

单词 wor
释义 wor 英'wɜː美'wɜː COCA⁷¹²³⁹BNC⁶²⁹⁶⁶
abbr.波长优化路由选择=Wavelength Optimized Routing
According to Huiying, customer satisfaction is capital rather than cost. Customer satisfaction is Huiying's criterion of wor.
汇英坚持认为,顾客满意是资本不是成本,顾客满意就是汇英人的工作标准。 huiying.cn

Since fixtures rely on contacts to constrain wor kp piece, the effect of friction should be considered.
夹具依靠与工件的接触来约束工件,必须考虑二者之间的摩擦力。 chemyq

AUSSINO is a celebrated textile brand in the wor…
AUSSINO澳西奴是世界著名的美国、澳洲家用纺织品牌… icityu

First I want to congratulate Project Rainbow for producing the third issue of WOR.
首先恭喜彩虹项目的第三期《彩虹之窗》出版了。 blog.sina.com.cn

In 1938 the first wireless newspaper was sent from WOR radiostation in New York. Photo shows children reading the children's page of a Missouri paper.
1938年,第一份无线传输的报纸从纽约 WOR电报站发出,图像显示孩子们正在阅读密苏里报纸的儿童版面。 yeeyan

Management of the company's assets such wor.
对公司财产进行管理等工作。 soufafa

Not a wor to my mother, for she could not stand the shock.
不要告诉我母亲,因为她受不了刺激。 big5.chinabroadcast.cn

Other boys sometimes wor-shipped him, and when he realized this he would shake off them.
别的少年有时崇拜他,一旦知道了这个,他就把他们甩了。 tingroom

People are becoming increasingly wor-ried about pollution.
人们对污染感到越来越担忧。 ell

The study indicates that the perpendicular deflection is harder to satisfy actual wor.
研究表明垂直挠度比结构强度更难以满足实际工况的应用要求。 dictall

The O. WOR series has covered the cares from hairs to toes, from nourishing to healing.
WOR产品已由头发覆盖至脚尖,由保养滋润到按摩疗愈也有照顾。 fukwawa

WOR products are produced with high quality natural plant oils and lipids, and100% pure essential oils.
WOR产品都是用上优质的不经化学加工的纯天然植物油脂及百份百的纯精油。 fukwawa




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