

单词 binges
释义 binge·s 英bɪndʒ美bɪndʒ COCA⁵⁷⁴¹²BNC⁶⁴⁸¹⁵Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
any act of immoderate indulgence;

an orgy of shopping

an emotional binge

a splurge of spending

an occasion for excessive eating or drinking;

they went on a bust that lasted three days

overeat or eat immodestly; make a pig of oneself;

She stuffed herself at the dinner

The kids binged on ice cream

binge drinking酗酒be on the binge饮酒作乐,闹酒…go on the binge饮酒作乐,闹酒…
近义词 bout回合tear撕掉gorge峡谷spree欢闹blast爆炸stuff东西bust半身像englut吞下splurge挥霍rampage暴怒indulge迁就engorge饱食orgy纵酒狂欢glut供过于求satiate使饱足overeat吃过量bender弄弯曲者gormandise贪食overindulge溺爱gourmandize贪吃pig out吃得过多gormandize拼命吃scarf out吃得过多go on a bender狂欢ingurgitate狼吞虎咽overdo做或表现得过分…overgorge 狼吞虎咽地吃 …

用作名词They went on abingelast night.他们昨夜出去狂饮作乐。
Life itself is the properbinge.生命本身就是一种适当的狂欢。
This tactic will minimize candybingeeating.这一战术可以减少糖果暴食。 An actual visit from a Faraway Friend is a cause for celebration and binges of all kinds. Cigarettes, Chips Ahoy, bottles of tequila.
远方的朋友真的来看你时,那就要庆祝一下,自然要狂欢作乐一番,少不了香烟、土豆片、欢呼声和一瓶瓶的龙舌兰酒。 ebigear

And to spice things up, some crazy flashback scenes of late- night coding binges.
为了让情节更生动些,我们来点疯狂的闪回场景,夜深人静时的编码狂欢。 yeeyan

Bankruptcy has been a feature of previous buy-out binges.
破产已经成了收购闹剧后的一种特色现象了。 ecocn

Does your man disappear on drinking binges for long hours without answering his cell phone?

Eating disorders can be deadly even if one only fasts, binges or purges occasionally.
就算有的人只是偶尔绝食、暴食或者催吐,饮食障碍也是能致命的。 yeeyan

Economies across Europe are struggling to cope with sluggish growth, lacerating budget cuts and the after-effects of borrowing binges.
纵观整个欧洲,经济仍在挣扎缓慢地增长,同时为减少赤字、外债的后果烦扰不堪。 ecocn

French men reported bingeing9% of the time, Italians13% and Germans14%. For British men, 40% of drinking sessions turned into binges.
调查结果法国男性几率为9%,意大利男性13%,德国男性14%;而英国汉子们却在40%的酒会上开怀纵饮。 ecocn

One man binges as a way of accepting the love of his big Italian-American family.
一位男士将暴饮暴食看成是表示接受来自他的美籍意大利人大家族的爱的方式。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

One study conducted at the University of Southern California has found that stress can fuel nighttime eating binges.
南加利福尼亚大学的一项研究发现,压力可以激起晚间的过度进食。 yeeyan

She would also have“ mad” binges, and eat nothing but rice cakes and butter.
她还有“疯狂的”狂欢,只吃大米蛋糕和黄油。 yeeyan

Sontag could work with inspiring bravado, pounding away at her typewriter in long, Dexedrine-fuelled binges.
桑塔格工作时的冲劲儿令人振奋,她可以长时间地猛敲打字机,好像吃了兴奋剂一样。 ecocn

When monetary conditions in the rich world are loose, emerging economies are prone to lending binges and asset bubbles.
当富国货币政策宽松时,新兴经济体则有可能出现无法抑制的贷款和资产泡沫。 ecocn

When other states were on building and borrowing binges, Louisiana sat on the sidelines.
当其他州疯狂地忙于建设和贷款时,路易斯安那州只是冷眼旁观。 ecocn

Years later, in the haze of his drinking binges, Katz told Fischer how the loss had affected him.
很多年过去以后,有一次在 Katz喝醉酒和 Fischer聊天时还提到这个影响对他有多大。 yeeyan




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