

单词 binoculars
释义 binoculars 英bɪ'nɒkjʊləz美bɪ'nɑkjəlɚz ★☆☆☆☆高I四八COCA¹⁰⁶²⁷BNC⁹⁸⁴⁸iWeb¹⁰⁰⁵⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a pair of glasses like short telescopes for both eyes,used for looking at distant objects

an optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes前缀bin-, 二。词根oc, 眼睛,见oculist, 眼科医生。非常记忆bin垃圾桶〖熟词〗+ocular眼睛〖熟词〗+s美女〖编码〗⇒垃圾桶旁一双眼睛透过双筒望远镜看着美女词根记忆 bino双,两+ocul眼睛+ars→两只眼睛→双筒望远镜bin两+ocular目镜+s→双筒望远镜有两个目镜⇒双筒望远镜近义词 lens镜头eyeglasses眼镜telescope望远镜field glasses双筒望远镜野外镜…opera glasses(观剧用的小型双眼望远…
用作名词n.I watched the birds through mybinoculars.我用双筒望远镜观鸟。
He watched the play through hisbinoculars.他用双筒望远镜看戏。
The binoculars are in that leather case.双筒望远镜在那皮箱里。

binoculars是复数形式的名词,但表达的是单数概念,若表示数量,须用单位词pair。如“一副双筒望远镜”是a pair of binoculars。


用作名词He trained hisbinocularson the distant figures.他把双筒望远镜对准远处的景物。
If I hadbinoculars, I could see that comet clearly.如果我有望远镜,我就可以清楚地看见那颗彗星。
He took out thebinocularsand adjusted the focus.他取出双筒望远镜并调整了焦距。as in.opera glasses
同义词 field glasses,lorgnette,pince-nez,prism binoculars
opera glassesnoun small binoculars
field glasses,lorgnettes,pince-nezes,prism binoculars His men do not even have binoculars.
警员甚至没有双筒望远镜。 ecocn

It so large at182 degrees that both eyes together offer all round vision and even overlap at the front, creating an effect like binoculars.
视野大到182度的两只眼睛加在一起形成了全方位视觉,甚至能在前方重叠,产生双筒望远镜的效果。 yeeyan

On the banks of the Yalu River, hawkers rent binoculars to people intent on gazing at Sinuiju.
鸭绿江岸边的小贩向那些想望见对岸朝鲜的人出租双目镜。 yeeyan

The unusual relics we use such as croquet balls, binoculars and old toys give each inspiring bird their own personality.
我们还采用一些特别的废弃材料,像槌球,望远镜和旧玩具,让每一只鸟看起来都与众不同。 yeeyan

The binoculars are made in China.
望远镜是中国制造。 kekenet

A birdwatcher kept an eye on his activities with his large binoculars. Nobody really knows why.
一个鸟类观察者用他的大望远镜观察他的一举一动,没人知道为什么。 yeeyan

As I watched through my binoculars, I reflected that it was strange finally to see these celebrated animals in their natural habitat.
当我用望远镜观察时,我想在它们的自然栖息地,我终于看见了这种著名的动物,有点奇怪的感觉。 yeeyan

At its simplest, a Raven acts as a flying pair of binoculars that can look over the next hill, or escort a convoy from above.
由于结构简单,“渡鸦”既可以当作一架飞行望远镜,用来观察山那头的情况,又可以作为部队的空中巡逻。 ecocn

Even birders who opt for a field bag, binoculars and other birding supplies can find suitable options for low budgets.
甚至想要拥有自己的野营包、双筒望远镜和其他观鸟设备的观鸟者也能找到价格较低、合适的选择。 yeeyan

For example, it notes that police deployed on rooftops around the site of Ms Bhutto’s last rally were supposed to have binoculars, but did not.
例如,它指出,警察在的布托女士的最后的集会地点周围屋顶上的应该部署望远镜,但是却没有。 ecocn

For example, you might think you need a pair of binoculars, hiking boots or a brand new guide book.
比如,你可能会想你需要一个望远镜,一双登山靴或者一本全新的旅游指南。 bbs.internet.org.cn

For instance: maybe you can see it clearly from space with binoculars but not with the naked eye.
比如说:或许在太空中能用望远镜看到长城,但是单凭肉眼看不到。 yeeyan

He stood to his pay of50 pounds for my binoculars.

If I had binoculars, I could see that comet clearly.
如果我有望远镜,我就可以清楚地看见那颗彗星。 examw

It was miles off, visible only through binoculars: leggy in an ice mirage, loping, sloth- like, mythically remote.
北极熊在一英里以外,只有用望远镜才能看到,它在冰雾中懒散地行走,像神话那样遥远。 yeeyan

No one needs a pair of binoculars to see that.
没有人希望用一对望远镜来看到那种情境。 ecocn

Over the years, most of us have bought at least one of its cameras, binoculars or digital voice recorders, without much thought to its executives and board.
这么多年来,我们中的大多数人恐怕至少都买过一台奥林巴斯的相机、望远镜或数码录音笔,但我们很少考虑关于它的领导层或董事会的事。 fortunechina

People are often surprised that you can spot over20 bird species in a single afternoon there with a pair of binoculars.
人们常常会吃惊于在那里呆一个下午就可以用一副双筒望远镜观察到20种鸟类。 yeeyan

She reached to the bookcase and pulled out a pair of binoculars.
她于是走到书柜前,取出了一副望远镜。 edu.sina.com.cn

There were maybe60,000 sandhills just within the sweep of my binoculars.
仅在我的双筒望远镜视野之内,就有大概60,000只沙丘鹤。 xianguo.com

These are dudes with binoculars who need to be killed to stop the Americans calling in air support on you.
这些哥们带着望远镜,你要想阻止美国呼叫控制空中支援就得先干掉这些人。 yeeyan

These nebulae can be seen with binoculars from a dark location.
你可以在较暗的地区用双筒望远镜看到这两个星云。 yeeyan

They hover in optimistic vigil, cameras and binoculars poised.
他们拿着照相机和望远镜很乐观的靠近观察。 ecocn

This is the easiest type of birder to be, because birding in the backyard does not necessarily require specialized equipment beyond a general field guide and a basic set of binoculars.
这是最容易入道的一种“鸟人”,因为在后园里观鸟不需要专门的装备,只要有一本通用的观鸟指南和一架基本的双筒望远镜即可。 yeeyan

Through binoculars, the tail appears about the same length as the width of the full moon in the sky.
通过望远镜,可发现这条尾巴呈现出与天空中满月宽度一样的长度。 bbs.internet.org.cn

While they have binoculars as well, they mainly spot the animals with their bare eyes, it’s incredible!
虽然他们也有望远镜,但主要用裸眼发现动物,真是不可思议! worldbank

Binoculars, a telescope or even the naked eye will provide a view of the moon's craters and surface features.
双筒望远镜、望远镜、甚至用肉眼会看到月亮上的陨石坑和表面的地貌。 yeeyan

Binoculars or field glasses are a great help when we want to see what birds are doing.
当我们想要看鸟正在干什么的时候,双筒望远镜或野外望远镜用处很大。 ebigear




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