

单词 wishes
释义 wish·es 英wɪʃ美wɪʃ COCA⁹²⁸⁶BNC⁴⁸⁷¹Economist⁵⁹⁰²
vt. & vi. 希望; 想要

have a desire

vt. 祝愿

say that one hopes for

C 渴望,希望,盼望,愿望

a feeling of wanting sth, especially sth that is at present impossible; hope or desire

C 希望的事,想要的东西

a thing wished for; object of hope or desire

C 许愿,祈祷,祈求

an attempt to make a particular desired thing or situation happen, especially when it can only happen by magic expressed in a special way or silently; act of wishing

a specific feeling of desire;

he got his wish

he was above all wishing and desire

an expression of some desire or inclination;

I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave

his crying was an indirect request for attention

usually plural a polite expression of desire for someone's welfare;

give him my kind regards

my best wishes

the particular preference that you have;

it was his last wish

they should respect the wishes of the people

hope for; have a wish;

I wish I could go home now

prefer or wish to do something;

Do you care to try this dish?

Would you like to come along to the movies?

make or express a wish;

I wish that Christmas were over

feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune oforder politely; express a wish forinvoke upon;

wish you a nice evening

bid farewell


❌ I wish that our teacher will come to our evening party.

✔️ I wish that our teacher would come to our evening party.

✔️ I hope that our teacher will come to our evening party.



❌ “Would you like to go to the movies tonight?” “I wish I did, but I have to study for a test.”

✔️ “Would you like to go to the movies tonight?” “I wish I could, but I have to study for a test.”

wish后接的宾语从句常用虚拟语气。指将来的情况多用would, could或might加动词原形构成谓语。如果谓语动词用了过去式形式,则是对现在情况的假设。


❌ I wish seeing him at once.

✔️ I wish to see him at once.

wish后接动词不定式表示“希望”,强调主语的主观愿望,该愿望大都可以实现。这时, wish后不能接动名词。


❌ I hope you success.

✔️ I wish you success.



❌ He does not wish any reward.

✔️ He does not wish for any reward.

表示“希望得到某物”时要用wish for。


❌ I hope you a happy birthday.

✔️ I wish you a happy birthday.



❌ On Christmas Eve we visited our American teacher, congratulating him on a merry Christmas.

✔️ On Christmas Eve we visited our American teacher, wishing him a merry Christmas.



❌ She married a young worker in her own wish ten years ago.

✔️ She married a young worker at her own wish ten years ago.

✔️ She married a young worker by her own wish ten years ago.

表示“自愿”, wish前面用at或by,而不可用in。


❌ He expressed his best wish to us all.

✔️ He expressed his best wishes to us all.


wish, desire, hope, want


1.desire和hope多指可以达到的事; wish通常用于难以实现或达到的事, wish也可表示祈愿。

2.desire, wish和hope后均可接从句或不定式作宾语; wish和desire后接that从句一般用虚拟语气; desire和wish后可接复合宾语; hope用作不及物动词时常接of, for引起的短语。


下面两个句子意思不同:I wish you had called on me yesterday.你昨天来看我就好了。
I wish you could have called on me yes- terday.我本以为你昨天会来看我。desire,wish,hope,expect,want,long








用作动词 v.
~+名词wish sb a Merry Christmas祝某人圣诞快乐wish sb a safe journey祝某人旅行平安wish sb every success祝某人万事如意wish sb good luck祝某人好运wish sb good night向某人道晚安wish sb goodbye向某人告别~+副词wish ardently热切希望wish cordially热诚祝愿wish deliberately小心地祝愿wish earnestly热切希望wish fondly天真地希望wish foolishly愚蠢地祝愿wish heartily衷心祝愿wish irrationally不合理地想要wish really真心希望wish seriously认真地祝愿wish sincerely衷心祝愿wish viciously诅咒wish away继续表达个人的愿望,希望…离开〔消失〕~+介词wish for想要,渴求wish for a room想要一个房间wish for cool weather希望天气转凉wish for peace渴望和平wish on〔upon〕向…祈求,使打扰wish a task on sb强要某人接受一项工作用作名词 n.动词+~accept wishes接受祝福attain one's wish实现自己的愿望carry one's wish into effect实现自己的愿望convey the best wishes of转达对…的祝愿deny wish拒绝请求disregard sb's wish无视某人的意愿exchange good wishes互相祝愿express one's wish表示自己的愿望extend wish表示祝愿form a wish形成一个愿望fulfil a wish实现一个愿望get one's wish如愿以偿give one's best wishes to sb向某人致意give up a wish放弃愿望go against sb's wish违背某人的愿望grant sb's wish满足某人的愿望have a wish有一个愿望make wish许愿meet sb's wishes满足某人的愿望obtain one's wish实现愿望offer one's wishes表示祝愿realize a wish实现愿望receive wishes接受祝愿respect sb's wish尊重某人的愿望satisfy a wish满足愿望send one's best wishes to sb向某人致意形容词+~best wishes最美好的祝愿collective wish共同的愿望constant wish夙愿deep wish深切的希望earnest wish热切的希望fervent wish强烈的愿望good wishes良好的祝愿insane wish荒唐的愿望last wish最终的愿望strong wish强烈的愿望sincere wishes衷心祝愿strong wish强烈的愿望the warmest wishes最亲切的祝愿unfulfilled wish未实现的愿望warm wishes热情的祝愿名词+~death wish有意识或无意识地希望自己或他人死亡的死亡愿望介词+~against sb's wish违背某人的心愿at the wish根据…的愿望~+介词wish for对…的愿望wish for fame想得到名誉wish for peace和平的愿望the wish of his parents他父母的愿望the wishes of the dead死者的愿望
wish away v.+adv.

