

单词 with activity
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The pain and stiffness of osteoarthritis will persist and increase with activity.
关节炎的痛症以及僵硬将会持续并加重病情。 blog.sina.com.cn

But by the turn of the century, photos show a port city bustling with activity.
而到了世纪之交,照片则呈现出一派生机勃勃的港口城市景象。 yeeyan

Late Thursday, roughly24 hours beforetip-off, the carrier buzzed with activity, construction ongoing on the carriertransformed.
周四晚些时间,大概在开场前24小时,航母上忙得不可开交,舰面上的施工进程改头换面。 yeeyan

Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Trudy Rubin traveled to the Marefat School in April2009 and found it“buzzing with activity.”
费城调查报的专栏作家 Trudy Rubin在2009年的4月份访问了 Marefat学校,并且发现那儿“熙熙攘攘、热热闹闹”的。 yeeyan

We had seen a hypocrisy in the crowd who is bustling with activity, and ugly, fervent soul were tested also once.
熙熙攘攘的人群中,我们看到过伪善与丑恶,火热的心灵也曾经受考验。 http://dj.iciba.com




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