

单词 working procedure
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In the process of steel-making, killing oxygen by adding aluminum process is an important working procedure.
定氧加铝工艺是炼钢厂铝镇静钢冶炼过程的重要工序之一。 cnki

The controlling diagram of tolerance percentage is a tool for controlling the process quality of key working procedure in multiple variety and small batch production.
公差百分数控制图是在多品种小批量生产过程,对关键工序进行加工质量控制的工具。 cnki

We proposed a new cost control method based on cost standard of working procedure CSW.
讨论了几种成本控制方法的异同点和适用范围; iciba

As the key working procedure in concrete production, mixing quality and productivity are affect seriously by mixing mode.
搅拌是混凝土生产工艺中的关键工序,直接关系到预拌混凝土生产的质量和效率。 cnki

At present, the fruit juice processing still is used to traditional evaporator, not only wastes energy and pollutes air, simultaneously takes sterilization an independent working procedure.
目前,果汁的加工仍采用传统的蒸发器,能耗大,能源利用率低,同时杀菌还必须作为一个单独的工序。 cnki

High foaming polyethylene pipe set is the most advanced production equipment and technology, the dozens of working procedure and moulding into.
高发泡聚乙烯管套是采用国际先进的生产设备和工艺,经几十道工序模压而成。 www.jmhbjn.com.cn




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