

单词 wooden cases
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As a matter of fact we always pack our machines in new strong wooden cases suit able for long distance ocean transportation.
其实,我们的机器包装都采用适合于长途海洋运输的崭新牢固的木箱。 kingerenglish

The instruments are to be packed in new strong wooden cases suitable for long distance ocean transportation and well protected against dampness, moisture, shock, rust and rough handling.
仪器用牢固的新木箱包装。木箱应适合长途海运,并防湿、防潮、防震、防锈、耐粗暴搬运。 yayathesis

To be packed in wooden cases,30 pieces per case of40 yd each.
木箱装,每箱装30匹,每匹40码。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

All our wooden cases are well sealed.
我方所有的木箱密封性很好。 hjenglish

Could you use wooden cases instead?
你们能否改用木箱? china-b

If you Insist, we can use wooden cases Instead. but the charge for packing will be higher and shipment will have to be delayed.
如果贵方坚持,我们可以改用木箱,但包装费用比较高,而且装运时间也得延期。 jukuu

Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential.
使用结实的木箱包装是必须的。 ebigear

Shirts packed in such cartons are not so susceptible to damage by moisture as those packed in wooden cases.
用这种纸盒包装的衬衫不会像木箱包装的那样容易被水气损坏。 hjenglish

Since you've insisted on wooden cases for outer packing, we've passed on your proposals to our manufacturers.
既然你们坚持要用木箱做外包装,我们已把你们的意见转告我们工厂了。 edu.beelink.com.cn

Surely it's also probable that the sea water get into the wooden cases and damaged the goods.
当然也有可能是海水漏进了木箱而将货物损坏。 iciba

The goods are to be packed in seaworthy wooden cases.
货物将用适合海洋运输的木箱包装。 worlduc

The goods are to be packed in wooden cases, rather than cardboard cartons.
货物要用木箱包装而非硬纸箱。 blog.sina.com.cn

To be packed in strong wooden cases or cartons, suitable for long distance ocean, parcel post or air freight transportation as well as changing climate and with good resistance to moisture and shocks.
用坚固的木箱或纸箱包装,适宜长途海运、邮寄或空运及适应气候变化,并且具备良好的防潮抗震能力。 med126

To avoid pilferage, we hope that the goods will be packed in wooden cases instead of in cartons as the cartons are easier to be cut open.
为了避免失窃,我方希望货物用木箱包装,而不是用纸盒包装,因为纸盒很容易用刀子割开。 ebigear

We are prepared to accept your offer if you pack the goods with wooden cases.
假如贵公司用木箱包装货物,我们准备接受贵公司的报盘。 waiyulm

We would like to inform you that we used to pack our scissors in wooden cases but after several trial shipments in carton packing, we found our cartons just as seaworthy as wooden cases.
我们想告诉贵方的是,我方以前通常都是用木箱包装剪刀的,但经过几次用纸盒包装运输后发现我们的纸盒和木箱一样适合海运。 hjenglish

You’d better pack them in cartons of10kg each instead of wooden cases of 6 kg.
贵方最好能每个纸盒包装10kg,而不是每个木箱装6kg。 ebigear




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