希望…离开〔消失〕 desire (sb/sth to leave; try to make sb/sth disappear by wishing)

wish awayIt's no use just wishing away for week after week, you have to take some action!光是周复一周地表白你的愿望是毫无作用的,你必须付诸某种行动!wish sb/sth awayWith all her heart, she wished him away, but he refused to go.她一心一意地希望他离开,可是他就是不走。
It would be nice, wouldn't it?if we could wish this terrible weather away and make the sun shine!如果能凭我们的愿望把这可怕的天气变得阳光明媚,那真是妙极了,不是吗?
She kissed the child's knee and said that she would wish the pain away.她亲吻着孩子的膝盖说道,她会用祝愿驱走他的疼痛的。
These problems cannot be wished away, you know.你要知道,这些问题不是你希望它不存在它就能不存在的。
wish for v.+prep.

希望得到 desire (usually sth)

wish for sthThe fisherman wished for a new house, but he was soon sorry.渔夫想得到一幢新房子,但他很快就后悔了。
I will send you the book you wished for.我会把你想要的那本书寄给你的。
The children have everything they could possibly wish for.孩子们要什么有什么。
We wish for peace.我们盼望和平。
How she wished for an opportunity to come and visit our Great Wall.她多么希望能有机会来看看我们的长城。
If you wish for further explanation, you'd better apply in person to the director.如果你想得到进一步说明,你最好直接找主任联系。
We were wishing for cool weather.我们盼望着凉爽的天气。
When it is hot they wish for winter.天气热的时候他们向往冬天。
It's no use wishing for things you can't have.想要得不到的事物是徒劳的。
What more could one wish for?夫复何求?
The weather was all that could be wished for.天气是再好也没有的了。
wish on〔upon〕 v.+prep.

使打扰,使染上 cause sth bad or sb unwanted to trouble sb〔说明〕 wish on〔upon〕作此解时通常不用于进行体。

