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词汇 WorldCom
释义 WorldCom
In the meantime, a number of investigations continue into WorldCom's accounting practices.
同时,对世界电信的会计做法的调查继续进行。 netlawcn

In2002, after the scandalous collapses of Enron and WorldCom, Congress voted in the Sarbanes-Oxley act, which was intended among other things to beef up corporate risk- management.
2002年安然公司和世通公司令人可耻的破产之后,国会投票决议了萨班斯-奥克斯利法案,并期望之成为加强公司风险管理的法案之一。 ecocn

It is harder for today’s businesses to disguise from their employees what they are up to— even when, as in cases such as Enron and WorldCom, they put a lot of effort into it.
现在,那些雇主想要隐瞒他们所干的勾当,比如说安然事件和世界通讯事件,是越来越难了,即使他们花了大把的精力从事这些事情。 ecocn

Scandals at Enron, WorldCom and elsewhere undermined trust in big business and led to heavy-handed government regulation.
安然和世通公司的丑闻以及其他一些大公司的诚信缺失导致政府加大、加重了管理。 blogbus

Separately, however, the Securities and Exchange Commission has filed civil actions against some WorldCom individuals, seeking financial compensation.
然而,证券与交易委员会已经对世界通信公司中的某些个人提起民事诉讼,要求金钱赔偿。 netlawcn

The federal agency has charged WorldCom with wrongdoing.

The financial crisis underscored how opaque the books are at a lot of companies, and before that came the massive corporate frauds at Enron and WorldCom.
金融危机凸出显示很多公司的账目是如何的含混不清,而之前还出现了安然和世界通讯公司的巨骗们。 yeeyan

The indictment of Mr Ebbers of WorldCom is detailed with allegations of how he and others manipulated revenue- recognition policies to meet analysts' expectations.

But after WorldCom's collapse, many would-be vultures swooped too early, tearing into the discounted bonds of cable and telecoms firms, only to see them tumble further.
但是世界通信公司破产后,许多准秃鹫基金操之过急,购买了电缆和电信公司打折的债券。结果确使它们陷的更深了。 ecocn

Compared with Kenneth Lay of Enron or Bernie Ebbers of WorldCom, however, they were amateurs.
然而,和安然的肯尼迪•雷还有世界电信的伯尼•埃伯斯比起来,他们还只是业余的。 ecocn

Equally certain is that the downturn will lead to the emergence of financial scandals, along the lines of Enron and WorldCom in 2002.
同样可以肯定的是经济低迷将会引发金融丑闻的披露,如同2002年的安然和世通事件那样。 ecocn

Even without WorldCom's non- US subsidiaries, this will be by far the largest bankruptcy filing so far in the US.
即使不包括世界电信的非美国子公司,这也是美国到目前为止最大的一宗破产申请。 netlawcn

Former WorldCom chief Benrard Ebbers is serving25 years for accounting fraud.
世界通讯前主席伯纳德·埃博斯正在因为做假账而服刑25年。 yeeyan

In contrast, corporate- bond investors quickly forgave issuers for the failures of Enron and WorldCom in 2002; spreads fell to historic lows.
与此相反,公司债券投资者迅速宽恕了发行商2002年的安然债券和世通债券的失败;利差降至历史最低水平。 yeeyan

MCI, in an effort to distance itself from the accounting scandals that plagued the company when it went by the name WorldCom, on Tuesday named a defense contractor veteran as its chief ethics officer.
前身为世通的 MCI公司,为了远离曾经折磨该公司的会计丑闻,星期二任命了一名来自军工合作公司的资深军官担任首席道德官。

Myers is the first high-ranking employee in WorldCom to plead guilty.
迈尔斯是世界通讯的员工中,第一位坦承有罪的高阶主管。 jukuu

Scandals at Enron, WorldCom, Tyco and now Parmalat have shaken the business world and prompted new laws and regulations.
安然、世通、泰科以及现今的帕玛拉特丑闻震惊了工商界,并推动了新法规条例的出台。 focus

Separately, WorldCom has filed additional bankruptcy petitions for43 of its subsidiaries with the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.
世界通信公司还单独为其43家子公司向美国破产法院纽约南区法院提出了追加破产申请。 netlawcn

That's almost three times the value of WorldCom's own common equity.
这几乎价值的三倍,世界本身的共同权益。 uzmart

The House Energy and Commerce Committee has asked for more information from WorldCom, since the documents it has examined so far show that the accounting scandal may go back to1999.
由于已检查过的文件显示会计丑闻可能回溯至1999年,众议院能源和商务委员会已经向世界电信要求提供更多的信息。 netlawcn

The result is a wash: Enron and WorldCom both split the two jobs, as did the Royal Bank of Scotland and Northern Rock.
结果倒是良莠不齐:不仅安然、世界通信采用了分职制,苏格兰皇家银行、北岩银行也是如此。 ecocn

The profession is in this pickle only because Andersen, the auditor of Enron and WorldCom, collapsed in2002 after its conviction later overturned for obstruction of justice.
这个行业陷于如此进退两难的境地只不过因为安然和世通的审计所——安达信在2002年被指控妨碍司法罪后被推翻后倒闭。 ecocn

WorldCom is the world's largest provider of Internet service.
世界通信是世界上最大的互联网服务供应商。 dictall




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