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词汇 worm
释义 worm 英wɜːm美wɝmAHDwûrm ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT4八COCA⁶⁷¹⁷BNC⁹⁸⁷⁵iWeb⁵³⁹⁰Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

C 虫; 蠕虫

small long thin creeping animal with a soft rounded or flattened body and no backbone or limbs

vt. 为…驱虫

get rid of parasitic worms

any of numerous relatively small elongated soft-bodied animals especially of the phyla Annelida and Chaetognatha and Nematoda and Nemertea and Platyhelminthes; also many insect larvaea person who has a nasty or unethical character undeserving of respecta software program capable of reproducing itself that can spread from one computer to the next over a network;

worms take advantage of automatic file sending and receiving features found on many computers

screw thread on a gear with the teeth of a worm wheel or rack
to move in a twisting or contorted motion, especially when struggling;

The prisoner writhed in discomfort

The child tried to wriggle free from his aunt's embrace







用作动词 v.
~+名词worm information探出消息worm secret探出秘密~+副词worm silently悄悄地靠近worm in使蠕行进入worm one's way in钻进~+介词worm one's way into sb's confidence小心谨慎地取得了某人的信任worm out of慢慢地摆脱,慢慢地从…探得worm out of an obligation逐步摆脱义务worm information out of sb从某人处探得消息
worm in v.+adv.

蠕行,钻进 enter a narrow space by twisting slowly; enter by indirect

worm inDon't let any nonmembers worm in.别让非成员钻进来。
We must be on guard not to let the enemy spies worm in.我们必须警惕,不让敌特钻进来。
worm into v.+prep.

使自己蠕行 move slowly

worm oneself into sthHe wormed himself into the front row.他悄悄地移到前排。
worm out of v.+adv.+prep.

回避或逃避… avoid or escape from (one's responsibilities, etc. or doing sth)

worm out of sthHow did the prisoner worm out of the hole where we trapped him?这个囚犯是怎样从陷阱里钻出去的呢?worm sth ⇔ out of sbHer sister was very clever at worming her secrets out of her.她的妹妹很会从她那儿套出她的秘密。
I finally wormed out of her the reason she broke off her engagement to Jim.我终于问出她和吉姆解除婚约的原因。worm out of sth/v-ingHow is she going to worm out of the charge?她打算如何逃脱对她的指控呢?
How can I worm out of giving that report?我怎样才能推掉那个报告呢?
That boy is always trying to worm out of the jobs I give him to do in the house.那个男孩总是试图逃避干我给他安排的家务活。非常记忆warm温暖的⇒温暖的洞o里有好多蠕虫近义词 bug臭虫pest害虫crawl爬行twist缠绕louse虱子insect昆虫writhe挣扎wrestle摔跤wriggle蠕动creep蹑手蹑脚地走…squirm因不舒适、羞愧或紧张而…
用作名词(n.Many birds eatworms.很多鸟类都以虫为食。
The glowworm isn't a worm.萤火虫不是蠕虫。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.I think we'd better worm the cat.我想我们最好给猫驱打虫子。
Have you found any drug to worm your dog?你找到给你的狗打虫的药了吗?
My children haveworms.Maybe you've got some gentle drug to worm them with?我的几个孩子肚子里有寄生虫,你们这儿有什么驱除虫子的无刺激驱虫药吗?Pworming龟裂Pmuckwormn.Pseatworm蛲虫Psilkwormn.Pearwormn.螟蛉Peelwormn.线虫Ppinwormn.蛲虫Parmywormn.粘虫Pcasewormn.蓑虫Pfishwormn.蚯蚓Phookwormn.钩虫Pinchwormn.尺蠖Prainwormn.蚯蚓Pshipwormn.船蛆Psloewormn.蛇蜥Pspanwormn.尺蠖Ptapewormn.绦虫Panglewormn.蚯蚓Pcutwormn.切根虫Pdeworming除蠕虫Pearthwormn.蚯蚓Pmawwormn.伪君子Proundwormn.蛔虫Pwormeryn.饲虫箱Pcankerwormn.尺蠖Pflatwormn.扁形虫Pglowwormn.萤火虫Ppalmerwormn.毛虫Pringworm癣癣菌病Pscrew-worm螺旋虫Pthreadwormn.线虫Pwirewormn.金针虫Pwoodwormn.木蛀虫Pwormcastn.蚯蚓粪Pwormseedn.山道年Pbagwormn.蓑蛾幼虫Pglow-wormn.萤火虫Pheartworm犬恶丝虫Pslowwormn.慢缺肢蜥Pwhipworm毛首鞭虫Pwormholen.蛀孔蛀洞Psilkworm-gut蚕肠线Pgapewormn.张口病线虫Pwormlikea.象虫一样的Pscrewwormn.旋丽蝇幼虫Pbookwormn.书呆子蛀书虫Pmealwormn.大黄粉虫幼体Pwormwoodn.苦艾痛苦悲伤Phookworm-disease钩虫病Pbollwormn.棉红铃虫螟蛉虫Pblindwormn.慢缺肢蜥蜴蛇蜥Pjointwormn.广肩小蜂的幼虫Pwormholeda.多蛀孔的虫蚀的Peye-worm非洲眼线虫罗阿丝虫Pworm-fishingn.蚯蚓作饵垂钓Pwormya.有蛀虫的虫多的虫蛀的Pbloodwormn.做钓饵用的血红色的虫Pworm-eatena.虫蛀的陈旧的破烂不堪的