wish on〔upon〕 sb/sthYou can wish upon a star.你可以向星星祈祷。
Mary wished on a star that she could pass the test.玛丽求老天保佑她考试及格。wish sb/sth on〔upon〕 sbI don't think we can wish the children on your parents while we're away.我想在我们外出期间,不能把孩子们推给你父母亲照管。
She's a difficult person; I wouldn't wish her on my worst enemy.她是个难相处的人,就是我的死敌,我也不愿把她推给他。
They wished the hardest job on me.他们把最艰苦的工作硬推给我。
I wouldn't wish such an illness upon my worst enemy.我绝不希望我的死敌染上这样的一种病。近义词 orderdesirecommandrequestv. cravehopen. desire反义词 begrudge嫉妒
S+~+ALet's wish!但愿如此!
Here again was a chance for him to make amends if he wished.如果他愿意,现在又是一个弥补过失的机会。
I don't think I ought to, but I will if you wish.我觉得我不该这样,但如果你希望我就照办。
Do you wish when you see a shooting star?当你看见流星时你许愿吗?
S+~+ n./pron.They informed him that they wished reconciliation.他们告诉他,他们愿意和解。
Well, if you wish it I could call on you on Friday.好的,如果你真希望那样,那么我可以在星期五拜访你。
That's what I have always wished.这是我一向想要的。S+~+to- vI wish to lodge a complaint.我想提出控告。
She ardently wished to be independent.她热切地盼望自立。
I don't wish to be disturbed in my work.我希望工作时不受干扰。
Mr. White is on the phone, wishing to speak to you.怀特先生来电话,要跟你讲话。
I wish to leave my property to my children.我想把财产留给子女。
They wished to have closer cultural and economic links with us.他们愿意和我们有更密切的文化和经济联系。
I wish once again to express our warmest welcome to you.我愿意再次向你们表示最热烈的欢迎。
The doctor, not wishing to make her nervous, did not fully explain the seriousness of her condition.大夫不愿意使她紧张,没有充分给她说明病情的严重性。S+~+that-clauseI wish I were a millionaire.我但愿自己是个百万富翁。
He wished Rose were there to share in the joy.他真愿意露丝也在那里分享他的喜悦。
How I wish it wasn't raining.现在要是不下雨多好。
I do wish I knew more about the subject.我要是对这问题知道得更多一些多好。
I wish I knew what was going to happen.但愿我能知道要发生什么事。
She wished she'd stayed at home.她但愿当时在家。
He wished he hadn't done it.他想要是自己没这样做多好。
I wish Haas had come with us.This is more in his line than mine.要是哈斯也来了就好了。对这,他比我更懂行一些。
I wish that you hadn't told me all this.我倒希望你当初别把这一切都告诉我。
She wished she had stayed at home.她懊悔的是她当时要是在家就好了。
I wish that I could have gone with you last night.我但愿昨晚能和你一起去了那里。
I earnestly wish I could have been present at the meeting yesterday.我倒真愿意能参加昨天的会议。
I wish he would arrive at some conclusions.我希望他能得出某种结论。
We wish that he would settle down.他要是过上安定的生活就好了。
He wishes that his father would decide the matter for him.他希望他父亲能替他决定此事。
I wish you wouldn't smoke any more.我希望你别再抽烟了。
I wish he wouldn't go out every night.他要是每天晚上不出去就好了。
I wish very much you could manage to come over.我非常希望你能设法到这里来。
I wish it might prove true.我希望证明这是真的。
She wishes sincerely that she might do something to comfort him.她真诚地希望自己能做些什么来安慰他。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.The pupils wish their teacher good morning before classes begin.上课前学生问老师早晨好。
I wished her good night and went upstairs.我和她说了声“晚安”就上楼了。
He wished them all a Merry Christmas and departed early.他向他们大家说了“圣诞快乐”之后,很早就走了。
They wished us good luck.他们祝我们交好运。
They wished him a quick recovery.他们希望他早日痊愈。
Let's wish you a long life.祝你长寿。
Wish you a pleasant trip.祝你旅途愉快。
We certainly wish them victory.我们当然希望他们胜利。
I wish him joy of his dealing with the customer who had caused so much trouble before.他要和那位增添了那么多麻烦的主顾打交道,我但愿他吉利吧。
S+~+ n./pron. +to be adj.You know we wish you to be happy.你知道我们希望你幸福。
I wish it to be clear that the decision is final.我希望明确一下,这个决定是不可更改的。
He wished himself dead.他希望自己死去。
We wish nobody ill.我们不希望任何人有病。
Do you wish your coffee black or white, sir?先生,您要的咖啡加不加牛奶?S+~+ n./pron. +to- vDo you wish me to stay?你想要我留下吗?
Do you wish me to serve dinner now?你想让我现在开饭吗?
Why don't you wish her to accept the post?你为什么不愿意她接受这个职位?
I wish you to leave me alone.我不要你管我。
Is there anything else you wish me to bring you?你还想让我给你带点儿别的什么东西吗?
He wished someone else to take his place.他希望有别人来替他。
I don't wish the subject to be raised again.我希望不要再提出这个问题。
He wishes the country to be reunited at an early date to see her.他多么盼望祖国早日重新统一,见她一面啊!S+~+ n./pron. + v -edI wish the work finished tomorrow.我希望这工作明天完成。
He did not wish it mentioned.他不愿意提到这件事。用作名词n.Our wish for better times has come true.我们要求过好日子的愿望已实现。
Please respect my wishes and do as I ask.请尊重我的意愿,按我要求的去做。
If you had three wishes, what would you choose?假设你有三个愿望,这三个愿望都是什么呢?
She wanted a new bike for Christmas and she got her wish.她想在圣诞节得到一辆新的自行车,结果如愿以偿了。
May all your wishes come true!但愿你所有的愿望都能实现。
I have no wish for a well-paid position.我不祈求待遇优厚的职位。
He closed his eyes and made a wish.他闭上眼睛许了个愿。
Give my best wishes to your parents.请转达我对你父母最美好的祝愿。
We sent our best wishes for her birthday.我们对她的生日致以最良好的祝愿。
Please accept my sincerewishes.请接受我的真诚祝愿。
The wish is father to the thought.愿望为信念之父。~+to - vShe had expressed a wish to see the gardens.她表示了想看看花园的愿望。
His wish to make progress will surely be realized.他要求进步的愿望一定会实现。
I have no wish to go with him.我不想同他一起去。
I have no wish to appear rude.我无意显得粗鲁。
She expressed a wish to be alone.她表示希望别人不要打扰她。
I have no wish to go again.我不希望再去。~+that-clauseIt is our wish that he should do what he pleases.我们希望他爱做什么就做什么。
It is our wish that he go abroad for further study.我们希望他出国继续深造。
It is my wish that he do so.我希望他这样做。~ is/was+that-clauseHis last wish was that he should see his grandchildren again.他临死之前,最后的愿望是想再看看他的孙子孙女们。


wish既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟式。wish有时也可接双宾语,还可接以“to be+ adj. ”、动词不定式或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。过去分词作宾语补足语时表示被动或完成意义。

