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词汇 Wisconsin
释义 Wisconsin 英wɪsˈkɒnsɪn美wɪsˈkɑnsɪn;英wis'kɔnsin美wɪs'kɑnsɪn Economist⁵⁹⁹⁹

a tributary of the Mississippi River in Wisconsina midwestern state in north central United States来自奥杰布瓦语的Quisconsin,意思为“水草丰茂的地方”。也反映了威斯康辛临近五大湖、多沼泽湿地的自然条件。近义词 WI威斯康星州(=Wisco…Badger State威斯康星州别名…

And events in Wisconsin may have given pause to other Republican governors, who seem to be backing off similar moves.
威斯康星州发生的事件可能也让其他共和党州长停下脚步,看来他们在后退,远离类似的举动。 yeeyan

Beloit College in Wisconsin, US, compiled a list of cultural touchstones to define the incoming freshmen, describing them as “ having digital in their DNA”.
位于美国威斯康星州的伯洛伊特学院专门为这批新生编辑了文化标准,称他们的“ DNA中就含有数字技术”。 tingvoa

Paul Ryan, a bright young congressman from Wisconsin, has a plan to restore the budget to balance; it has sunk without a trace.
保罗•瑞恩是一名来自威斯康星州年轻的国会议员,天资聪颖的他曾提出一个旨在恢复财政预算平衡的计划。 ecocn

That’s what sets people on fire and gets their confidence and their votes, whether they live in Wisconsin or Montana or New York.
是优秀的品质点燃了人们的激情,赢得了他们的信心和选票,不论他们住在威斯康星州、蒙大拿州,还是纽约州。 yeeyan

The dispute has definitely riled many in Wisconsin: turnout was much higher than in most special elections. But it was still lower than in a typical presidential year.
很明显,争论使威斯康星州的很多方面变得不再明朗,投票人数比最特殊的选举高出许多,但比典型的总统大选还是低出不少。 ecocn

Then he was sold to a man who took him to Illinois and Wisconsin, where slavery was not legal.
后来,他被卖给他人,这个人将带到了伊利诺斯州和威斯康星州,而这两个地方的奴隶制却是非法的。 yeeyan

There’s a bitter irony here. The fiscal crisis in Wisconsin, as in other states, was largely caused by the increasing power of America’s oligarchy.
这里辛辣的讽刺在于,与其它州一样,威斯康星州的财政危机主要是由于不断增大的美国寡头政治造成的。 yeeyan

What the President wanted to tell me was that the weather was about to turn cold in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, where the rest of the Cubans were being housed.
但是,事情往往不是看到的那么简单。总统实际想告诉我的是,在宾夕法尼亚州和威斯康星州,天气就要转冷,而剩下的那些古巴人被收容在那里。 yeeyan

An ethics professor in Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin, Hinz uses him as an example with her students: Yes, she posits, McDonald's does offer free refills, but for life?
海因茨是威斯康星州白鱼湾的一位伦理学教授,她把她爸爸作为一个例子讲给学生们听:是的,她提出,麦当劳确实提供免费续杯,但是终生的吗? yeeyan

Brain- based control of conventional keyboards, allowing individuals to type without physically touching the keys, has been demonstrated at the universities of Wisconsin and Michigan.
威斯康星州和密歇根州大学已经证明,以大脑为基础的常规键盘控制技术,可以让人在不接触键盘情况下打字。 yeeyan

Every summer he and Caroline spent three weeks in a lakeside cabin in Wisconsin with their children and grandchildren.
每年夏天,他和卡罗琳还有他们的孩子以及孙子们在威斯康星州一个湖边小屋待上三周的时间。 yeeyan

For the citizens of Ohio and Wisconsin, at least, this vision seems destined to remain in the realm of the imagination for some time to come.
对于俄亥俄州和威斯康星州的市民来说,至少,这一设想似乎注定要在想象里停留一段时间才能变成现实了。 ecocn

For her part, Clinton made no reference to the night's results in Wisconsin during a rally in Youngstown, Ohio, but she continued to attack Obama.
克林顿方面,在俄亥俄州杨斯顿市的集会上,她并没有提及威斯康星州那晚的初选结果,不过她仍在抨击奥巴马。 yeeyan

I was answering questions at a town hall meeting in Wisconsin the other day and a young man raised his hand, and I figured he’d ask about college tuition or energy or maybe the war in Iraq.
前一天我在威斯康星州的一个市政厅座谈会上回答问题。有一个年轻人举起手,我猜想他想问的是有关大学学费、能源问题或者也许有关伊拉克战争。 iciba

In particular, the Wisconsin group is the first to identify a color-inducing morphogen, a diffusible protein that tells certain cells to make pigment.
特别是,威斯康星州小组是首次识别出了彩色诱导形态形成机制,一种扩散蛋白质,告诉某些特定的细胞以生成色素。 yeeyan

Joanne moved to San Francisco from Wisconsin in1955, had the baby alone and gave it up for adoption.

Literacy and a sense of community are the project's bedrock, and it has begun to take hold beyond Wisconsin.
促进读写能力和团体感是该计划的根本出发点,它已经向威斯康星州以外的地方发展了。 yeeyan

My uncle and I grew up together in northern Wisconsin.
我们俩一起在威斯康星州北部长大。 kekenet

One of those tools is recall elections, which Wisconsin allows for any public official, provided that they are at least a year into their current term and enough voters sign a petition.
手段之一就是罢免选举,在威斯康星州,任何的公共官员都适用这一做法,只要他们的本届任期已满一年,签署请愿书的选民达到规定数量。 ecocn

Scott was sold in Missouri to an army doctor who took him to Illinois and then went into the Wisconsin territory.
斯科特在密苏里州被卖给了一名军医,这名军医将他带到了伊利诺斯州,随后又带到了威斯康星州。 yeeyan

Similar results have been found in birds and in mammals like marmosets, said Toni Ziegler, a senior scientist at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center.
威斯康星州国家灵长类动物研究中心资深科学家,托尼.齐格勒表示,相似的结论也在鸟类和哺乳类中被发现,如狨属。 yeeyan

So far, a77-year-old woman in Wisconsin has died from eating spinach traced back to Natural Selection, and146 people in23 states are ill, some very seriously.
迄今为止,威斯康星州一名77岁的妇女由于食用了“天然选择”菠菜而死亡,并且已有23个州共146人发病,其中有些人病情非常严重。 ecocn

That hope was quickly put to the test in Congress where Republicans in the House voted to repeal the president’s health care law, including Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin.

They lived in Wisconsin at first. Missus Lederer became politically active in the Democratic Party there.
他们刚开始居住在威斯康星州,在那,莱德尔太太开始关心民主党的政治活动。 yeeyan

Wisconsin is expected to be the top cranberry producer this year.
威斯康星州预计今年将是小红莓的最大产地。 ebigear




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