

单词 wire up
释义 wire up ˈwaiəʌp 高短语³⁷⁹³⁸
ConnectKentucky is just one effort among many programmes in different states and within the federal government to wire up the American countryside.
各州和联邦政府旨在连线美国农村的许多计划里,肯联只是其一。 ecocn

First, you once again use Dojo to wire up an event handler to a button click on the form.
首先,您再次使用 Dojo来包装表单上按钮点击处理函数。 ibm

For each request processed by the ASP. NET engine, each configured HTTP module is initialized and allowed to wire up event handlers to the events raised during the processing of the request.
对于由 ASP. NET引擎处理的每个请求,将初始化每个已配置的 HTTP模块,并允许将事件处理程序绑定到处理请求期间所引发的事件。 cnblogs

Rather than relying on the laborious traditional method of ship- based expeditions, the Ocean Observatories Initiative aims to wire up the ocean.
海洋观测行动放弃了基于船只观测的传统方法,而是把海洋连起来。 yeeyan

WIF will automatically wire up concrete claims based implementations at runtime.
WIF会在运行时自动找到具体的声明式实现。 infoq

You can wire up different event handlers, depending on the circumstances of the program.
你可以依据程序的环境,包装不同的事件句柄。 wewill




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