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词汇 Woolworths
释义 Woolworths高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
沃尔沃斯财富500强公司之一,总部所在地澳大利亚,主要经营零售原型woolworth的复数 Some 30,000 jobs were at risk at Britain's Woolworths as the retail chain, which is in administration, rolled out a closure plan.
此外,英国百年零售连锁店伍尔沃斯的倒闭计划也将导致30 , 000 名员工失业。 ecocn

The collapse of Woolworths and furniture chain MFI helped to spur retailers to slash their prices in December, and retailers were reluctant to lower prices even further in January.
伍尔沃思的和家具连锁商 MFI的倒下导致零售商们在十二月大幅下调价格。一月里各商家们会在不情愿的情况下再降价。 yeeyan

Those rumors led the now defunct retail giant Woolworths to put souvenirs into production to mark an anticipated announcement.
谣言让现在已经破产的零售巨头沃尔沃斯公司生产出这些纪念品,以纪念订婚消息发布的伟大时刻。 yeeyan

“ I was shopping at Woolworths and then just started hearing all this crashing and banging, sort of like a roof was collapsing and sort of like a little explosion,” she said.
而Louisa Ainsworth听到爆炸声的时候正在购物,她说到:“我正在 Woolworths购物,然后就听到了这些巨响,声有就像是屋顶倒塌或者类似小型爆炸”。 yeeyan

British retailer Woolworths has produced100,000 souvenirs ready to be deployed to stores if Prince William, second in line to the throne, and his girlfriend Kate Middleton get engaged.
日前,英国杂货零售商伍尔沃思公司未雨绸缪,提前为英国王位第二继承人威廉王子和其女友凯特·米德尔顿的订婚仪式设计制造了10万件纪念品,以便在婚约宣布后的第一时间上架销售。 cri

But the impending closure was perhaps most poignant here, as Woolworths opened its first store in the UK in Liverpool in1909, almost100 years ago.
但利物浦店的关张恐怕最让人伤感,因为1909年,近一百年前,沃尔沃斯英国的第一家店就开在这里。 yeeyan

HOPES faded this week that Woolworths, a99- year-old retailer which went into administration in November, could be saved as a going concern.
自拥有99年历史的老牌零售商沃尔沃斯于11月被接管,并传出有可能被收购的消息以来,人们的希望继续消退。 topsage

Infiniti Retail, a Tata group company, last month began opening “ Croma” stores that sell electronics and household electrical goods sourced from a wholesale company in India fully owned by Woolworths.
Infiniti零售是 Tata旗下公司,上月开始开设销售家用电器与电子设备的“ Croma”店铺,货源由一家 Woolworths全资拥有的印度公司提供。 ecocn

Jobs are evaporating: inside the shells of Woolworths stores, all now closed, CCTV screens suspended from the ceilings flicker eerily, like macabre art installations.
工作岗位在减少:所有的沃尔沃斯商场都关门停业,在商场内,从天花板垂下来的闭路电视屏幕闪着诡异的光,好象是以死亡为主题的恐怖艺术装置。 ecocn

That estimate does not include recent casualties, such as Woolworths, a big general store, MFI, a furniture chain, and Adams, a children’s clothing shop.
这个判断并没有包括最近的破产,例如大型综合商店伍尔沃斯 Woolworths,家具连锁店 MFI和儿童服装店 Adams。 ecocn

The first to do this, last month, was Australia's Woolworths, in league with Tata, India's second-largest firm.
首先这么做的是澳大利亚的 Woolworths,上月该公司与印度第二大公司Tata联手。 ecocn

The figures do not include the rash of redundancies recorded over the Christmas period, such as27, 000 jobs at Woolworths and thousands of cuts planned by banks in the City of London.
该数字不包括圣诞期间的大量减员,例如 Woolworths的27000人、以及伦敦银行计划中的几千人裁员。 yeeyan

The newest model for foreigners getting into India is the Infiniti- Woolworths partnership.
外国公司进入印度的最新模式是 Infiniti- Woolworths合作方式。 ecocn

When the economy weakened, these changes helped kill off three high- street general retailers: Woolworths, Zavvi formerly Virgin Megastore and Borders.
在经济疲软的情况下,这些变化扼杀了三家高街一般零售商: Woolworths, Zavvi从前的 Virgin Megastore,以及 Borders。 ecocn

When I was eight, I went to Woolworths and stole a little bottle of perfume.
我七岁的时候,我去伍尔沃斯 Woolworths,偷了一小瓶香水。 yeeyan

Woolworths, a South African retailer, claims that many of its best green ideas have come from staff, not bosses.
南非一家零售商 Woolworths称,公司很多最佳环保点子来自员工而不是老板。 ecocn

Woolworths has frequently defended its price performance against Coles, saying it doesn't include promotional discounts when calculating price inflation.
沃尔沃斯通常为自己的商品价格不同于高斯做辩护,称在计算商品价格上涨时,沃尔沃斯没有将促销回扣计算入内。 yeeyan




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