

单词 woodside
释义 woodside 英'wʊdsaɪd美'wʊdˌsaɪd 高iWeb³⁷⁴⁶³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
More than half of the households in Atherton, Woodside and Los Altos Hills have at least three cars.
加州阿瑟顿市、伍德塞市和南湾区有一半以上的人家拥有至少三部汽车。 wwenglish

Xanana Gusmão, the prime minister, has threatened to reject Woodside’s plans, even if it means forgoing the billions of dollars the project could bring.
总理沙纳纳•古斯芒威胁要否决 Woodside项目,即便这意味着放弃数十亿美金收入。 ecocn

At Intermediate School125 in Woodside, four classes— ranging from the fifth to the eighth grade—were combined in the auditorium because more than a dozen teachers were absent.
在125初级中学,四个班从五年级到八年级在礼堂拼成了一个班,因为有十多位老师没来。 blogbus

Scottie Brooks,75, a retired mathematician from Woodside who worked on the Apollo missions to the moon, said that after40 years working with computers, she's moved onto other things.
斯科蒂.布鲁兹,75岁,在伍德赛德的退休数学家,她曾参与阿波罗登月计划。她对着电脑40多年,她希望找点别的打发时间。 yeeyan

Woodside argues that an onshore plant would be both much more expensive and technically risky, entailing a pipeline through a“ seismically active”3km- deep ocean trough.
Woodside声称建设陆地平台的成本和技术风险要大得多,必然要铺设一条管道通过一个“地震频发”的3千米深海沟。 ecocn

Woodside is a private company, but the dispute heightens the Timorese perception that Australia is trying to grab more than its share of Timor Sea wealth.
Woodside是一家私人公司,但其与东政府的争执加重了东帝汶关于澳大利亚试图过分攫取帝汶海财富的看法。 ecocn




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