

单词 wormhole
释义 worm·hole 英ˈwɜːmˌhəʊl美ˈwɝmˌholAHDwûrmʹhōl' ○○○○○高COCA³⁰²²⁴BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb²²¹⁹⁰

hole made by a burrowing wormworm-hole⇒n.虫孔;天虫洞Pwormholeda.多蛀孔的虫蚀的

用作名词This apple is not good. It has awormholeon it.这个苹果不太好,上边长了个“疤拉眼儿”。as in.back door
同义词 side doorback entrance,back stairs,back way,escape hatch,indirect access,means of entry,postern,postern door,secret exit,secretive or illicit method,trap door,trapdoor
back doornoun back entrance
back entrance,back stairs,back way,escape hatch,indirect access,means of entry,postern,postern door,secret exit,secretive or illicit method,side door,trap door,trapdoor Does Our Universe Live Inside a Wormhole?
我们的宇宙在虫洞之中吗? yeeyan

The critics concede that hundreds of wormhole solutions have now been found to Einstein's equations, and hence they cannot be lightly dismissed as the ravings of crack pots.
批评者承认,数以百计的虫洞解决方案目前已发现爱因斯坦的方程,因此他们不能轻易作为裂纹盆狂言驳回。 blog.sina.com.cn

The feedback will become so strong it destroys the wormhole.
反馈变得很强大而毁坏了虫洞。 yeeyan

The influence of wormhole attack on the node's number of neighbors is analyzed, and a logic topology based method is proposed for attack detection.
分析了虫孔攻击对于网络节点邻居数目的影响,提出了一种基于网络逻辑拓扑的攻击检测方法。 dictall

The same thing will happen with a wormhole, only with radiation instead of sound.
同样的理论可以解释虫洞的存在,只是射线取代声音。 yeeyan

As soon as the wormhole expands, natural radiation will enter it, and end up in a loop.
当虫洞膨胀,自然射线进入,最终形成一个循环。 yeeyan

As some of us know, or theoretically guessed, a wormhole is not a portal, but actually a drill or disturbance in the river of space and time.
正如我们一些人知道,或者理论猜测那样,虫洞并不是一个门户,而实际上是一个钻孔或者时空长河中的一个扰动。 blog.sina.com.cn

But they point out that wormholes might be unstable, or that intense radiation and sub- atomic forces surrounding the entrance to the wormhole would kill anyone who dared to enter.
但他们指出,虫洞可能是不稳定的,或者强烈辐射和亚原子力周围的虫洞的入口会杀死任何人谁也不敢进去。 blog.sina.com.cn

But what if our scientist uses the wormhole to shoot his earlier self? He's now dead.
但是如果科学家利用虫洞回到过去,并开枪射杀过去的自己,他现在已经死了。 yeeyan

Capture the building and Retreat back through the Wormhole with your Mastermind.
占领建筑然后让摄魂师通过虫洞撤回来。 golue

If you were to gaze down one end of such a wormhole, sitting on a nearby table, you could find yourself gazing through a tube at your garden.
假如你坐在一个虫洞附近的桌子上,凝视虫洞的一端,你能看见你自己正通过一个管道窥视自己的花园。 yeeyan

Imagine, somehow, he's built a wormhole, a time tunnel that stretches just one minute into the past.
这个家伙决定创造一个悖论,不惜花费他的一生。设想一下,不知道什么时候,他建立了一个虫洞,一个时间隧道,仅一分钟就可以回到过去。 yeeyan

Let the wormhole lapse and then dial through to one of their allies and hire out his services as a mercenary.
让虫洞关闭,然后拨通同盟之一,并唯利是图的出卖劳力。 sger

Maybe one day someone living in the future will find the information on the invitation and use a wormhole time machine to come back to my party, proving that time travel will, one day, be possible.
也许在未来的某一天的某个人将发现邀请函上的信息,使用时间机器来到我的聚会,证明时间旅行时可能的。 yeeyan

Networks using wormhole routing techniques are particularly vulnerable to deadlock.
采用虫孔路由技术,网络中容易发生死锁。 cnki

On a coral reef in the Bonin Islands, an abandoned wormhole is home to a hermit crab.
在小笠原群岛一个珊瑚礁上,一个被放弃的虫洞成了一只寄生蟹的家。 yeeyan

One such possibility is a cosmic freak show. A much- theorized portal through space, called a wormhole.
这样的一个可能性让宇宙看起来像怪物:理论上有一个贯穿宇宙的入口,我们称之为虫洞。 yappr

Open the Wormhole and Send in the Mastermind.
打开虫洞,让摄魂师进入。 ux98

Opposed to just running your Mastermind in you can use Wormhole.
除去上述方法外,还可以使用虫洞。 golue

So a wormhole is basically a thin tube of space that connects two very, very distant parts of space.
因此,虫洞从根本上来说宇宙中一个细长的管道,连接宇宙中两个非常,非常遥远的地方。 yappr

So until then, it's still a bit premature to buy tickets to the nearest wormhole to visit the next galaxy or hunt dinosaurs!
所以,在此之前,它仍然是一个有点过早购买到最近的虫洞门票参观未来星系或狩猎恐龙! blog.sina.com.cn

So we have a wormhole mouth that you can go in, and then the other end is a place you can go out.
所以,我们有一个可以进去的虫洞口,然后在另一边是可以出来的空间。 yappr

The above unaltered image may like a wormhole to another dimension, but it was actually caused by a Russian missile that failed just after launch.
上述变形了的图片可能像是进入另一维世界的一个空洞,但实际上它是由俄罗斯导弹发射失败所造成的。 yeeyan

The simplest way to visualize a Kerr wormhole is to think of Alice's Looking Glass.
最简单的方法来可视化是一个虫洞克尔认为爱丽丝的镜子。 blog.sina.com.cn

This powerful and unconventional Peacekeeper discovered the wormhole information in Crichton's mind.
这个强大的非正统的和平卫士发现了克莱顿意识中的虫洞资料。 ed2000

Through the wormhole, the scientist can see himself as he was one minute ago.
通过时间隧道,科学家能够见到一分钟前的自己。 yeeyan




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