

单词 worming
释义 worm·ing 英wɝm美wɝm COCA⁸⁵⁷¹²BNC⁷³¹⁷⁷
动词 worm:
to move in a twisting or contorted motion, especially when strugglingworm-ing动名词⇒虫的爬行动作He succeeded inworminghimself into power.他成功地爬进了掌权阶层。
She was very clever atwormingthe secrets out of her sister.她非常聪明从她姐姐那里探知秘密。
Her sister was very clever atworminghis secret out of him.他姐姐很会巧妙地从他那儿把秘密套出来。as in.creeping
同义词 draggingcrawling,groveling,hobbling,inchingquailingshambling,shuffling,skulking,slinking,slithering,sneaking,squirmingwrigglingwrithingbarely moving,moving slowly,on all fours
反义词 standing,upright,vertical
creepingadjective in the act of creeping
barely moving,crawling,dragging,groveling,hobbling,inching,moving slowly,on all foursquailingshambling,shuffling,skulking,slinking,slithering,sneaking,squirmingwrigglingwrithing Mr Rouyer said there was “ no better worming substance” for ducks and that his flock was in excellent health.
Rouyer说:“没有更好的鸭子驱动药物”以使鸭子有一个良好的健康状态。 yeeyan

NESTLED underneath streets, hung high overhead and worming their way through homes and offices are copper wires, the arteries of an earlier era of telecommunications.
街道底下,头顶上方,还有无数家庭和办公室蜿蜒蔓布着铜质线路,它们是电信通讯较早时期的干线要道。 ecocn

The scene of long queues of vehicles worming their way inch by inch will surely impair the international image of our country.
长龙般的车辆在公路上徐徐蜗行肯定会影响我国的国际形象。 www.360doc.com

The laughter that had been worming in Carmen Elcira vanished and was replaced by a vigorous thumping that was most definitely emanating from her heart.
悄悄直往卡门·艾尔茜拉嗓子眼钻的那阵笑声一下子消失了,取而代之的是剧烈的砰砰声,那声音无疑来自她心房的撞击。 yeeyan

According to the locomotion method of imitating underwater creatures, bionic underwater robot can be classified into three classes: fish robot, walking underwater robot and worming underwater robot.
仿生水下机器人按照模仿水下生物的运动方式可分为:仿鱼水下机器人、仿多足爬行动物水下机器人和仿蠕虫水下机器人。 dictall.com

Allowing dogs to roam, lack of the basic knowledge of hydatid disease transmission and no de- worming practice for dogs are significant factors for the transmission of canine echinococcosis.
犬敞放和不对犬驱虫,以及牧民缺乏相关知识是造成家犬棘球蚴病传播、流行的重要原因。 jsczz

Based on a novel shape memory alloySMA actuator, a micro worming robot is presented. The robot adopts a wheeled moving mechanism.
在一种新型形状记忆合金驱动器的基础上,研制了一种微型蠕动机器人,该机器人采用轮式移动机构。 cnki

But tea- partiers will consider all the worming and the takeover to have been for naught if a candidate from the right of the party fails to win its presidential nomination.
不过,如果来自右翼政党的候选人无法赢得候选总统提名的资格,那么茶党成员会认为此前所有的努力都会化为乌有。 yeeyan

For instance, earlier this year four children under36 months died from choking on albendazole tablets used to combat worms during a de- worming campaign in Ethiopia.
例如,在今年早些时候的埃塞俄比亚除虫运动期间,4名不满36个月的儿童被用于除虫的阿苯达唑药片梗阻窒息而亡。 who

Good character, very Nien, eat, sleep, have a bath and de- worming.
性格很好,很粘人,能吃能睡,已经洗澡和驱虫。 douban

He succeeded in worming himself into power.

However, the instability of West Antarctic Ice Sheet will increase with the climatic worming and thus will become the most important in the factors causing the sea level rise.
但是西南极冰盖的不稳定性可能随气候持续变暖而增强,成为引起海平面上升的最重要潜在因素。 cnki

In Africa, measles campaigns are distributing mosquito nets, de- worming tablets, vitamin A supplements, polio vaccine, and tetanus vaccine for pregnant women.
在非洲,麻疹运动在分发蚊帐、除虫药片、维生素 A补充剂、脊髓灰质炎疫苗,以及面向孕妇的破伤风疫苗。 who

Inhibitory effect on fungal, antibacterial broad spectrum, and the role of a de- worming.
对霉菌抑制效果好,抑菌谱广,并具有驱虫作用。 www.chem31.com

Look at the poor worming of the earth.
看看住在地球上的那些可怜虫。 iciba

She was very clever at worming the secrets out of her sister.
他姐姐很会巧妙地从他那儿把秘密套出来。 iciba

This paper deals with the mechanism and control method of a pneumatic worming robot, which can be used for cable maintenance work as inspection, cleaning or coating.
本文研制了一种用于斜拉桥缆索的检测、清洗和涂装等维护作业的气动蠕动式缆索机器人。 dictall

Two sperm were worming themselves into germ cell's“ shell” .
两个精子正在钻进卵子的“外壳”。 iciba




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