

单词 wormwood
释义 worm·wood 英ˈwɜːmˌwʊd美ˈwɝmˌwʊdAHDwûrmʹw‹d' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁰³²⁶BNC²⁵⁶³⁸iWeb³²⁷²⁶Economist¹⁶⁹³¹

any of several low composite herbs of the genera Artemisia or Seriphidium来自古英语wermod,苦艾,由于该植物类似樟脑丸的功效,拼写被俗化为worm和wood。部分学者认为来自wer-,男人,词源同virile, -mod,勇气,词源同mood。因苦艾在很早就被当做壮阳药使用而引发该联想。 worm来自原始印欧语*wrmi,虫。来自原始印欧语*wer,弯,转,扭曲,词源同wring, wriggle。 wood来自原始印欧语*widhu,树,木柱。来自原始印欧语*wi的扩大格,分开,词源同wide, with。可能来自其原义劈开的木材,柴火,或者来自树林在古代隔开文明与野蛮的比喻义。参考forest词源。来自古英语wod,发狂的。来自原始印欧语wet,吹,启迪,唤醒灵魂,词源同vatic, Woden。引申词义着魔的,发狂的,失去理智的。 virile来自拉丁语vir,男人,英雄。来自原始印欧语*wi-ro,男人,自由人,可能进一步来自原始印欧语*weie,追寻,渴求,猎捕,词源同win, Venus。 mod俚语,缩写自modern。 mood来自古英语mod,心情,心境,勇气,骄傲,暴力。来自原始日耳曼语*moda,勇气,愤怒,热情,感觉。来自原始印欧语mo,努力,意愿,脾气,辛劳,词源同mole, moral。由其基本词义辛劳,努力引申关于心情变化的多种词义,反映了做一件事情时的心境变化。gall and wormwood极不愉快的事最讨厌…sweet wormwood青蒿oriental wormwood茵陈bitter as wormwood象胆汁那么苦…as bitter as wormwood象胆汁那么苦…
用作名词We bought some beachwormwoodto drive away mosquitoes.夏天我们买了些蒌蒿来驱蚊。
Beside a bush of graywormwood, the footprints of an animal were clearly visible.一丛灰白色的苦艾旁,沙地上留有一行清晰的野兽走过的痕迹。
Your words must be gall andwormwoodto him.你的话在他听来一定逆耳。as in.bitter pill
同义词 bad part,bitter cup,bummer,downer,downside
bitter pillnoun something unavoidable and unpleasant
bad part,bitter cup,bummer,downer,downside Might there not be an irresistible desire to quaff a last, long, breathless draught of the cup of wormwood and aloes, with which nearly all her years of womanhood had been perpetually flavoured?
既然自从她成为妇人以来的多年中,几乎始终品尝着苦艾和芦荟,难道这时就不会有一种难以逼止的欲望要最后一次屏住气吸上一大杯这种苦剂吗? ebigear

Remembering mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall.
耶和华阿,求你记念我如茵陈和苦胆的困苦窘迫。 xddhy

The shell was smoking and rotating like a top between him and the recumbent adjutant, near a bush of wormwood in the rut between the meadow and the field.
一颗榴弹在他和副官之间,在耕地和草地边上,在一丛苦艾旁边,像陀螺一般冒着烟旋转。 tingroom

At present artemisinin is expensive and in short supply because its only source is sweet wormwood, a Chinese medicinal plant.
目前,由于青蒿素的唯一来源是一种叫艾蒿的中草药,因此其价格昂贵且供不应求。 iciba

Beside a bush of gray wormwood, the footprints of an animal were clearly visible.
一丛灰白色的苦艾旁,沙地上留有一行清晰的野兽走过的痕迹。 dictall

Churchill is said to very much like to drink super- spicy taste, it is time to drink this wine side of pure drinking gin and watching the wormwood bottle.
据说丘吉尔非常喜欢喝超辛辣口味,所以喝这种酒的时候是一边纯饮琴酒,一边看着苦艾酒瓶。 zhdxs

Dragon boat races, eating dumplings, drinking Announcements, updates, hanging wormwood at the door, it is originated in Zhejiang Province, and Oh, our holiday home.
龙舟比赛,吃粽子,喝雄黄酒,挂艾草于门口,这个就是起源于浙江了,呵呵,我们老家的节日。 tianya

European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties.
欧洲的一种洋艾,特征类似一般的洋艾。 hotdic

Families hung wormwood and calamus on the door for the traditional Double-Fifth Festival in ancient times.
旧时的端午节,家家户户都会在门口挂艾草,插菖蒲。 blog.sina.com.cn

In this paper, toothpaste containing wormwood function formula preparation methods used in the discussion, The formula gives a toothpaste containing wormwood.
对含艾蒿牙膏的功能、配方、制备使用方法进行了讨论,给出了一种含艾蒿牙膏的配方。 chemyq

Overgrown with wormwood, it seems that the yard has been neglected for a long time.
院子里蒿草丛生,好像长时间没有人住了。 nciku

Starting with2000 traditional Chinese medicine remedies, her team made hundreds of herbal extracts and tested them in malaria- infected mice, finally settling on one made from sweet wormwood.
她的团队从2000多种传统中药配方中提取了数百种药物,在疟疾感染的老鼠身上进行试验,最终锁定了一种青蒿提取物。 yeeyan

The online illustrated, searchable database contains more than80 entries covering everything from alfalfa to wormwood.
该在线图解检索数据库包含了从紫花苜蓿到艾草属植物等80多种植物的所有资料。 cnmedline




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