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词汇 WML
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Just install the extension, go to View> Toolbars> Customize and add the WML browser Toolbar button to your toolbar.
安装扩展>查看>工具栏>自定义,然后添加 WML浏览器工具栏到火狐工具栏。 yeeyan

The caveat is that the target device must support WML1.1.
需要说明的是目标设备必须支持 WML1.1。 ibm

The designer creates markup, using only standard HTML, WML, or whatever language is appropriate, and the developer writes code.
设计师使用标准的 HTML、 WML或其他合适的语言创建标记,而开发人员编写代码。 ibm

The first is the HTML controller and the second is the WML controller.
第一个是 HTML控制器,第二个是 WML控制器。 ibm

The window JSP template has links to commonly used templates, code to render the screen, and then ends with the WML tag.
窗口 JSP模板有常用模板即处理屏幕的代码的链接,然后以 WML标记为结尾。 ibm

Also, WML was strongly XML- based, a single error made the full page unreachable.
同时, WML对 XML的依赖非常强,单单一个错误就能让整个页面无法访问。 infoq

Devices using the same markup language HTML, WML, etc. are already supported, but the device in question requires a different version of the markup language.
使用相同标记语言 HTML、 WML等的设备已被支持,但是涉及的设备需要该标记语言的不同版本。 ibm

Figure6 shows portal output on a WML device.
图6显示的是 WML设备上门户的输出。 ibm

For example, a developer can write a single version of an application in XDIME that can be converted into HTML for a PDA, WML for a mobile phone, or XHTML for a smart phone.
例如,开发人员可能用 XDIME编写独立的应用程序,那么 XDIME可以被转化成适用于 PDA的 HTML、移动电话的 WML,或应用于智能电话的 XHTML。 ibm

For example. let's assume you're creating a stock quote application that must render nicely on a PDA, XHTML handset, and WML handset.
例如,假设您开发了一个股票报价系统的应用程序,它必须能灵活地应用于 PDA、 XHTML手持设备以及 WML手持设备。 ibm

For a client phone that does not support WML tables, the output will be the same as our previous JSP example.
对于不支持 WML表的客户机电话,它的输出将与我们前面的 JSP示例的输出一样。 ibm

For our Weather example, then, we can define a separate view JSP for each intended device: an HTML JSP for browsers, and a WML JSP for SmartPhones.
于是,对于我们的天气示例,我们可以为每个期望的设备定义一个单独的视图 JSP:为浏览器定义一个 HTML JSP,为智能电话定义一个 WML JSP。 ibm

For phones that do support WML tables, the output will now look similar to Figure18.
对于确实支持 WML表的电话,输出将与下面的图18相似。 ibm

For those who would like to interact with their DB2 database remotely using a pervasive device, WPAI caters to the gadget loving crowd with WML markup support.
对于那些要使用普及性设备远程与其 DB2数据库交互作用的人, WPAI提供了 WML标记支持来满足小配件喜爱人群的需要。 ibm

However, it's important to remember that WML and HDML also define actions as well as content.
但是,重要的是记住 WML和 HDML还定义操作和内容。 ibm

If a PDA is used, then the questionnaire is rendered as WML to accommodate the small screen of a PDA.
若采用 PDA,那么应将调查表呈现为 WML,以适应 PDA的小屏幕。 ibm

If the client does not support WML tables, then we will output straight text.
如果客户机不支持 WML表,那么将直接输出文本。 ibm

If you want a third version, say in WML Wireless Markup Language, you only need to provide one extra style sheet and adapt the configuration file accordingly.
如果还想使用第三种版本,比如 WML(无线标记语言),只需再提供一个样式表并相应改写配置文件即可。 ibm

Now we need to supply the two view JSPs, one for HTML, the other for WML Figure13.
现在,我们需要提供两个视图 JSP,一个用于 HTML,另一个用于 WML图13。 ibm

Since the HTML view is intended for a rich client, we will show the user name, but omit it from the WML view since this is a more constrained client.
由于 HTML视图是用于胖客户机的,我们将在其中显示用户名,但在 WML视图中将省略用户名,因为这个是更受限制的客户机。 ibm

Since WML does not have detachable windows, you do not need a JSP template for this support.
因为 WML没有可拆离的窗口,所以您不会需要用于这种支持的 JSP模板。 ibm

Sometimes you may want to access the mobile versions of your favorite sites on your PC, but some browsers don’t support WML Wireless Markup Language and wont be able to display the pages.
有时你可能向访问某些喜欢的网站的手机版网站,有的浏览器不支持 WML无线标记语言,无法显示页面。 yeeyan

The WML requirements specify that the company's name, ticker symbol, and price should appear.
而 WML要求指出公司的名称、股票符号,以及显示股票的价格。 ibm

This example shows a base controller that contains common function for both the HTML and WML views.
这个示例显示了一个基本的控制器,它包含 HTML和 WML视图的公共功能。 ibm

This has led to a new industry devoted to converting existing Web sites into WML or CHTML.
这已经产生了一个新的行业,致力于将现有的网站转换成 WML或 CHTML。 ibm

This lets you customize your transformation, which becomes especially useful if you want to create only one stylesheet to generate HTML from your XML, but you would also like to support WML.
这使您能够定制您的转换,当您只想创建一个样式表以根据您的 XML生成 HTML,但同时您还想支持 WML时,这一点变得尤为有用。 ibm

This statement will also generate the WML templates for the login button.
该语句还生成登录按钮的 WML模板。 ibm

Typically there is no need to have an extra style sheet for a frame if the output format is less complex than HTML, such as WML.
如果输出格式没有 HTML那样复杂例如 WML,则通常没有必要对框架使用额外的样式表。 ibm

WBXML is most commonly deployed as the encoding for WML pages, as delivered to the WAP browsers on mobile phones.
WBXML最普遍的用法是作为 WML页面的编码,并传送到移动电话的 WAP浏览器上。 ibm

You can use the toolkit to develop device- independent applications that use XDIME, and that support devices using markup languages like WML, XHTML and HTML.
您可以使用工具包来开发与设备无关的应用程序,这些应用程序使用 XDIME,并支持使用像 WML、 XHTML和 HTML这样的标记语言的设备。 ibm




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