

单词 working capacity
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The dynamical computing of crankshaft reciprocating- piston compressor has been using graphics or hand- computation for a long time, which means heavy working capacity and low precision.
曲轴往复活塞压缩机动力学计算,长期以来沿用着图解法或手算法,其工作量大、精确度低。 cnki

It has truly realized on-line examination with paperless, so lightens teacher“s working capacity greatly and ensures examination”s justice and reasonableness.
该系统实现了真正的无纸化在线考试,大大减轻了教师的工作量,也保证了考试的公正性和合理性。 magsci

Raw material is shifted to the surface with the help of the vertical conveyer that deals with delivery of shattered gypsum. Working capacity of the system is900 tonnes an hour.
原材料破碎后通过垂直输送机转运至地面,此系统每小时可输送900吨已破碎的矿石。 yeeyan

Until now it was not known that the seldom occurring weak places undergo a relatively larger increase of elongation and working capacity than the mean values.
迄今为止,人们都还不了解:一些偶尔产生的纱线薄弱环节会经受高于平均水平的伸长和负载量。 chemyq




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