

单词 with style
释义 with style短语²⁸⁵⁷⁹
Mixing strength and agility with style and grace, the high-flying acrobats have provided many of the most breathtaking Olympic spectacles of the past quarter- century.
将力量和敏捷融合的同时又不失个性和优雅,这些高空飞行的杂技演员们已经向人们展示了25年来最惊心动魄的奥运画面。 blog.sina.com.cn

It makes you look like the prettiest princess on the world, but if you use a little lace, ribbons then the gown will be totally in fashion, so you’ll be the perfect sexy princess with style.
经典的蓬蓬裙会让你成为当天最美丽的公主,如果再配上些蕾丝、缎带等装饰,则会让你的婚纱更具时尚感,而穿着这种婚纱的你就会是最有型、最性感的新娘。 kekenet

Or a convivial, witty friend, who entertained with style and had a taste for gambling?
还是说,这位朋友爱交游喜风趣,招待客人讲究排场,还有赌博的雅兴? ecocn

Wenger should also be praised for the manner in which his team plays, with style, breathtaking pace and wonderful attacking invention.
因为他的球队的幽雅踢球方式,令人激动的速度和出色的进攻创造力,温格同样应该受到赞扬。 news.arsenal.com.cn




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