

单词 wormholes
释义 wormholes ˈwɝːmhoʊlz COCA⁵⁵³⁸⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
n.虫洞wormhole 的复数形式原型wormhole的复数 A wormhole might also empty into another time. That's because wormholes are portals through the fabric of space and time.
气孔也可以流入其它时间。这是因为气孔是通过空间和时间的正门。 yappr

And the traveling through wormholes?
那么虫洞旅行是否可靠呢? yeeyan

It is about200 years in the future and we have just discovered wormholes, and are learning how to navigate them.
在未来大约两百年,我们发现了虫洞,并且掌握了如何在其中航行。 deeptimes

The method of acid leak off regarding wormholes effect in core plate experiment has an important guiding meaning to acid fracturing executive parameter optimization.
本文提出的岩板流动蚓孔滤失实验研究方法对酸压施工参数的优化设计具有重要的指导意义。 lib.swpu.edu.cn

The scientists began investigating the idea of wormholes between stars when they were researching what kinds of astrophysical objects could serve as entrances to wormholes.
当他们研究哪种类型的天体可作为进入虫洞的入口时,发现了虫洞存在于恒星之间。 blog.sina.com.cn

Where tiny wormholes exist all around us.
微小的虫洞在我们周围; yeeyan

“ There are various alternative portal concepts that you could look at, notably wormholes, quantum teleportation and fog screen technology, ” Highfield says.
海菲尔德说,“你能看到现在有很多穿越概念,比如虫洞,量子传输,以及 fogscreen公司的投影屏幕技术。” yeeyan

An added bonus is that, as a string moves in time, it warps the fabric of space around it, producing black holes, wormholes, and other exotic solutions of Einstein's equations.
另外一个好处是,由于时间字符串动作,它弯曲周围的空间结构,产生黑洞,虫洞,和爱因斯坦方程的其他外来的解决方案。 blog.sina.com.cn

Any kind of time travel to the past through wormholes or any other method is probably impossible, otherwise paradoxes would occur.
由于自相矛盾,任何方式回到过去的时间旅行或者其他的方法都是不可能的。 yeeyan

But they point out that wormholes might be unstable, or that intense radiation and sub- atomic forces surrounding the entrance to the wormhole would kill anyone who dared to enter.
但他们指出,虫洞可能是不稳定的,或者强烈辐射和亚原子力周围的虫洞的入口会杀死任何人谁也不敢进去。 blog.sina.com.cn

Could wormholes hold the secret to faster-than-light travel?
虫洞是否包含了超光速旅途的奥秘? yeeyan

Electromagnetic wormholes could have many applications.
“电磁虫洞”技术可以有许多应用。 yeeyan

Hawking and other visionary physicists consider the possibility of using wormholes as portals to the past and future.

If some of the collision energy in the collider disappears, then this can be explained by the creation of particles that pierce time through wormholes, scientists explain.
科学家们解释说,如果对撞机之内的能量在粒子对撞之后减少,就说明那部分粒子和能量已经穿越虫洞,进入了另一个时空。 www.china.org.cn

Similarly, in theory there can be wormholes in space-time that connect two distinct regions—and when you entered one side you would end up on the other side at a different place and time.
类似的,理论上,在时空上存在虫洞,能联接两个不同的地区——当你进入一侧时,你可能出现在不同时间和空间的另一侧。 yeeyan

So although tiny wormholes do exist, and it may be possible to inflate one some day, it won't last long enough to be of use as a time machine.
所以,即使微小的虫洞确实存在,某一天也可能膨胀,但它并不能持续足够长时间供时间机器使用。 yeeyan

Spirited debates have erupted between physicists concerning these wormholes.
之间爆发了热烈的争论,就这些虫洞物理学家。 blog.sina.com.cn

That's nothing a little cloning and some wormholes can't solve.
这是什么一点点的克隆和某些虫洞解决不了。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org

There are two main types of wormholes: Lorentzian wormholes and Euclidean wormholes.
有二种主要类型的虫孔:洛伦兹虫孔和欧几里得虫孔。 iciba

Using wormholes could be seen as windows of the universe you see in a short time away can bring.
使用虫洞可以在一瞬间带你到另外的宇宙。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wormholes connect galaxies and solar systems and allow you to fly across the entire breadth of the universe.
虫洞连接着星系和太阳系并允许你飞跃整个宇宙的尺度。 deeptimes




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