释义 |
Worried well 基本例句 疑病症指那些身体本身很健康,但是总担心得病,所以时常服用一些药物防病的人 Melanoma screening clinics: Are we detecting more melanomas or reassureing theworried wellWeatherhead S.C. Lawrence C.M.黑色素瘤筛查诊所:检出更多的黑色素瘤还是使患者消除顾虑? “But people should be cautious about advocating the use of aspirin in the very elderly who do not have overt vascular disease, the so-calledworried wellwho take it as a lifestyle choice,” he noted.他同时指出,虽然人们普遍赞成在没有明显血管疾病的老龄患者身上使用阿司匹林,我们也应当对此小心谨慎,因为人们担心这些老年人会把服用阿司匹林当成一种生活方式。 “But people should be cautious about adocating the use of aspirin in the ery elderly who don't hae oert ascular disease, the so-calledworried wellwho take it as a lifestyle choice,” he noted.他同时指出,虽然人们普遍赞成在没有明显血管疾病的老龄患者身上使用阿司匹林,我们也应当对此小心谨慎,因为人们担心这些老年人会把服用阿司匹林当成一种生活方式。 |