用作名词Thewormwas crushed under the feet.虫被脚踏扁了。
The bird had awormin its beak.鸟儿嘴里叼着一条虫。
When you open the file, it activates theworm.当你一打开文档,就会启动电脑蠕虫。用作动词I have no idea as to how towormout of the job.我不知如何摆脱这项任务。
They have towormtheir way through the narrow tunnel.他们得钻过狭窄的隧道。
I think we would betterwormthe cat .我想我们最好给猫打打虫。
The vet prescribed a medicine towormmy puppy.兽医开了一种药驱除我那小狗体内的寄生虫。
He manages toworminto an important position in the government.他设法钻进政府窃据要职。as in.cad
同义词 boor,bounder,clown,creep,cur,dog,heel,louse,lout,rake,rascal,rat,rotter,rounder,scoundrel,stinker
反义词 gentleman,helperas in.cur
同义词 blackguard,bum,cad,coward,dog,good-for-nothing,heel,hound,ne'er-do-well,rat,riffraff,scoundrel,scum,skunk,snake,stinker,toad,villain,wretchblack sheep,yellow dog
反义词 heroas in.grub
同义词 maggotcaterpillar,centipede,entozoonas in.maggot
同义词 grubbug,larvaas in.wretch
同义词 rascalbeggar,blackguard,brute,bum,caitiff,dog,ingrate,knave,liar,libertine,lowlife,miscreant,outcast,pariah,pauper,poltroon,rapscallion,renegade,rogue,scalawag,scamp,scapegrace,scoundrel,scullion,scum,snake,vagabond,varlet,villainbezonian,cullion,looser,pilgarlic,ronionas in.coax
同义词 cajole,entice,induce,tease,tempt,wheedleallure,barter,beguile,blandish,blarney,decoy,flatter,get,hook,importune,influence,inveigle,jawbone,lure,pester,plague,press,soft-soap,soothe,sweet-talk,urge,wangleargue into,arm-twist,butter up,con,prevail upon,rope in,talk into,work on
反义词 discourage,repel,repulse,turn off,disenchant,disgust,dissuade,pleaseallow,not careas in.crawl
同义词 clamber,creep,drag,inch,plod,poke,slide,slither,squirm,wrigglegrovel,lag,lollygag,scrabble,writhedrag oneself along,go on all fours,go on belly,hang back,loiter along,move at snail's pace,move on hands and knees,pull oneself along
反义词 run,rushas in.creep
同义词 glide,inch,lurk,slink,slither,snake,sneak,tiptoe,wriggleedge,grovel,gumshoe,insinuate,pussyfoot,scrabble,scramble,skulk,squirm,steal,writheapproach unnoticed,crawl on all foursas in.edge
同义词 creep,ease,inchinfiltrate,sidle,stealnose out,slip by,slip past,squeeze by,squeeze past
反义词 lose,wallopas in.sneak
同义词 ambush,crawl,creep,evade,hide,slink,slip,slither,smuggle,stealcase,cheat,cower,deceive,delude,glide,gumshoe,lurk,mooch,ooze,pad,pass,prowl,pussyfoot,secrete,shirk,sidle,skulk,slide,snake,snook,spiritmove secretly,sly
反义词 come outas in.squirm
同义词 flounder,writheagonize,shift,skew,squiggle,toss,twist,wind,wriggle
反义词 straighten,sit stillas in.sweet-talk
