

单词 worries
释义 wor·ries 英'wʌrɪs美'wʌrɪs COCA⁸⁷⁵²BNC⁶⁸⁷²Economist¹²⁷⁵

名词 worry:
something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappinessa strong feeling of anxiety
动词 worry:
be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasybe concerned withdisturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distressbe on the mind oflacerate by bitingtouch or rub constantly用作名词Let's forget about thoseworries.咱们忘掉那些烦恼的事吧。
Heworriesmuch about his failure to find work.他为找不到工作而十分烦恼。noun.anxiety, trouble
同义词 anguish,apprehension,concern,doubt,fear,headache,misery,misgiving,pain,problem,uncertainty,uneasiness,woeannoyance,care,disquiet,distress,disturbance,heartache,irritation,nag,perplexity,pest,plague,presentiment,torment,torture,trial,vexation,worrimentbad news
反义词 calmness,certainty,cheer,comfort,confidence,happiness,joy,pleasure,sureness,trust,unconcern,advantage,calm,contentment,peacereassuranceverb.be or make anxious, troubled
同义词 annoy,depress,disturb,unsettle,perturb,bother,upset,irritate,try,plague,trouble,fretdistress,afflict,beleaguer,agonize,importune,beset,torment,brood,pester,disquiet,goad,vex,hector,attack,tantalize,persecute,test,bedevil,needle,torture,writhe,wrong,stew,aggrieve,wince,bug,chafe,tease,tear,ail,harass,despair,harry,hassle,oppressgo for,take ondunconcern oneself,feel uneasy,gnaw at,have qualms,sweat out,bite one's nails
反义词 not worrysupport,help,order,please,make happyreassureassist,delight,pacify,calm,appease,comfort,soothe,aid Our worries always grow out of our fears. Whether you worry about your kids or your job, there is a fear behind it.
忧虑往往增加我们的惧怕。不管你忧虑的是你的孩子还是工作,背后都有那个惧怕。 yeeyan

But the traffic worries me! I’m not sure about cycling in such heavy traffic.
但是交通使我担心!在这么拥挤的车辆中骑自行车我不太肯定。 edu.sina.com.cn

But the traffic worries me!
但是交通使我担心! edu.sina.com.cn

But he worries about some of its consequences.
但使他担心这样做的一些后果。 ecocn

But these may be the least of the Democrats’ worries.
但是这可能是民主党们最不担心的。 ecocn

Despite these worries, there may still be some segments of the stock market that perform well.
尽管担忧和顾虑存在,但股票市场也有一些表现不错的方面。 ecocn

Facts proved that our worries were uncalled-for.

For example when someone is doing well at school but still worries all the time and can’t control the worry.
例如,有人在学校一向表现得很好,但还会不停地担忧而且自身又无法控制这种心境。 yeeyan

He worries constantly about what will become of his life, where they will live, how he will clean up the ruins of their home.
他一直都在担忧他们的生活会变成怎样,他们一家人将在何处生活,他们如何清理家中的废墟。 yeeyan

However, I have some worries.
可是,我也有些忧虑。 infoq

I just told you almonds are not a problem, no worries there.

I would like to study, but I don't see how I can with all these worries.
我想学习,但是带着所有这些忧虑我不知道怎么能够学习。 who

If both of those are happening, you really have no worries.
如果这两个目标都达到了,那就没有什么可以担心的。 fortunechina

If Chinese inflation is one of the big worries for the world economy in 2011, it should be a decent year.
如果中国的通胀是2011年世界经济的一大担忧,那么这应该会是不错的一年。 yeeyan

If you have any particular worries, do write to me and I will do my best to help.
如果你有任何特殊的担心,一定要写信给我,我将尽力帮助你。 yeeyan

Let's forget about those worries.

No worries. Could you tell me a bit about yourself?

No worries; I present you with a checklist of what should be included in a security policy.
不用担心;我会提供一个检查表,指出在安全策略中应该包含什么。 ibm

No worries there. We just have to close in with the camera, and rotate it.
你不用担心这里,我们只需将它拉近摄像机,并旋转就可以了。 yeeyan

Read some jokes and laugh off your worries.

Some of the worries should ease by2009.
有些担心到2009年是有望被减轻的。 ecocn

There are other worries as well.
同样还有其他的担忧。 ecocn

These are all reasonable worries.
这些担忧都是合理的。 edu.sina.com.cn

These are some of my top worries.
这是我最担忧的一些问题。 who

This worries me.
这使我担忧。 who

Trusted colleagues, friends, and family can provide you with an outlet for expressing frustration or worries.
相信你的同事、朋友和你的家人能为你的挫折和担心提供一个出口。 liangzhuge

What worries you about Apple?
您担心苹果公司什么呢? yeeyan

You may not be able to prevent daily worries from cropping up, but you can change the way you deal with them.
对于每天都会出现的烦恼,你似乎没办法阻止它们,但你可以改变自己对待它们的方式。 oobang




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