

单词 wonky
释义 won·ky 英ˈwɒŋkiː美ˈwɑŋkiAHDwŏngʹkē ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷¹⁵²⁴BNC⁴²¹⁵⁷iWeb¹⁹⁸⁴⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
turned or twisted toward one side;

a…youth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry

his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff

inclined to shake as from weakness or defect;

a rickety table

a wobbly chair with shaky legs

the ladder felt a little wobbly

the bridge still stands though one of the arches is wonky

校园俚语,可能来自 wank,手淫。引申词义肾虚的,摇晃的。近义词 awry扭曲的askew歪斜的dodgy狡猾的wrong错误的wobbly摆动的shaky不稳固的uneven不平坦的skewwhiff歪斜的unsteady不稳定的insecure不安全的off-centre偏心的cockeyed斗鸡眼的skew-whiff歪斜的unreliable不可靠的lopsided倾向一方的bentbend的过去式和过去分…off-centeradj, adv 偏心的…rickety连接处不牢固导致摇晃…

用作形容词The bridge still stands though one of the arches iswonky.桥虽然竖立在那,但有一个拱门却是摇晃的。
A new study found that headphone ear buds can make pacemaker a bitwonky.一份最新的研究报告指出入耳式耳塞可能影响心脏起搏器的正常功能。
The only potential hiccup is hiswonkypinkie.唯一的隐患是他脆弱的小手指。
She still feels a bitwonkyafter her accident.她出了事故以后仍然觉得有些虚弱.
I'm not crossing that bridge. It looks prettywonky.我不会从那个桥过的。它看起来很不稳。adj.shaky
同义词 rickety,unstable,unsteady,wobblycrooked,unreliableawry,precarious,tottering Boost your ISO settings. On newer basic DSLRs, like the T2i, you can usually get away with up to ISO1600 before things start getting really wonky.
在较新款的入门单反如 T2i上,你通常可以将最高 ISO高到1600,再高就真的无法保证相片质量了。 yeeyan

So Republicans are claiming that Obama will kill old people: meanwhile, Obama isn't going into all the wonky details about possible voluntary responses to the plan.
因此,共和党人正声称,奥巴马将杀死老年人:同时,奥巴马将不会着手处理所有与对此计划可能出现的自愿反应相关的靠不住的细节。 twioo

While you probably never think twice about what it does for you, when it starts to go wonky you'll wonder why no matter what your efforts are you just can't lose weight.
你可能从来没有多想甲状腺是干什么的,但你开始变得虚弱时,你会想知道为什么无论你怎么努力,减肥都显得很困难。 yeeyan

A bicycle maker may turn out fantastic handlebars but if his supplier produces wonky wheels or no wheels at all, because of a strike or other disruption, he will not sell a single bike.
一家自行车制造商也许能够生产上乘的把手,但如果供应商提供的轮子质量低下或者由于罢工或其他原因无法提供轮子,那最后可能连一辆自行车都卖不出去。 ecocn

After years of wonky attempts from TV makers and software companies, Yahoo finally offers a couch-based Web- surfing experience that actually works.
电视制造商和软件公司经历多年艰难摸索,如今终于由雅虎公司贡献出切实有效的家庭宽带上网经验。 yeeyan

Although I was switched to another room with relative ease, they took very little interest in my complaint, so I guess the wonky mattress still lives on in Rm923.
虽然我被换到了另一个相对比较舒适一点的房间,但是他们对我的抱怨好像爱理不理的,所以我想那张摇摇晃晃的床垫仍然还在923号房间。 taskcn

Around9 AM, I try to check email, only to realize I need to call my Internet provider because my connection is incredibly wonky.
大概在九点左右,我去查看电子邮件,只为了去意识到我必须要呼叫我的网络供应者,因为我的连接非常地不稳定。 renren

At 160 pages it is slick, wonky and, unlike some of Mr Romney's opponents, quite sensible.
这份160页的计划华而不实,不同于他的竞争对手那般切合实际。 renren

But he is unique, a moderate who overflows with wonky plans.
但是,他是独一无二的,温和的,充满着靠不住的计划。 ecocn

Confused and bored by the wonky and tangled wording on the ballot, most voters ignored the election entirely.
选票上歪曲混乱,令人困惑又无聊的文字让很多选民干脆完全忽视它。 ecocn

Cult of Mac heard reports of wonky colors popping up in a few frames of video.
Cult of Mac收到报告称在摄像的一些相框中颜色出了问题。 yeeyan

His wonky knee is said to be fully healthy, but he'll need to wear a knee brace for the rest of his career which only underscored just how fragile his health remains.

I glanced down at my legs. They did look quite wonky.
我低头看着自己的腿,看上去不像那么脆弱啊。 yeeyan

In fact, his may be the only announcement speech this year to offer a view on the wonky topic of federalism.
事实上,他的演说可能是今年唯一就联邦体制的动摇这一话题发表看法的。 hjenglish

She still feels a bit wonky after her accident.
她出了事故以后仍然觉得有些虚弱。 chinafanyi

Sooner or later, every single box and arrow on your architecture diagram will go wonky.
你的架构图上的每个框图或者箭头总有靠不住的时候,这是确定无疑的。 infoq

The talk is a bit wonky and academic, but it provides some useful insight on why most failed to predict this crisis and what the lessons are for the economic profession.
这是一次有些大胆,而且纯理论化的发言,不过也提供了一些有用的洞见,关于为什么绝大多数人都未能预测到这次危机,以及经济学同行们从中能够得到何种教训。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, development teams do not always realize this, and people start working wonky hours to get things out the door.
不幸的是,开发团队并不能总是意识到这一点,而人们已经开始忙碌地工作。 ibm




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