

单词 wooden house
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One of those families lives in a wooden house alongside a road into the hills beyond Gassaway.
其中的一家人住在加萨威城外进山公路旁的木屋里。 yeeyan

The theme of the Garden is the wooden house surrounded by orchard. Houses built with one- piece wood are a traditional building craft in Russia.

Amid all the natural beauty I saw a small wooden house a few yards from the shore, and a small round hole in the ice a few yards out.
在四周的自然美景中我看到离岸边不远处有一个小木屋,以及几码之外的冰面上有一个圆圆的小洞口。 yeeyan

I've been trying to think back to that evening when we met with the strange creature at a traditional wooden house.
我一直努力回想我们传统的木屋里遇到古怪生物的那个晚上。 dangzhi

Instead they are caught on the edge of a mountain in a snow- storm in a small wooden house, where they have nothing to eat.
而且,他们还被暴风雪困在山边的一个小木屋中,没有任何东西可吃。 nmhrjy

Looking east from West Broadway, I see a faded advertisement for handkerchiefs on a wall rising above a single-story wooden house with a bulky warehouse and the spire of the Woolworth Building beyond.
在西百老汇大街往东看,我首先看到一个单层木屋耸起的墙上有褪色的纸巾广告,然后是一个大仓库,然后是伍尔沃斯大厦的尖顶。 yeeyan

Miniature wooden house on pond, traditional house in background, Aland Islands.
奥兰群岛,池塘中的模型木屋以及背后的传统房屋。 kekenet

On the latest show, Bao drew a picture of a wooden house to refer to Zeng.
在近期的节目中,包小柏画了一座木屋用来比做曾轶可。 iciba

Subjected to economic construct in modern society, the wooden house is facing the situation of extinction. It is urgent to protect and develop the wooden house scientifically.
现今这些木屋受到经济建设的冲击,面临消亡,对其进行保护研究与科学开发是历史的使命,迫在眉睫。 journal.bjfu.edu.cn

That boy lives in a wooden house.
那个小孩住在一件木屋里。 jpkjz

That wooden house caught fire because it was hit by lightning.
那座木屋着火了因为它被闪电击中了。 blog.sina.com.cn

The little white wooden house smells as if it hasn't been lived in for years.
这个小巧的白色小木屋闻起来让人感觉它并没有存在很久。 donghairen

The wooden house has been visited by a lot of people.
这个木屋被很多人访问过。 hebei.teacher.com.cn

Wooden house and the old street gave me the same feeling when I was in XiTang. We walked through the deep and narrow street and along the river.
木屋,古街,穿梭在幽深的狭窄的弄堂里,长长亭子,沿河一路走下来,恍惚间有种在西塘的错觉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Wooden/span> house, steel & wooden/span> house, vacation wooden house, landscape platform.
木结构建筑、钢木结构房屋、度假木屋、景观平台等。 sozhen




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