

单词 wonderment
释义 won·der·ment 英ˈwʌndəmənt美ˈwʌndəməntAHDwŭnʹdər-mənt ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁸⁶¹⁰BNC³⁶²⁸⁰iWeb³¹⁷⁹⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the feeling aroused by something strange and surprisingwonder-ment行为|结果⇒n.惊奇⁵⁹;惊叹³⁵;奇异的事n.奇观;奇事;好奇;惊喜;惊愕;奇迹;好奇心;惊异;惊讶近义词 awe敬畏wonder惊奇surprise惊奇amazement惊愕phenomenon现象admiration钦佩astonishment惊讶stupefaction麻醉bewilderment困惑

用作名词She looked at her daughter inwonderment.她惊奇地看着她女儿。
She gasped inwondermentat her good luck.她运气这样好,惊奇地倒抽了一口凉气。
The children watched inwondermentas the circus began.当马戏团开始表演时,孩子们都看的惊叹不已。noun.astonishment
同义词 amazement,awe,bewilderment,curiosityfascination,marvel,shock,stunner,surprise,wonderastoundment
反义词 calmness,coolness,indifference,expectation
admirationnoun great respect
amazementnoun state of surprise
admiration,astonishment,awe,bewilderment,confoundment,confusion,marvel,one for the books,perplexity,shock,something else,stopper,stunner,stupefaction,wonder,wonderment
annus mirabilisnoun wonderful year
amazing thing,extraordinary year,lollapalooza,marvelment,nine days' wonder,notable year,remarkable year,wonderful thing,wonderment
astonishmentnoun state of surprise
amazement,astoundment,awe,bewilderment,confusion,consternation,dumbfoundment,one for the books,shock,something else,stunner,stupefaction,wonder,wonderment
awenoun amazement
nine days' wondernoun momentary success
annus mirabilis,fifteen minutes of fame,flash in the pan,nine-day wonder,phenom,phenomenon,sensation,stunner,wonderment All across America, in living rooms and basements and sports bars, people broke into cries of wonderment and delight, heartbreak and disbelief.
在美国的很多客厅和地下室,以及运动酒吧里,人们因为高兴惊讶或者心碎怀疑而突然爆发出尖叫。 yeeyan

Instead of wishing away nine months of preg nancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
我不会盼望妊娠早日过去,而是会珍惜怀孕的每一刻,并仔细体会腹内奇迹的成长,因为这是我一生中唯一一次帮助上帝创造奇迹的机会。 hjenglish

Our wonderment about life is diminished when we know the source of life's beginnings.
当我们了解到生命起源的时候,我们对生命的惊奇就会被弱化。 nciku

The major features of transpersonal experiences include wonderment, assuredness, wisdom, unity, universality, and influential power.
超个人经验的主要特征包括惊奇、确实、智慧、合一、普遍性和感染力。 http://dict.cnki.net

After the initial wonderment over how such bad architecture has managed to last so long, there's nothing much left to do apart from climbing the tower.
最初的对于“这样的建筑怎么能保存如此之久”的惊叹过去之后,也就没什么可做的了。 kekenet

After the initial wonderment over how such bad architecture has managed to last so long, there’s nothing much left to do apart from climbing the tower.
最初的惊叹于如此糟糕的建筑结构竟然让它支撑这么久,之后,除了爬上斜塔之外就无事可做。 yeeyan

Arching275 feet84 meters across and290 feet88 meters above the creek bed below, Rainbow Bridge in the Utah desert has been a source of inspiration and wonderment for millennia.
拱高275英尺84米,跨度290英尺88米下面是小溪的河床,犹他州沙漠里的彩虹桥一直是几千年来的灵感和奇迹的来源。 yeeyan

As always, those under a UFO display are receiving a telepathic message, while entranced with the display, focused on this and in wonderment.
同平时一样,那些在 UFO展示之下的人,在被 UFO吓了一跳,聚精会神,感到惊叹的同时,也正在接收心灵感应信息。 blog.sina.com.cn

But with that will, that work ethic, that strength, there was also sweet Steve’s capacity for wonderment, the artist’s belief in the ideal, the still more beautiful later.
伴随着意志,职业道德与毅力,还有史蒂夫的神奇能力,现实生活中的艺术家信仰,日后将更美。 yeeyan

But I also remember my initial wonderment evolving after twenty minutes or so into, well, boredom--a confused“ what next?”
可是我犹然记得,在约摸二十分钟之后,最初的惊叹转化为唠叨个没完:我困惑不解地问起“下一步该干嘛?” yeeyan

But there’s a joke buried in our wonderment: we all anthropomorphize our pets, finding spirit, even conscience, in beautiful collies, in cool, blue- eyed Siamese cats, in potbellied pigs.
在我们惊叹于它的灵活的背后却有些讽刺:我们都将宠物拟人化——我们在漂亮的牧羊犬,蓝眼睛的暹罗猫,胖肚皮的小猪身上寻找某种精神,甚至是良心,而不是在人群中感受到这些。 ebigear

But with that will, that work ethic, that strength, there was also sweet Steve's capacity for wonderment, the artist's belief in the ideal, the still more beautiful later.
但除了那样的意志、那样的工作伦理、那样的力量之外,史蒂夫还有令人惊讶的可爱一面,一种艺术家对理想的信念,以及那些「随后显示出美」的东西。 blog.sina.com.cn

I was elated and the world suddenly became a source of wonderment.
我兴高采烈,世界也立即在我眼中成为了奇事的源泉。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

I woke up that morning amazed, astonished and full of wonderment at the power of the mind, the brain and the possibilities of this amazing type of experience.
那个早上,我醒来后对人的心智大脑的力量和能拥有这种奇妙体验的可能性感到无比惊奇和赞叹。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

In fact, it can be so challenging that you forget the excitement and wonderment you had when you first visualized your goal.
事实上,这一目标是这么的富有挑战性,以致你把当初看到它时的兴奋劲和新奇感忘得一干二净了。 yeeyan

It aspires to being a modernized fairy tale, in which the wonderment and joy are retained and the heartaches and nightmares are left out.
它渴望成为一个现代化的童话故事,其中的惊奇和喜悦保留,心痛和噩梦被排斥在外。 en400

Thank you for the awesome and wonderment of unity in diversity.
谢谢你们令人难忘惊叹的多元统一。 ccitimes

Then he shook his head in disgusted wonderment, muttering, “ Not recommended.”
然后他厌恶地摇着头,嘴里咕哝着:“经上不是这么说的。” yeeyan

These images create a nice sense of curiosity and wonderment and brings a smile to the viewer.
这些图可以带给观赏者好奇感和惊叹感,并且还有微笑。 www.cgtop.com.cn

To his unfeigned astonishment the questions were answered promptly, simply, and decisively, and when the interview was ended my companion naively expressed his wonderment.
在那位委员毫不掩饰地震惊中,列宁毫不迟疑、简单而又正中靶心地回答了我的问题,当采访结束时,这位委员又天真地表达了自己的惊叹之情。 yeeyan

We can't wrap all our “ knowing” around us and then expect to be touched by a greater experience of“ wonderment” or awe!
我们也无法用所有“知道”的东西来包裹自己,然后期待一场更深的“惊奇”或敬畏的经历。 http://wulibing.flamesky.net

We watched in wonderment as she skimmed the ice.




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