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词汇 wlm
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abbr.women's liberation movement 妇女解放运动
It is possible to improve the responsiveness of WLM by increasing the frequency at which the WLM scheduler recalculates class consumption and priority for the processor.
通过提高 WLM调度程序重新计算类消耗和处理器优先级的频率,可以提高 WLM的响应性。 ibm

The servant region will be restarted by WLM to continue the work.
服务区域将由 WLM重新启动以继续该工作。 ibm

The name of the WLM environment is an SQL identifier.
WLM环境的名称是一个 SQL标识符。 ibm

The TCLASS value will be passed to the WLM, which will ultimately associate the TCLASS to a service class and to a report class, if specified.
TCLASS值将传递给 WLM,后者最终将 TCLASS与某个服务分类和某个报告分类关联如果指定了的话。 ibm

The work queue mechanism is inherited from the WLM queuing manager service.
工作队列机制是从 WLM队列管理器服务继承而来的。 ibm

This can potentially result in a value of slightly greater than the hard limit between WLM updates.
因此,在 WLM更新之间可能出现值略微超过硬限制的现象。 ibm

Be aware that WLM even distribution DOES NOT really balance the HTTP requests without session affinity equally across the servant regions in a simple round- robin way.
请注意, WLM均匀分配实际并不以简单的循环方式,跨服务区域相等地平衡不带会话关联的 HTTP请求。 ibm

Before the request is processed by the servant region, it’s put inside the WLM work queue.
在服务区域处理请求之前,请求被放在 WLM工作队列中。 ibm

Change the WLM environment to the one that runs COBOL stored procedures at your site.
把 WLM环境改为您站点上运行 COBOL存储过程的环境。 ibm

For the HA and WLM cluster configuration a datasource needs to be created for each of the databases created.
对于 HA和 WLM集群配置而言,需要为每个已创建的数据库创建数据源。 ibm

Generally, WLM is a priced DB2 feature that must be separately licensed.
一般而言, WLM是一个收费的 DB2特性,必须单独购买使用许可证。 ibm

However, the extended database monitoring options that are part of WLM can be utilized without a separate license.
不过,作为 WLM的一部分的扩展数据库监控选项可以免费使用,不需要单独的使用许可证。 ibm

If you do not specify WLM ENVIRONMENT, the stored procedure runs in the default WLM- established stored procedure address space specified at installation time.
如果没有指定 WLM ENVIRONMENT,那么存储过程将在安装时指定的默认的 WLM建立的存储过程地址空间中运行。 ibm

If memory requirements continue to grow, WLM would ensure that no more new pages are allocated from the RAM; rather, there will be increased paging activity.
如果内存需求继续增长, WLM会确保不从 RAM分配新页面,而是增加分页活动。 ibm

If WLM can start a new servant region, the processing of requests that will be serviced by that servant region will be delayed until the servant region is started.
如果 WLM能够启动新的服务区域,则将由该服务区域提供服务的请求的处理将延迟到该服务区域启动以后。 ibm

In the terms of WLM queuing manager service, as shown in Figure3, the control region is the queuing manager and the servant region is the server address space managed by WLM.
用 WLM队列管理器服务的术语来讲,如图3所示,控制区域是队列管理器,服务区域是 WLM管理的服务器地址空间。 ibm

Increasing this value causes WLM to update more frequently, thereby reducing the possibility of a process exceeding its hard limit during a short time interval.
增加这个值会让 WLM的更新更频繁,由于更新时间间隔更短,会降低进程超过硬限制的可能性。 ibm

Instead, WLM will dynamically start and maintain the servant regions as required to meet the workload’s performance goal.
相反, WLM将根据需要动态地启动和维护服务区域,以满足工作负载的性能目标。 ibm

Set up the WLM procedure in the target server that will execute the migrated stored procedure such that the JDK level is compatible with the source JDK.
在将要执行被迁移的存储过程的目标服务器上设置 WLM过程,从而使得 JDK级别与源 JDK兼容。 ibm

The WLM feature on AIX provides a set of tools that assist in gathering performance statistics and providing you with a mechanism to control allocation of resources to processes.
AIX上的 WLM功能提供了一系列有用的工具,它们不仅有助于收集性能统计信息,还可以为您提供一种机制来控制对进程进行的资源分配。 ibm

These are expressed as a WLM policy.
这些均通过一个 WLM策略来表示。 ibm

This can also be achieved through WLM’s capability to automatically maintain the number of servant regions.
这也可以通过 WLM自动维护服务区域数量的功能来实现。 ibm

This completes the pre- bus configuration work for the WLM cluster.
这完成了 WLM集群的前总线配置工作。 ibm

To understand the next command, you need a basic knowledge of the WLM concept of service class.
要理解下一个命令,您需要基本了解服务类的 WLM概念。 ibm

What happens to WLM endpoints in such a case, specifically when the clients are in one data center and the servers are in another?
在这种情况下,特别是当客户机位于一个数据中心而服务器位于另一个数据中心时, WLM端点会发生什么情况呢? ibm

You can use WLM to prevent different classes of jobs from interfering with each other and to allocate resources based on the requirements of different groups of users.
使用 WLM,您不仅可以防止不同类别的作业相互干扰,还可以基于不同用户组的要求分配资源。 ibm

WLM is capable of dynamically managing the number of servant regions in order to achieve the overall system throughput goal.
WLM能够动态管理服务区域数量,以便实现总体系统吞吐量目标。 ibm

WLM allows you to assign workloads with different response time requirements to different service classes and service subclasses.
WLM允许您将具有不同响应时间需求的工作负载分配给不同的服务类和服务子类。 ibm

WLM is a complex tool you can use for performance monitoring, gathering accounting data, and also for managing the load on a standalone system.
WLM是一个复杂的工具,可用于监视性能、收集记帐数据以及管理独立系统上的负荷。 ibm




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