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词汇 woodstock
释义 woodstock
The Red Hot Chili Peppers got turned on by the bulb during 1994's Woodstock Music Festival, dawning memorable self-illuminating costumes for their stage show.
在1994年伍斯托克音乐节上,红辣椒乐队被灯泡“点亮”,最开始那套为舞台秀设计的自发光装束令人记忆犹新。 yeeyan

There is no record in Yale’s archives of a relationship with Woodstock, said Judith Ann Schiff, the university’s chief research archivist.
耶鲁大学的档案馆主人朱迪丝·安·希夫说,耶鲁大学的档案并没有记载与伍德斯托克学院的关系。 yeeyan

This tiny concert is considered on par with Woodstock and Live Aid in terms of importance, due to the influence the audience went on to have on popular music by creating the independent music scene.
当时那场小小音乐会,因为当时它的观众后来在流行乐坛创立了独立音乐,并且影响力非凡,所以在重要性上看,这场音乐会是被认为与 Woodstock和 Live Aid看齐的。 yeeyan

And today, visitors still come to stand by her grave in Woodstock's Anglican Cemetery and remember one of Canada's greatest liars.
直到今日,访客依然会来到她位于 Woodstock的 Anglican墓地的墓碑前,缅怀这位加拿大最伟大的说谎者。 yeeyan

And his Woodstock photograph hangs, poster- size, above Nick and Bobbi's breakfast table.
而他那张伍德斯托克的照片被放大成海报那么大小挂在尼克和波比家里,就在的早餐桌上面。 yeeyan

At Woodstock hippiedom simultaneously reached its public peak and opened itself to imitation and trivialization — one more glimmer of rebellion to be deflated into a style statement.
伍德斯托克使嘻皮文化在达到公众认知的高峰,与次同时,嘻皮也变成了模仿对象,并且平庸化——又一个叛逆的微火偃旗息鼓成了时尚的宣言。 yeeyan

But Woodstock was no earnest rally; it had love songs, blues and extended guitar jams.
但是伍德斯托克不是表忠大会,她有爱情歌曲,布鲁斯,还有大段的吉他即兴对奏。 yeeyan

Chadwick left the Woodstock area, swindled a Toronto bank, then worked in a London, Ontario brothel before moving on to Cleveland, Ohio where she set up shop as a fortune teller.
Chadwick离开 Woodstock地区之后诈骗了一家多伦多的银行,在搬到俄亥俄州的克里夫兰之前在安大略省伦敦的一家妓院工作。她在克里夫兰开了一家算命馆。 yeeyan

For true believers Woodstock was about cooperation and mutual aid, and about making love, not war.
对于伍德斯托克的信徒来说,她是合作与互助的盛会,是不要战争,要爱的盛会。 yeeyan

France's oldest lighthouse, completed in1611 to replace Edward of Woodstock's tower, now stands at the site.
后来伍德斯托克的爱德华高塔在1611年被法国新落成的灯塔所取代,这座法国历史最悠久的建筑至今还矗立在原来的地方。 yeeyan

It kinda makes me think of what Woodstock must have been like.
它让我有点儿想起摇滚音乐节,那里像这种事是必须的。 yeeyan

It was not a decision taken lightly, and the first time I sprayed the trees I felt like I had let down an entire generation: my generation, the Woodstock generation.
我并不是草草率率的做出决定的,其实早在我第一次喷射农药时候,我就深深感到我辜负了一整个时代的人:我的一代——伍斯托克的一代。 yeeyan

It would be a sort of planet- sized Woodstock.
这将是一个全行星参与的伍德斯托克。 yeeyan

Larger gatherings followed Woodstock.
继伍德斯托克音乐节之后,多个大型集会登场。 yeeyan

Martin based the description on a Wikipedia entry stating that Woodstock had an informal connection with Yale until1956.
马丁是通过维基百科了解到,1956年前该学院曾与耶鲁建立非正式的关系。 yeeyan

One night in 1970, Corcoran brought the just- released Woodstock soundtrack album to Bobbi's apartment.
1970年的一天晚上,科克兰带着一张刚发行的《伍德斯托克》原声专辑来到了波比的家里。 yeeyan

Since Woodstock I’ve been to more rock festivals than I can easily remember. Most, sooner or later, involve mud.
自伍德斯托克之后,我去过的音乐节多的数不清,决大多数或多或少跟泥泞有关。 yeeyan

Taftsville, located in the town of Woodstock, is about90 minutes south of Burlington.
塔夫茨维尔位于伍德斯托克镇,距伯灵顿南部约90分钟路程。 yeeyan

The fact that the only footage of it comes from such a dodgy angle has enhanced that status; it is football's answer to a bootleg of Spike Island or Hendrix at Woodstock.
由于镜头的摇晃,所以只有唯一一组连续镜头记录了进球的诞生,因此它显得弥足珍贵。如同伍德斯托克音乐节上的亨德里克斯或派克斯岛上私人艺术聚会,这是艺术在足球界给出的完美答案。 yeeyan

The song that inspired the title of this history, “Joe Hill”, has been sung by Paul Robeson in Carnegie Hall, Joan Baez at the Woodstock Festival and Pete Seeger at left-wing gatherings everywhere.
在卡内基音乐厅里,在伍德斯托克音乐节上,在到处举行的左翼集会上,保罗·罗布森、琼·贝兹、皮特·西哲分别唱起了唤起那一历史时期主题的《乔·希尔》之歌。 ecocn

This makes Norway sound like a place that models its foreign policy on the banners held up at Woodstock, but that is not the case.
这使得挪威像是以伍德斯托克音乐节上飘扬的旗帜为模板来树立自己的外交政策,但是事实并非如此。 ecocn

Yet for all the benign memories, Woodstock also set in motion other, more crass impulses.
然而在着所有祥和的记忆中,伍德斯托克也带来了种种原始的冲动。 yeeyan

Woodstock, which was chosen by Ladies Home Journal in 1997 as “ the pretties town in America, ” is known for its rural beauty.
1997年,伍德斯托克当选《妇女家庭杂志》的“美国最漂亮的小镇”,因它的乡村美而闻名于世。 yeeyan

Woodstock for them is only a picture in their textbooks, the Chicago Seven or was it Eight? are an unknown quantity.
伍德斯托克对于他们来说只是教材里的一张图片,芝加哥七人又或者是八人?对于他们来说是一个未知的组合。 yeeyan

Woodstock was probably the high point of the hippie movement.




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