

单词 with a crash
释义 with a crash短语⁵³⁶⁰⁵
The stone hit the parlor window with a crash of glass, tearing the shade.
石头打在客厅的窗户上,玻璃碎了,百叶窗破了。 jukuu

Donning a gruesome face mask from a horror movie Freddy Krueger was a favorite, he would vault the counter in a standing jump, landing with a crash on the other side, which terrified staff.
戴着恐怖电影中骇人面罩“恶灵弗雷迪”是他的最爱的他以站立姿态从柜台上方一跃而过,重重地落到柜台后面的地上。 yeeyan

The wind caught the open window and shut it with a crash, so that a pane came clattering down in fragments;
风刮进开着的窗户,把它怦然合上,一块玻璃落下来摔得粉碎; lkong

When the great square of blank wall that was to go had been cut loose, she had the thrill of pushing it out with a crash into the yard.
当框定的正方形墙块松动时,我母亲兴奋极了,一下子就把它推倒在院子里。 blog.sina.com.cn




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