

单词 wonderful news
释义 wonderful news ˈwʌndəfulnju:z 短语²⁵²¹¹
And yes, this is wonderful news!
是的,这是好消息! yeeyan

The middle class lifestyle is wonderful news for foreign companies.
中产阶级的生活方式对于外企来说是全新的。 yeeyan

The wonderful news is that it can be learned.
美妙的是这种能力可以被学会。 popiano

Can you imagine any scenario under which they’d greet it as wonderful news?
你能想象到一丝他们对这好消息欢欣鼓舞的情景吗? yeeyan

On their way home to tell their parents the wonderful news about the examination, they made a special trip to give their thanks to the old monk, and compliment him on his wisdom.
在他们赶回家告诉父母这个好消息的路上,特地去向老和尚表达他们的谢意和对他智慧的钦佩。 ebigear

We were thrilled to hear your wonderful news.
听到你的特大喜讯我们兴奋异常。 blogcn

Wonderful news, is it not?
是个好消息对不? hjenglish

Wonderful news, hope they all have a nice time in beautiful Australia and spend LOTS OF DOLLARS.
好消息,希望他们在美丽的澳大利亚生活愉快,并甩出大量大量的钞票。 tianya




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