当表示实现的可能性不大的主观设想时,从句中的谓语动词不用一般现在时,而须用一般过去时; 当表示与过去的事实相反时,从句中的谓语动词不用一般过去时,而须用过去完成时或“could〔would〕+have ~ed ”结构; 当表示对未来的设想时,从句中的谓语动词要用“would〔could,might〕+动词原形”结构。







用作动词If possible, Iwishto work in sales department.如果可能的话,我希望在销售部工作。
Iwishyou a good journey.祝你一路平安。
Do youwishto say anything?你想要说什么吗?用作名词Hiswishto be an actor has come true.他想当演员的愿望实现了。
The Asian confederation has said it would leave its four executive committee members to vote as theywishrather than give an order.亚足联声称将由其四位执委按照他们自己的意愿进行投票,而不会下命令。
I have nowishto be an official.我没有当官的愿望。
We all send our bestwishes.我们都祝你早日康复。as in.will
同义词 attitude,character,decision,desire,determination,discipline,feeling,inclination,intention,mind,passion,power,resolution,resolve,wishaim,appetite,conviction,craving,decisiveness,decree,design,discretion,disposition,fancy,hankering,liking,longing,option,pining,pleasure,preference,prerogative,purpose,self-control,self-discipline,self-restraint,temperament,urge,velleity,volition,willfulness,willpower,yearningheart's desire
反义词 dislike,hate,hatred,indecision,question,wavering,weakness,distaste,indifference,thoughtlessness
willnoun personal choice
aim,appetite,attitude,character,conviction,craving,decision,decisiveness,decree,design,desire,determination,discipline,discretion,disposition,fancy,feeling,hankering,heart's desire,inclination,intention,liking,longing,mind,option,passion,pining,pleasure,power,preference,prerogative,purpose,resolution,resolve,self-control,self-discipline,self-restraint,temperament,urge,velleity,volition,willfulness,willpower,wish,yearning He went against my wishes when he did that.

Every oil well deserves to choose how and when it wishes to produce oil, and for whose economic benefit.
每一口油井都有权按照自己的意愿,选择何时,以何种方式,为哪些经济集团生产石油。 edu.sina.com.cn

He has, for the moment, the good wishes of all.
就目前而言,他是所有人的希望和寄托所在。 yeeyan

He bent to her wishes.

He said this part of the mind contains wishes, desires and experiences too frightening to recognize.
他说包含愿望,欲望和经验的这部分精神太令人恐惧而不敢承认。 yeeyan

He wishes you Godspeed.
他祝福你成功。 yeeyan

I have not as yet read it but I know beforehand that it contains good wishes.

It reaches deep inside of us and plays on our imagination, wishes and inspiration.
它触及了我们的内心深处,激发了我们的想象,愿望和灵感。 yeeyan

Respect her wishes.
尊重她的意愿。 yeeyan

She used to bend us to her wishes.

' She loves that child, though she says she hates him and wishes they were both dead,' said one of the women, watching the young mother.
“她爱那个孩子,尽管她说她恨他,希望他们娘俩都死了算了。”一个女人望着这个年轻的母亲,说道。 hjenglish

I believe they thought they were doing the right thing, but if I'd been any other victim, my wishes would have come foremost.
我相信他们觉得自己在做的事是对的。但如果我是任何其他的受害者,我的意愿将是最重要的。 yeeyan

She wishes me to stay for supper.
她希望我留下来吃晚饭。 edu.sina.com.cn

Since not everything works as she wishes, since she cannot get rid of this discomfort that afflicts her, the anxious person gets carried away sometimes suddenly.
由于什么事都不是按她希望的那样进行的,由于她无法摆脱这种折磨她的不适感,焦虑的人有时候会突然失去理智。 yeeyan

There is waste in government, and by following their wishes, we eliminate some of it.
政府有浪费行为,按照其意愿,我们消除了部分浪费行为。 yeeyan

They have asked for discipline, and direction under leadership, they have made me the present instrument of their wishes.
他们要求有领导的纪律和方向。他们现在选择了我作为实现他们的愿望的工具。 ebigear

Try to bend to their wishes if you want to avoid conflict.
如果你想避免矛盾,那就试着屈从于他们的愿望吧。 hjenglish

You can tell me about your wishes.




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