同义词 allure,barter,beguile,blandish,blarney,cajole,con,decoy,entice,flatter,get,honey up,hook,importune,induce,influence,inveigle,jawbone,lure,pester,plague,press,soft-soap,soothe,tease,tempt,urge,wangle,wheedleargue into,arm-twist,butter up,come on,prevail upon,rope in,talk into,work on
反义词 discourage,disenchant,disgust,dissuade,please,prevent,repel,repulse,turn offas in.wangle
同义词 wrigglecontrive,engineer,extricate,fake,falsify,juggle,maneuver,manipulate,obtain,wiggle
反义词 leave aloneas in.wheedle
同义词 cajole,finaglebanter,blandish,charm,coax,con,court,draw,entice,flatter,inveigle,kowtow,oil,persuade,seduce,snow,soap,soft-soap,sweet-talkbutter up,lay it on,soften up,spread it on,sweeten up,work on
反义词 dissuadeas in.wiggle
同义词 jerk,jiggle,shimmy,squirm,twist,twitch,wag,waggle,wave,wriggle,writheas in.wriggle
同义词 crawl,sneak,squirm,zigzagconvulse,dodge,glide,jerk,jiggle,ooze,skew,slink,slip,snake,turn,twist,twitch,wag,waggle,writheextricate oneselfas in.writhe
同义词 recoil,squirm,wiggle,winceagonize,bend,distort,jerk,struggle,suffer,thrash,thresh,twist,wriggle
反义词 straighten,be still
cadnoun sly, dastardly person
coaxverb persuade
allure,argue into,arm-twist,barter,beguile,blandish,blarney,butter up,cajole,con,decoy,entice,flatter,get,hook,importune,induce,influence,inveigle,jawbone,lure,pester,plague,press,prevail upon,rope in,soft-soap,soothe,sweet-talk,talk into,tease,tempt,urge,wangle,wheedle,work on,worm
coaxesverb persuade
allures,argues into,arm-twists,barters,beguiles,blandishes,blarneys,butters up,cajoles,comes on,cons,decoys,entices,flatters,gets,hooks,importunes,induces,influences,inveigles,jawbones,lures,pesters,plagues,presses,prevails upon,rope in,soft-soaps,soothes,sweet-talks,talks into,teases,tempts,urges,wangles,wheedles,works on,worms
crawlverb move very slowly
clamber,creep,drag,drag oneself along,go on all fours,go on belly,grovel,hang back,inch,lag,loiter along,lollygag,move at snail's pace,move on hands and knees,plod,poke,pull oneself along,scrabble,slide,slither,squirm,worm,wriggle,writhe
creepverb crawl along, usually on ground
approach unnoticed,crawl on all fours,edge,glide,grovel,gumshoe,inch,insinuate,lurk,pussyfoot,scrabble,scramble,skulk,slink,slither,snake,sneak,squirm,steal,tiptoe,worm,wriggle,writhe
creepedverb crawl along, usually on ground
approach unnoticed,crawl on all fours,edge,glide,grovel,gumshoe,inch,insinuate,lurk,pussyfoot,scrabble,scramble,skulk,slink,slither,snake,sneak,squirm,steal,tiptoe,worm,wriggle,writhe It may be that our bodies evolved to depend on at least low levels of worm- produced compounds to keep them running within normal bounds.
而人类身体的进化又需要依赖这种由蠕虫产生的至少低水平的化合物才能保证其在正常范围内运作。 huanqiu

