

单词 womanising
释义 womanisingBNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
vt.使带女子气;使柔弱;vi.非正式追求女色;与女人私通原型womanise的现在分词 When he gave up boozing and womanising, he confides, his mother thought he was gay.
他坦白说,在他放弃酗酒和泡妞以后,他妈以为他是个同性恋。 ecocn

Born into great wealth her maternal grandparents owned Russeks, a fancy Fifth Avenue department store, Arbus endured a lonely childhood with a depressive mother and a workaholic, womanising father.
尽管生于一个非常富有的家庭她的外祖父母拥有Russeks,一个位于第五大道上的高档百货商店,阿不思却在她抑郁的母亲以及工作狂并好女色的父亲身边度过了一个孤独的童年。 ecocn

He was also drinking too much, eating too much he was addicted to chocolates and sweets and womanising too much.
他同时染上酗酒,暴食他迷上了巧克力和糖果和贪色的毛病。 yeeyan

In the letter Henry promises Anne that “ henceforth my heart will be dedicated to you alone”, an assurance that contradicts Henry's womanising reputation.
在信中,亨利向安妮承诺“从今以后,我的心将只忠于你一个人”,这个承诺与亨利跟许多女人有染的名声相悖。 koolearn

Somehow Mr Strauss-Kahn sailed through a lifetime of womanising.
不知为什么,卡恩的一生与女人有着不解之缘。 ecocn

The findings suggest that celebrities such as David Tennant and Hugh Laurie are more trustworthy than womanising Jack Nicholson or potato-faced Wayne Rooney.
一项研究发现:像大卫•坦南特及休•劳里这样的窄脸男性可能会比宽脸男性更加诚实。 yeeyan

This book contains a few good anecdotes like the one above though one suspects that the television talking heads were talking more about womanising than murder and drug-dealing.
这本书写了几则类似上面说的那种轶事尽管有人说,那些电视特写人物一直谈论更多的是搞女人,而不是谋杀和贩毒。 ecocn

This is why Mr Strauss-Kahn's womanising was seldom reported.
这也是斯特劳斯·卡恩的艳史很少被报道的原因。 ecocn

Under the same code, Mr Strauss-Kahn’s womanising was only obliquely referred to by a comedian here or a blogger there, and never followed up.
按照同样的规则,卡恩的风流韵事不过仅仅是由喜剧演员或博客们随处说说而已,从来没有后续报道跟进。 ecocn




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