

单词 workstations
释义 workstations ˈwə:ksteiʃənz COCA²⁹²⁵³BNC⁷²⁹⁰
n.工作站⁹⁹;智能终端¹;工作岗位workstation的复数原型workstation的复数 A transaction can occur between a workstation and a program, two workstations, or two programs.
事务可以发生在工作站和程序之间,两个工作站之间,或两个程序之间。 ibm

Again, a web server is required to host the enablement materials and workstations equipped with web browsers.
您需要一个网络服务器来安装带有网络浏览器的启动材料和工作台。 ibm

The main difference is that the code is installed on a code server, and not on the individual workstations.
主要区别是它的代码安装在一个代码服务器上,而不是安装在单独的工作站中。 ibm

Are these high-end workstations with memory and processor power to spare? Or are they old, underpowered machines?
是有足够内存和处理器能力的高端工作站还是老式的落后计算机? ibm

Consider whether the grid, if used, is at the local, regional, or global levels— or all three— and how unused resources are being harnessed at multiple workstations at each grid level.
如果使用网格的话,考虑是在本地、地区还是在全球级别使用——或者在所有三个级别使用,以及如何在每个网格级别在多个工作站利用未使用的资源。 ibm

Create and copy virtual machine images to multiple workstations.
创建并复制虚拟机映像到多个工作站。 ibm

Ethernet and the Motorola68000 microchip made a potentially potent combination, and several different startups had been formed to build the first generation of what we now call workstations.
以太网和摩托罗拉68000微芯片就是一个潜在的有力组合,众多公司纷纷组建起来,着手开发第一代我们如今所说的“工作站”。 yeeyan

Faster workstations, incremental compilation, and alternative compilers are all strategies that may be used to keep compile times short.
更快的工作站、增加的编辑和可选择的编译器可以使得编译时间更加短暂。 ibm

File and print sharing can be performed by dedicated servers, by individual workstations, or by a combination of both.
文件和打印共享可以通过专用服务器、单独的工作站或者二者的结合来执行。 ibm

For example, if you enable network data encryption on a TCP/ IP port on a server, you don't need to enable encryption on the TCP/ IP ports on workstations or servers that connect to the server.
例如,如果您在一台服务器的一个 TCP/ IP端口上启用了网络数据加密,那么就无需在连接到该服务器的工作站或服务器的 TCP/ IP端口上启用加密了。 ibm

If the change in scale isn't adequately controlled at thousands of workstations, it can have an impact on the one system image in the grid, resulting in resource overloads.
如果在数千个工作站都不能充分控制规模变化,则会对网格中的单系统映像造成影响,从而导致资源过载。 ibm

If the change in scale isn't adequately controlled at thousands of workstations, it can impact the one system image in the grid, resulting in resource overloads and possibly denial of service.
如果在数千个工作站都不能充分控制规模变化,则会对网格中的单系统映像造成影响,从而导致资源过载,并且可能导致拒绝服务。 ibm

In general, messaging connectivity is moving to the periphery of the network and showing up on user workstations, browsers, instrumentation, standalone devices, and even phones.
通常,消息传递连通性正在向网络外围区域移动,并出现在用户工作站、浏览器、仪表、独立设备、甚至电话中。 ibm

It had separate floating point registers and could scale from the low- to the high-end workstations.
它有单独的浮点寄存器,可以从低端工作站扩展到高端工作站。 ibm

It is the preferred mode to use from dedicated workstations with a high-speed network connection to the mail server.
对于通过高速网络连接访问邮件服务器的专用工作站来说,这种模式是首选模式。 ibm

It's easy to quickly set up shared displays on nearby workstations, or send them to the projector in the lab or a classroom.
可以轻松地在附近的工作站上设置共享显示,也可以将其发送到实验室或教室中的投影仪上。 ibm

It can be confined to the network of computer workstations within a corporation across geographical boundaries, or it can be a public collaboration for example, peer-to-peer computing.
它可以是一个公司中各个地理位置的计算机工作站网络,也可以是一个公共协作例如,对等网络计算。 ibm

On modern workstations, this is enough time to do a lot of processing.
在现代的工作站上,这段时间足够进行许多处理。 ibm

One solution is to develop a grid monitor of how the unused resources of each workstation are harnessed and shared by other workstations.
一个解决方案是开发网格监视器来监视其他工作站如何利用和共享每个工作站的未使用资源。 ibm

Our growth impact studies show that cash flow expenditures over a5- year period should be35% less than other high- end workstations on the market.
我们对经济增长影响的研究显示五年内的资金流动支出将是35%,低于市场上其他的高级终端工作站的花费。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Say you have two or more regular workstations at your disposal with network connectivity.
假设有两个或多个普通的工作站,它们都使用网络连接在一起。 ibm

So, unless you know exactly what you need to deny, you should tighten the security by implementing e. g. better password policies and restrict users’ workstations.
所以,除非你明确知道这个应该拒绝,否则你应该做的是加强安全实施,例如:更好的密码策略和限制用户的工作站。 yeeyan

Some risk management software will track habits, such as detecting when people log onto which workstations or when they log in on a holiday.
有些风险控制软件可以跟踪习惯,比如监测人们何时登录进哪一台工作站,还有他们何时在假期登录进系统。 infoq

That would have improved performance, but not solved the main problem of configuring user workstations.
那样将会改进性能,但是无法解决配置用户工作站的主要问题。 ibm

The Korean Chaebol said that the chips will be used in16GB,8GB and possibly32GB memory modules aimed at laptops, blade servers, workstations and desktops.
这个韩国财团说该芯片将被用于16GB8GB及可能32GB的内存模块上,定位于笔记本、刀片服务器、工作站和台式机。 yeeyan

This environment has one or more development workstations where developers write code.
此环境包含一个或多个开发工作站,供开发人员编写代码之用。 ibm

You may find it difficult to use either of these registry types from desktop workstations.
您可能会发现,从桌面工作站使用任何注册表类型都比较困难。 ibm




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