The resulting pictures let the path taken by each nerve cell to be traced through the worm’s body. They also revealed the connections between cells.
得到的这些图像使得从每个神经细胞伸出的“小路”遍布到蠕虫的身体, 同时也显示出了细胞之间的连接。 ecocn

The worm burrowed its way under the earth.

The worm was crushed under the feet.

To wriggle is to wrest about like a worm.

According to a new study published in the journal Cell Metabolism, consistently adding a small amount of sugar to a worm's regular diet of bacteria shortened its lifespan by 20 percent.
根据发表在《细胞新陈代谢》杂志上的一项新研究报告,向虫子平时所食的细菌中持续添加少量的糖分,虫子的寿命将会减少20%。 yeeyan

Additionally, a worm is designed to replicate as part of its life cycle, which in most cases means that it will scan, infect, and replicate over and over again, infecting more systems along the way.
此外,蠕虫被设计为能够作为自身生命周期的一部分进行复制,通常,这表示它将不断扫描、感染和复制,并在该过程中感染更多的系统。 ibm

As the incubation period of the worm takes between10-14 months, a single missed case will delay eradication efforts by one year or more.
由于这一蠕虫的潜伏期有10-14个月,单个遗漏病例就会使消灭活动拖后一年或者更长时间。 who

Central to these worm tricks is optogenetics— a genetic engineering technology that allows scientists to control the activity of neurons with light.
蠕虫表演的核心是光电子遗传基因-一种让科学家用光控制神经活动的遗传工程技术。 yeeyan

Flower, have pity for the worm, it is not a bee, its love is a blunder and burden.
花朵啊,悲悯这小虫吧,它并非蜜蜂,它的爱仅为一种失误和烦扰。 ebigear

In some cases, a worm may perform an additional function outside of simple replication: It may serve as a deployment mechanism for an enclosed payload.
在某些情况下,除简单的复制功能外,蠕虫还可执行其他功能:作为一个封装的负载的部署机制。 ibm

It will help researchers learn how basic neural circuits work together in sensing and responding to the environment, such as when a worm smells food and crawls toward it.
它能够帮助研究人员了解那些基本的神经环路是如何协作起来感知并反应外部环境的,例如,蠕虫闻到食物后就向食物蠕动。 yeeyan

The lizards initially looked under only the blue disc, where they expected the worm to be.
两只蜥蜴起初只找了蓝色盘子下面,它们认为蠕虫会在那下面。 yeeyan

The idea being if I find a pattern across multiple people's computers maybe all of those people are infected with the same kind of malware or virus or worm.

The worms then releases thousands of larvaebaby worms into the water.
这些虫子便会将数千个幼虫释放到水里。 who

The worm causes liver damage that the body's natural mechanisms must repair.
这种蠕虫会引起身体的天然机制必须修理的肝损害。 ecocn

The worm inched along.

Then I opened it and lo, the mist was a worm.
然后我伸掌一看,哎哟,烟雾变成一个虫子。 ebigear

We know that there's an extended through space and time, space- time worm, a person.

When guinea- worm disease is eradicated, this will be the first disease kicked out of its human host, not by a powerful vaccine, but by health education and behaviour change.
当几内亚线虫病得以消灭之时,将是不用强有力的疫苗,而是利用健康教育和行为改变从人类宿主中剔除出去的首个疾病。 who

Who gets the worm?
谁会得到虫子? yeeyan

You will be considering reports on two of these opportunities: the eradication of polio and the eradication of guinea worm disease.
你们将审议的报告涉及这些机会中的两个:根除脊髓灰质炎和根除麦地那龙线虫病。 who




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