

单词 work amount
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The “ Specification for List of Price Calculation” is to normalize the whole process of the list of price calculation on engineering work amount.
《清单计价规范》是对工程量清单计价的整个活动进行规范。 cnki

The American scholar, C. N. Parkinson, found out famous Parkinson Law when he analysed the relation of work amount, working time and workers' number.
美国学者 C· N帕金森在分析工作量、时间和工作人数三者关系时,得出著名的帕金森定律。 cnki

In the model, shell elements are adopted to simulate welds, which not only well ensure the connection between parent plates and flitch plates, but also was the work amount of pretreatment reduced.
这种模型主要采用壳单元来模拟焊缝,这样不但很好地保证母体板材与贴板的连接,而且大大减少了前处理的工作量。 cnki

The article summarizes stage partition of overseas risk exploration process: the stage of implementing minimum obligation work amount and the stage of implementing alternative work amount.
综述了海外风险勘探过程的阶段划分,即实施最低义务工作量阶段和可选工作量阶段。 dictall

The rest150km Tieling- Fushun- Benxi part, because of large work amount in eastern mountainous areas, will start construction during the Liaoning's twelfth five-year plan.
余下铁岭—抚顺—本溪约150公里,因东部山区工程量较大,将在“十二五”期间启动建设。 epaper.lnd.com.cn

The middle stakes are destroyed by equipment during the construction, causing repeated measures and increasing work amount.
同时施工中中桩常受到机械破坏,造成重复测量,增加工作量。 cnki

The normal method is in situ measurement, and the work amount is enormous, with huge employment of manpower and high cost.
用常规方法进行现地大量,工作量极其浩大,需投入很多的财力、人力。 cnki

Whenapplial to high-dimensional inverse problems, this coding method can not only reduce the memories occupied by parameters to the minimum, but also decrease the decoding work amount by a big margin.
当遗传算法应用于高维反演问题时,这种编码方法不仅能将参数占用的内存减少到最低的限度,而且同常规的二进制编码法相比,还能几倍地减少参数译码的计算工作量。 cnki




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