释义 |
Workflow models 基本例句 工作流模型 The workflow specification language is given, it formalizes the workflow model.最后给出一个工作流规范说明语言,它形式化了我们提出的工作流模型。 The correctness and reliability of workflow model is the basis of the robustness of the workflow management system.工作流模型的正确性和可靠性是工作流管理系统健壮性的基础。 Control variable was introduced in EWF_net for describing the relevant data of workflow model.EWF_net通过引入控制变量来描述工作流模型的相关数据信息; But these operations often result in inconsistence of workflow model and workflow instances.但这类监控也经常造成工作流模型及实例的不一致,如不加以调整,会导致后续任务无法执行。 A graph reduction method with 5 rules for the structural correctness verification of DCG based workflow models is presented in this paper.详细论述了对基于有向有环图的工作流模型结构正确性进行验证的图归约法及其五种归约规则。 |