

单词 workmates
释义 workmates ˈwɜ:kmeɪts COCA¹³²¹⁶⁰BNC²⁴⁴⁰⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.一起工作的人;同事;工友workmate的名词复数原型workmate的复数 My workmates who live far from the company are always earlier for work than the ones that live nearby.
住在远郊的同事反而会比住得近的早到很多。 blog.sina.com.cn

At Dollar General, a retail chain, managers brief selected front-line workers on corporate strategy and then ask them to explain what is going on to their workmates.
例如在零售连锁公司 Dollar General,经理们就向挑选出来的一线工人介绍企业战略的基本情况,并向他们询问其他工友的情况; ecocn

Charlie is a polite young man. He's friendly to his workmates and neighbours and they liked him, too.
查理是一个有礼貌的青年,他对同事和邻居很友好,因此他们都很喜欢他。 yy1000

Entertain neighbours and workmates, etc.
款待你的邻居跟同事。 feedou

He is honoured for his kindness and hard work among his workmates.
他因善良和勤劳而受到同事们的尊敬。 dangzhi

He always plays basketball with his workmates.
他经常跟他的同事们一起打篮球。 hjenglish

He found himself in harmony with his new workmates.
他很快发现自己与新同事能和睦相处。 hebss

He is one of those people who always seem intent on stirring up trouble among his workmates.
他是个有意要在工友之间挑起纠纷的那种人。 wgyxy.hutc.zj.cn

His laziness at work made him unpopular with his workmates.
他在工作上的懒惰使得他的同事都不喜欢他。 youtheme

If I work with someone, then we are workmates.

It's one of many new “ private sharing” services that let you upload a file—a picture, a video, whatever— and get a special URL you can give to select friends or workmates.
它是众多的“隐私分享”服务之一,你可以上传一个文件——图片、视频,或其他文件——然后得到一个专门的 URL地址,你可以将地址分享给所需的朋友或同事。 blog.sina.com.cn

Moreover, working from home will not be so isolating if home is next door to where potential workmates live.
此外,如果隔壁住着的就是潜在的同事,那么在家工作就不一定是那么与世隔绝了。 kekenet

One day she asked one for my Chinese workmates, why Chinese woman like to find foreigners.
有一天,她问我一个中国同事,为什么中国女人喜欢找老外。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of the American workmates asked me, how far away is your love from you. I said about 5000km.
有一位美国同事问我,你的爱人离你有多远,我说,五千多公里吧。 blog.sina.com.cn

Overwork, faulty computers and annoying workmates were the main cause of Office rage and women are more likely to snap than men.
过度操劳、时时故障的电脑和讨厌的同事是“办公室怒火”的主要诱因——而女的比男的更容易发作。 edu.sina.com.cn

Secondly, I have great workmates, who encourage and support each other.
第二,我周边有很好的同事,大家相互鼓励,支持。 blog.sina.com.cn

She ignored the scoffs of her workmates.
她对同事的嘲弄不屑一顾。 words-chinese

Strike-breakers are often despised by their workmates.
破坏罢工的人往往被工友们看不起。 chinafanyi.com

You may think that you're being very clever today as you share your radical strategy with your workmates.
当你和你同事分享你的点子时,你发觉你今天是如此地聪明。 douban




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