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词汇 Woolley
释义 Wool·ley 英ˈwʊliː美ˈwʊliAHDw‹lʹē 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

English archaeologist who supervised the excavations at Ur 1880-1960Woolleytouched it with the muzzle of his gun.伍利用他的枪口碰了一下它。
Professor AdamWoolleyand his students shaped DNA into the letters “BYU”.美国杨百翰大学BYU的研究人员发现,可以定制DNA片段的形状使其变成字母“BYU”。
Scargill became a miner after leaving school at 15, working atWoolleyColliery from 1953.斯卡吉尔15岁离开学校成为矿工,他1953年起在伍利煤矿工作。
Portly little Captain found his way out on to the roof much to MrWoolley's dismay.它们在空中灵活地翻转身体,四肢着地,爪子上的肉垫大大缓解了坠地时的冲力。
Woolleycalled them \\'Royal\\' because he believed they were the graves of Ur\\'s queens and kings.伍利称它们为“皇家坟墓”是因为他相信它们是乌尔的国王和王后的坟穴。 Anita Woolley, an assistant professor of organizational behavior and theory, has been studying what it means to say a group is “ intelligent.”
安妮塔·伍利,一位研究公司行为的助理教授,一直在研究一个问题——说一个小组“聪明”究竟意味着什么。 yeeyan

In future research, Woolley plans to study how group intelligence is affected by size, and how the benefits of increased collaboration can reach a point of diminishing returns.
伍莉计划以后进一步研究团队大小如何影响其智力水平,以及加强合作的益处如何才能达到收益递减点。 suiniyi

The Sumerian capital boasted paved roads, tree-lined avenues, schools, poets, scribes, and stunning works of art and architecture of the kind discovered by Woolley and his team.
闪族人的首都以精心铺就的道路、林荫大街、学校、诗人、作家、精美的艺术品和由 Woolley和他的团队发掘出的建筑为骄傲。 yeeyan

Thomas Malone, one of Woolley's collaborators and head of the Center for Collective Intelligence at MIT, hopes this research will lead to great things.
托马斯·马龙,伍利的合作伙伴之一,也是麻省理工学院集体智慧中心的校长。他希望这项研究会带来伟大的事情。 yeeyan

When Lady Diana at last opened up the box she sent the buffalo, still in its original newspaper wrapping, to Woolley& Wallis, a family auctioneer in Salisbury.
戴安娜女士最终打开了这个木盒,玉牛仍裹在原先的报纸里,她将其送至索尔兹伯里一家家族拍卖商——伍利沃利斯拍卖行。 ecocn

“ I just saw the walls rippling and just explosive sounds all around me, ” said Woolley, recounting the earthquake to MSNBC.
“只见墙体晃动,周围一片爆炸声,”伍理跟 MSNBC描述起地震的情形。 yeeyan

“ The research clearly indicates there is a great deal of confusion about what people believe and why they believe it, ” said Woolley.
“研究结果明显的显示出人们对于相信什么理论和为什么相信这些理论存在极大困惑,”乌里表示。 yeeyan

“A few things that were related however, were surprising, ” Woolley says. “ One was the proportion of females in the group.”
伍利说:“然而,一些和结果有关的事情很令我们惊讶,其中之一竟然是小组中女性所占的比例。” yeeyan

After going through that experience, Woolley had an epiphany: financial institutions that react to market incentives in a competitive setting often end up making a mess of things.
在这次经历之后, Wooley顿悟:金融机构在竞争环境中想要刺激市场谋取利益,最后往往会把事情搞的一团糟。 yeeyan

Among Woolley’s suggestions: investment funds should limit the turnover in their portfolios, refuse to pay performance fees, and avoid putting money into hedge funds and private-equity firms.
在 Woolley的建议中,投资基金应该限制投资组合交易额,拒绝支付功能费,避免资金注入对冲基金和私募公司。 yeeyan

As far as footballers' haircuts go, award-winning British hairdresser Mark Woolley said they have got more conservative and sophisticated of late.
随着足球队员发型的千变万化,英国获奖发型师马克伍利评价说,最近球员们的发型倾向于保守和成熟路线。 hjenglish

From1987 to2006, Woolley, who has a doctorate in economics, ran the London affiliate of GMO, a Boston-based investment firm.
从1987年到2006年,拥有经济学博士学位的 Woolley运营者总部位于波士顿的 GMO投资公司在伦敦的下属机构。 yeeyan

He says that Woolley's study only looked at a small set of tasks.
他说,伍利的研究只看到了任务的一小部分。 yeeyan

He's also not convinced that Woolley and her colleagues are measuring intelligence.
他也确信伍利和她的同事在测量智力。 yeeyan

Her executors took the opportunity to dispose of nine more pieces, but they insisted that Mr Axford’s firm, Woolley& Wallis, pitch for the contract in competition with Christie’s.
她的遗嘱执行人顺势又拿出9件藏品,但是他们坚持要埃克斯福特先生的公司伍雷和瓦利斯与佳士得竞争这份委托合约。 ecocn

His tribute may not be permanent, but Woolley believes his love for his dad is.
他的这份礼物也许不能永存,但伍理相信他对父亲的爱永恒的。 putclub

I asked Woolley how big he thought the financial sector should be. “ About a half or a third of its current size,” he replied.
我问他金融行业的合理规模应该多大,他回答道:“大概是当前规模的一半或者1/3。” yeeyan

Mr Axford is head of the Asia department in a small provincial English auction house called Woolley& Wallis, in the southern town of Salisbury.
埃克斯福特先生是伍雷和瓦利斯 Woolley& Wallis拍卖行亚洲部的主管,这是英国索尔兹伯里镇南部的一家小拍卖行。 ecocn

Scargill became a miner after leaving school at 15, working at Woolley Colliery from1953.
斯卡吉尔15岁离开学校成为矿工,他1953年起在伍利煤矿工作。 yeeyan

Still Schlosstein agrees with Woolley that Wall Street has problems, many of which derive from its size.
Schlosstein同意 Woolley的观点,即华尔街存在问题,其中很多问题源自它的规模。 yeeyan

Support for Mr Williams's case comes from two new papers* by DimitriVayanos and Paul Woolley at the London School of Economics.
两个最近的文件由伦敦经济学院的迪米特里沃亚诺斯和保罗伍利撰写支持了威廉姆斯的意见。 ecocn

Tall, soft- spoken, and courtly, Woolley moves easily between the City of London, academia, and policymaking circles.
高大、说话温和、威严的 Woolley,从容的周旋于伦敦城、学术界和政策制定者之间。 yeeyan

That suggests that“ social sensitivity” is a key ingredient of successful teams, Woolley says.
福利说,那提示“人际触觉”是成功团队中的关键因素。 dxy

When the Nasdaq took off, Woolley and his colleagues couldn’t justify buying high-priced Internet stocks, and their funds lagged behind rivals that shifted more of their money into tech.
当纳斯达克起飞的时候, Woolly和他的同事没能决断购买高价的互联网股票,和竞争对手投入大量资金到科技股相比,他们的基金业落后了。 yeeyan

When Woolley looked for the qualities that made successful groups successful, she found that the individual intelligence of group members was unrelated to the outcome.
当伍利寻找那些使那些成功的小组获得成功的品质的时候,她发现小组成员的个人智力与结果无关。 yeeyan

Woolley says this was an example of a moral reasoning task.
伍利说这只是一个道德推理的任务的例子。 yeeyan




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