定要崇拜时间、命运以及死亡,因为他在自己身上找不到任何更强大的东西,而他所能想象的所有事物都可以被这三件东西所吞噬。 yeeyan

And then all the Gentiles, all the nations, would come to the God of Israel, they would be grafted into the nation of Israel, they would worship the God of Israel.

And then we need to talk to them about how we respond to this love because God also gave us the capacity to love him back It is called worship.
然后,我们需要跟他们谈我们如何应对这种爱,因为上帝也给了我们回报对他的爱的能力,那就是崇拜。 yeeyan

Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him, all ye gods.
愿一切事奉雕刻的偶像,靠虚无之神自夸的,都蒙羞愧。 万神哪,你们都当拜他。 ebigear

Consider the fact that you spend more time in your place of work than you do in your place of worship and with your family combined.
想一想实际情况吧,你花多在工作上的时间确实比你花在做礼拜以及与家人在一起的还要多。 yeeyan

Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship when you do it for the praise, glory, and pleasure of God.
如果你的人生目的是为了赞美、荣耀并讨神的喜悦,你日常生活中的每一项活动都可成为敬拜。 ebigear

From now on live for His glory, talk of His blessings, come into His presence, worship and adore Him.
从现在起为了他的荣耀而活,谈论他的祝福,来到他的面前,爱慕并礼拜他。 yeeyan

God created you and so He wants you to be the real you. By being authentic when you speak to God, you worship Him as your Creator.
是神创造了你,他想要你活出真正的你。你与神交谈时要作真实的你,你要敬拜神,真的把他看为你的创造者。 yeeyan

He may change his religion at will may manifest his faith in teaching, worship and observance.
他可以随意改变宗教信仰,可以在教职,礼拜或仪式中表明他的信仰。 ebigear

He observed that, at night, a plant's leaves drooped next to the sides of the stem but in the morning they rose as if to worship the sun.
他发现,植物的叶子在夜间低垂于茎干的两侧,但到了早晨,这些叶子又升直了“身板”,似乎在向冉冉升起的太阳崇拜致意。 yeeyan

His worship of his father had gradually become a religion, and, like all religions, it had retreated to the depths of his soul.
对他父亲的崇拜已逐渐变成一种宗教信仰,并且,和任何宗教信仰一样,已退藏在灵魂深处了。 ebigear

If migrants are not satisfied by that, they have choices: what meets their eye as they leave mass is a smart new Pentecostal church, with worship in Portuguese as well as English.
如果移民对此还不满意,他们还有别的选择:当做完弥撒离开时映入他们眼帘的是一个崭新的五旬节派教堂,以葡萄牙语和英语做礼拜。 ecocn

If you need something to worship, then feel grateful for your own conscious mind.
如果你需要什么东西去崇拜,那么就感谢自己的理性思维吧。 yeeyan

It reminded me once in common with them for sincerity to leader almost blind as worship.
这让我想起我们曾经共有的年代,对于领袖真诚得近乎盲目的崇拜。 yeeyan

No, it is my job to worship her, to make her happy and fulfilled.
不,我崇拜她,愿意使她感到幸福和满足,这是我的工作。 yeeyan

Of course this-- these are morality stories written for Jews who were living under Greek domination encouraging them not to worship Greek gods but its past in the distant past.

Therefore is it the god, and we worship it.
因此,这便是神灵,我们膜拜它。 yeeyan

They like red very much, which comes from worship of the Sun.
他们很喜欢红色,其实是由于对太阳的崇拜。 cri

This savour our poets often made much of; leaving out the god in whose worship they were indulging.
我们的诗人常常特别重视此种风味,而遗漏了他们在敬神仪式中沉迷的那位神。 yeeyan

We always like the person who adore ourselves, but we not necessarily like the person which ourselves worship.
我们向来喜欢崇拜自己的人,但我们不一定喜欢自己崇拜的人。 hjenglish

What day did they worship on?
他们在什么日子做礼拜? yeeyan

Whatever is at the center of your life is what you worship.
你的生活中心无论是什么都是你所崇拜的那个。 yeeyan

Yet in this love, too which is natural worship, we discover the same vibrational atmosphere that invades the soul of all lovers.
然而,在这爱恋这自然崇拜之中,我们发现,侵入所有爱者心灵的,是相同的震颤。 ebigear

You can call that ancestor- worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishing momentum of thought and principle.
如果你愿意,可以称之为祖先崇拜,但是这给了这份报纸在思考和原则方面惊人的气势。 yeeyan

You pretend that this black hole which you worship exists.
你假装你崇拜的这个黑乎乎的洞是存在的。 yeeyan




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