释义 |
without thinking wiˈðautˈθiŋkiŋ 基本例句 不加思索 Terry's not fit to be a chairman, he has a bad habit of spouting off about things that concern himwithout thinkingfor the results of what he says.特里不适合当主席。他有个坏习惯,对与自己有关的事喜欢乱说,不考虑说话的后果。 He left all his money to his wifewithout thinkingthat she might predecease him.他把全部金钱都交给了妻子,而没有考虑到妻子可能死得比他早。 Needless to say, learningwithout thinkingis useless.不用说,学而不思则罔。 I cannot see this picturewithout thinkingof my father.看到这幅画使我不能不想起我父亲。 |