

单词 woodpeckers
释义 woodpeckers ˈwʊdˌpekəz COCA⁴⁶³²²BNC³⁹¹²⁴
n.啄木鸟woodpecker的名词复数原型woodpecker的复数 Flickers are woodpeckers that can hammer trees but prefer to forage on the ground. They often dig in the dirt for ants.
它是一种啄木鸟,可以锤击树木,喜欢在地面上觅食,往往掘地来寻找蚂蚁。 yeeyan

The Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center in Denton, Nebraska, is home to red-headed woodpeckers above, among other birds and wildlife.
内布拉斯加丹顿的斯普林顿草原奥杜邦中心是红头啄木鸟上图及其它鸟类和野生动物的家。 yeeyan

What do woodpeckers eat?
啄木鸟吃什么? booksfly

Woodpeckers enjoy a cushioned choroid with an as yet unknown mucopolysaccharide filling the interstices.
它的眼睛中的脉络膜用一种黏多糖填满缝隙,能起到缓冲感化。 gzthsm.com

Woodpeckers also drum to attract mates and to announce the boundaries of their territories.
松鼓,也吸引伴侣,并公布分界其领土。 www.mancity.com.cn

Woodpeckers sometimes access these morsels by peeling long strips of bark from the tree, but they also forage on the ground and supplement their diet with fruits and nuts.
松有时进入这些水果削皮由龙带树皮,从树,但他们也对牧草地面和补充他们的饮食与水果及坚果。 www.mancity.com.cn

Chickadees, woodpeckers, and owls stay north for the season.
山雀、啄木鸟和猫头鹰呆在北方度过这个季节。 blog.sina.com.cn

Downy woodpeckers can use the gleaned information while foraging in order to maximize their food- intaking rate.
绒斑啄木鸟在觅食时可利用它们所收集的信息使其食物摄取率达到最大。 cnki

First, the team had a look at woodpeckers in a controlled environment: two slow-motion cameras captured images of the birds striking a force sensor that measured their pecking power.
首先,研究小组在受控环境中看着啄木鸟:两个慢动作摄像机捕获它们撞击力传感器的图像,后者是用于测量其啄力的。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

For years, scientists have examined the anatomy of woodpeckers' skulls to find out how they pull off their powerful pecking without causing themselves harm.
多年来,科学家们研究了啄木鸟的头骨解剖,找出他们如何拉出其强有力的鸟啄,而同时没有伤到自己。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

How did woodpeckers get their name?

How do woodpeckers peck?
啄木鸟是怎样啄洞的? myoops

Hu reckons that the media should play the ' woodpeckers', not to collapse the tree, but to help it grow stronger.
胡女士认为媒体人需要做“啄木鸟”,不是为了把树敲倒,而是为了让树长得更直。 chinadialogue

Its Bill is more slender than that of most woodpeckers and is slightly down- curved.
喙比多数啄木鸟更细长并稍下曲。 jukuu

Scientists who pioneer research into why woodpeckers do not get headaches and whether dung beetles like their diet have at last been recognized for their work.
研究啄木鸟为什麽不头痛和金龟子是否喜欢吃大粪的科学家们终于得到了肯定。 big5.cri.cn

Slow-motion footage, X-ray images and computer simulations have shed light on how woodpeckers avoid injuries to their brains as they peck.
慢动作镜头、 X射线图像和计算机模拟揭示啄木鸟在啄木时是如何避免伤及其脑部的。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Two red headed woodpeckers that were nesting in a dead tree in my back yard on Key Biscayne, Florida.
在福罗里达州比斯坎岛我家的后院里,两只红头啄木鸟正在一棵枯树上筑巢。 com

You may want to leave the woodpeckers off of the ark.
第十二,你会想请啄木鸟离开方舟。 yeeyan




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