

单词 wobbles
释义 wobbles 英'wɒblz美'wɒblz COCA⁶²²¹³BNC⁷³¹⁷⁰Economist¹³³⁶⁶
名词 wobble:
an unsteady rocking motion
动词 wobble:
move unsteadilymove sideways or in an unsteady waytremble or shake Artificial muscles can provide force- feedback wobbles and clicks in mobile devices, for example, or move components inside autofocus camera lenses.
例如,人造肌肉可为移动设备提供力反馈式的摇晃和点击效果,还可移动自动对焦相机镜头内的元件。 ecocn

As Earth rotates, wobbles, shifts, and revolves, changes are always going on.
由于地球转动,摆动,移位和旋转,变化是始终在进行。 lamost

Dr Marcy has been looking for wobbles in its position that betray the presence of planets as they tug at it.
马西博士一直以来都在关注其位置的移动,而随着恒星的移动,行星也就会随着出现。 ecocn

Europe’s banks remain under close scrutiny: the expiry this week of €442 billion in one-year loans from the European Central Bank to banks caused market wobbles.
欧洲的银行仍受到密切监督:欧洲央行借给各家银行计4420亿英镑一年期贷款本周将到期,这将造成市场震荡。 ecocn

Financial wobbles this summer acted as a reminder that emerging economies are more volatile than rich- country ones;
这个夏季,财政政策的不稳定提醒人们,新兴经济体比富裕国家更脆弱。 ecocn

For all its flaws, the peace process has survived serious wobbles and can claim some remarkably positive results.
这项和平议程因存在各种缺陷而摇摆不定,但它也造成了一些积极显著的后果。 ecocn

His wobbles over the last month have done more to comfort his enemies and worry his allies than any recent losses on the ground.
过去的一个月里他的立场摇摆不定,这比任何最近发生在战场上的损失都更让他的敌人舒坦、更令他的盟友们担心。 ecocn

However recent wobbles in rice production have reversed a long-term trend of falling prices.
但是近来粮食产量很不稳定,粮价也一反长期下降的趋势。 yeeyan

If one wobbles enough, one begins to break apart, and then the false gods can strip one of whatever part of the field or grid work that shatters in the dance.
如果你抖动得足够厉害的话,你就开始撕开,而虚假神就能剥夺你能量场或者晶格层中在舞蹈中粉碎的任何部分。 lingyuan

Meanwhile Italy's cost of borrowing, which now falls when Mr Berlusconi wobbles and rises when he looks more secure, has reached levels that point towards sovereign default.
与此同时,意大利的借贷成本在贝卢斯科尼地位不稳时就下跌,在他似乎稍有起色时就上升,它现在已经达到了直指主权债务违约的水平。 ecocn

More than 400 have been located by looking for the wobbles in parent stars that orbiting planets cause.
通过寻找绕行星轨道运行的母恒星中的摇晃,已定位了400多个行星。 ecocn

Mr Mbeki still waffles and wobbles, but opinion in his ruling African National Congress is hardening against Mr Mugabe.
姆贝基先生继续他空洞又游移不定的论调,但他领导的非洲国家国会却坚决反对穆加贝先生。 ecocn.org

Past financial- market wobbles have been associated with periods when the carry trade was unwound.
过往的金融市场动荡曾多次在套息盘平仓背景下发生。 ecocn

Radial velocity is a planet- hunting technique that looks for wobbles in a star's light, which can indicate the gravitational tugs of orbiting worlds.
径向速度是一种通过观测恒星光的摆动搜寻行星的技术。这种摆动表明其对环绕行星的重力吸引。 yousoon

RUSSIA’S second-biggest bank, VTB Bank, had no trouble placing $3.3 billion- worth of shares before a February17th deadline, despite recent wobbles in emerging markets.
尽管新兴市场近期有些摆动,在2月17日最后期限前俄罗斯第二大银行俄罗斯外贸银行还是毫不费力地售出了价值33亿美元的股份。 ecocn

The won’s wobbles have been even greater. It lost40% of its value from February2008 to March2009, and remains 25% below its pre- crisis peak.
韩元变动得更加厉害,从2008年2月到2009年3月,它贬值了40%,比危机前的峰值低25%。 ecocn

The continuing wobbles in Europe andJapanonly further darken the outlook.
欧洲和日本经济的持续波动,也让前景蒙上了一层阴影。 renren

The effect was previously thought to be negligible, but researchers now say the shift will be large enough that it should be taken into account when interpreting how the Earth wobbles.
其影响在过去被认为是微不足道的,但现在研究人员表示,这一变化将大到足以让人们在解释地球摇晃的原因时必须把它考虑进去。 yeeyan

The new planet was discovered using what is called the “ radial velocity method” which involves detecting small wobbles in a star caused by a planet as it tugs on its sun.
这颗新的行星是通过“径向速度法”发现的,这种方法包括观测恒星的微幅晃动,这种晃动是行星对恒星的吸引造成的。 yeeyan

The singer's voice wobbles when she sings a song.

Third, Mr Odinga has promised, albeit with wobbles, to send leading politicians alleged to have stirred up post- election ethnic violence in2008 to the International Criminal Court at The Hague.
最后,奥丁加先生承诺将把那些据称在2008年选举过后激起种族暴力的权威政治家们送上位于海牙的国际刑事法庭,不过似乎有些出尔反尔。 ecocn

Unfazed by budgetary wobbles, Fusion for Energy, ITER’s European arm, has begun in earnest to divvy out construction work.
不过 ITER的欧洲分部核聚变能源并没有受到摇摆不定的财政预算的影响,并已郑重其事地开始分配建造任务。 ecocn

Yet four months later there are wobbles in Tunisia itself.
可是四个月后,突尼西亚本身又出现了不稳定。 ecocn




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