

单词 womanly
释义 wom·an·ly 英ˈwʊmənliː美ˈwʊmənliAHDw‹mʹən-lē ☆☆☆☆☆高八COCA³⁸⁶¹⁷BNC⁴¹¹⁸⁸iWeb³³⁹⁶⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
befitting or characteristic of a woman especially a mature woman;

womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion

蒋争熟词记忆womann.女人-ly…的⇒有女子气质的womann.女人-ly…的⇒有女子气质的近义词 female女性的feminine女性的反义词 manly像男人的unwomanly不似女流的

用作形容词She showed awomanlyconcern for their health.她对他们的身体状况表现出了女性的关心。
Here are a few tips on how to keep thatwomanlyheart beating as strong as ever.这里有几条如何保持妇女心脏强健的建议。
She went, with her neat figure, and her soberwomanlystep, down the dark street.她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人的步子。
The sight of him filled her with awomanlysympathy.一看到他,她心中就涌起同情怜悯之情。adj.like or befitting a woman
同义词 feminine,womanlikefemale,ladylike,maidenly,matronly,motherly,womanish
反义词 unfeminine,unwomanly
distaffadjective (offensive feminine)
effeminateadjective having female qualities
femaleadjective having the qualities or characteristics of a woman
feminineadjective like a woman
ladylikeadjective like or befitting a lady
more feminineadjective girlish
dainty,effeminate,female,ladylike,soft,tender,womanish,womanly The French traditional design of womanly, sunshine and fresh is the trend for this year.
融合法国的传统设计,体现出拥有女性味道、阳光、新鲜感的服装,正是今年流行的趋势。 mralethe

The sight of him filled her with a womanly sympathy.
一看到他,她心中就涌起同情怜悯之情。 iciba

What is more, the argument runs, these supposedly womanly qualities are becoming ever more valuable in business.
而且,这种观点还认为这些据说是女性特有的品质在商业中越来越重要。 ecocn

A broad-planed strong, womanly face.
一副宽阔,标准,坚毅的女人面孔。 yeeyan

Brilliant governing ideas of womanly consciousness breathe through all her works.
鲜明的女性意识,贯穿她的全部创作。 cnki

I'm proof that you can be both smart and womanly.
我能够证明你可以既聪明又有女人味。 yeeyan

Mark's vision is of a more womanly woman.
马克所设想的一个女人需要更有女人味。 tianya

Nowadays, womanly consciousness has been a keyword that people use every day.
今天,女性意识已经成为了人们日常话语的关键词。 cnki

She is a truly womanly woman.
她真是个不折不扣的妇女。 chinafanyi.com

She showed a womanly concern for their health.
她对他们的健康表现出女性特有的关心。 chinafanyi.com

So, yeah, it's really nice having the women around and having that womanly support.
所以,可以有这群女人在身边,可以得到女人的支持,那真的很好。 shiningrain.com

The text attempts to analyze the womanly consciousness about the fictions from three aspects.
本文试图从三个方面来分析这部作品所包含的女性意识。 cnki

They give away the fact that they haven't the instincts of a womanly woman.
她们泄露了一个事实,那就是她们不具有女性的本能。 yygrammar

Typically this season, the focus was at the back, rather than on the womanly bosoms at Prada.
富有本季特色的焦点是在背后,而不是像Prada在胸部。 yeeyan

You lose some of your springy brightness, but you add a touch of womanly charm.
你失去了些许春天的明媚,但是你增添了一抹女人的魅力。 blog.sina.com.cn




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